Chapter 166 Cai Jincheng's choice

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As expected, Chen Younian quickly found the steel needle still stained with a little black blood in Li Yunxiu's room, and brought it to Cai Jincheng along with the rest of the needle and thread.

"Mr. Cai, they are all here. Be careful! There is something wrong with this steel needle!"

He pointed the steel needle that was placed alone to Cai Jincheng. No one would have thought that this thing could be infected. Are you sure that someone didn't intentionally harm Mrs. Zhang?

"That's it. Where did this needle come from?"

Cai Jincheng understood at a glance that Li Yunxiu was not good at needlework and accidentally pricked his hand. He also habitually sucked the blood drops that came out with his mouth and became infected. The key question was where did the needle come from?

"Huh? What?"

Zhang Shumian seemed to be extremely sad and fell to the ground, but in reality, he was shocked, self-blameed, and worried about the upcoming questioning, which made him a little lost.

"I remember you said that day that you were going out to buy needlework for Aunt Xiu. Is this the case?"

Cai Jincheng has a very good memory, especially Zhang Shumian's affairs. He will inevitably pay more attention to it. When he came back from outside that day, Zhang Shumian went out first, saying that he wanted to buy needlework!

Isn't it a bit of a coincidence that that day was the same day when the infection broke out in the slum area?

"Brother Jincheng, I remember the colored threads, but the steel needles are all the same. I can't tell if these are the ones I bought! Oh! It couldn't be that I bought the infected ones!"

Zhang Shumian looked at the steel needle and explained awkwardly, and then deliberately pretended to have just reacted, holding his head in surprise and pain: "Brother Jincheng! I killed my mother! Didn't I?"

"I bought dirty things for my mother to use. I'm so damned! Ouch! Mom! I'm sorry for you, Mom!"

Dutiful son Zhang Shumian came online in a second. When he cried like this, Cai Jincheng immediately softened his heart. Yes, their relationship between mother and son has always been very good. In any case, it was impossible for Shumian to harm his own mother on purpose. It meant nothing to him!

"Mr. Cai, there must be something wrong with that small vendor. The things he sells may have come from somewhere, and they may be infected! It is not difficult for such gadgets to sneak into the city gate. The infection in the shack area Maybe someone bought something unclean from him!"

From a moral perspective, Chen Younian automatically chose to believe Zhang Shumian, and the poor vendor became the primary target of their suspicion!

"Yes, Brother Jincheng! It must be that vendor's problem. He deliberately sells these dirty things. My mother is so unlucky!"

Zhang Shumian simply poured dirty water on him to the end. If he didn't use him as a scapegoat, he wouldn't be able to explain it even with a thousand mouths!

"Currently, this is the only possibility!" Cai Jincheng could only agree with this statement, but if the vendor did it on purpose, he would have to find someone to find out!

"Mr. Cai, what should we do next?"

Chen Younian was looking at daybreak. The new zombie Li Yunxiu hadn't been dealt with yet. If others knew that zombies had appeared in their base, they would be in big trouble!

After hearing his request, Cai Jincheng did not rush to reply. Instead, he lowered his head and pondered for a while, then looked at Zhang Shumian and sighed apologetically: "I know it is not your fault, and I also know that Aunt Xiu died unjustly, but now, We have to suppress the matter completely, so we can only wrong Aunt Xiu!"

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