Chapter 196 Hong Changbo wants to choose a son-in-law

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What Qiao Yi didn't know was that not only was his presence in the building materials market, but the Xiao family had already started various secret purchases in other aspects, and their footprints could be said to be all over City B.

The private auxiliary warehouses and factory courtyards of the Xiao family scattered everywhere have gradually become full and full in just a few days. At the same time, convoys of different sizes and scales have also set off one after another to leave the city under various names. Went to deliver supplies to Qingyu Peak Base.

Although Qiao Yi's space was large, it would take some time to collect these supplies. Mr. Xiao was reluctant to let him leave so soon, so he let Xiao Lifeng make arrangements regardless of how much noise he would make.

Qiao Yi finally had enough of spending money lavishly, and in the end all his interests were focused on collecting all kinds of delicacies.

Xiao Huaizhou dotes on him to no end. Not only does he take him to eat all the famous snacks in City B, but he also specially customizes many special dishes for major restaurants and even invites more than a dozen famous chefs to stay in Xiao's mansion. , making delicious food 24 hours a day.

Therefore, a large part of Xiao Huaizhou's points were used at the material exchange office to exchange for various ingredients! There is nothing to show for him elsewhere, but when it comes to feeding his wife, he can be said to have spared no effort!

Mr. Xiao also wanted to show off and pamper his precious grandson, but he couldn't find a suitable opportunity. His grandson took the opportunity to make Qiao Yi happy, and he hated him so much!

It was Lao Mo who gave him an idea and sent people out to collect a lot of clever toys and candies and snacks that could still be bought in the world for Qiao Yi. He was almost treated like a three-year-old baby!

Qiao Yi happily took them all into the space, there was nothing inappropriate for him!

The actions of the Xiao family naturally did not escape Hong Changbo's eye. They hoarded supplies and food in large quantities and went out frequently. Xiao Huaizhou had no intention of leaving. The alert Hong Changbo realized that something big was brewing in the Xiao family!

What made him even more angry was that he was trying every possible means to figure out how to catch his cousin Hong Shengbo, but before he even came up with the idea, he was released with great fanfare!

And before he could get in touch with anyone to pick him up, the military department actually sent someone to send him directly out of the city and escort him all the way to Y City!

Don't give him any chance!

Also, how could he let someone go so easily? What is the Xiao family's plan? Want to take Hong Shengbo hostage and go to Y City to point fingers?

You must know that even if they kill Hong Shengbo, it will not affect his control over the power of Y City! His cousin is not the only one he has buried in Y City! snort! You underestimated him!

However, as a result, Hong Changbo's tense nerves no longer dared to relax at all! The Xiao family was obviously coming for him, so he had to be extra careful and be prepared!

"The matter with the Self-Defense Forces must be expedited. You have to take care of this matter yourself!"

Hong Changbo urged his secretary, his tone full of unquestionable determination. The three people in his hands were really useless, and it was necessary to establish an armed force with real combat effectiveness!

He has already met and contacted dozens of large and small supernatural groups in private. He originally planned to rely on the support of these relatively powerful people to build a strong self-defense force. Even if it can't beat the Xiao family army, it will be almost the same. Can we create a competitive situation?

But the Xiao family actually made a move and was not willing to give him time to prepare. It seemed that they had seen through his intentions!

That's just right. Since neither party has any plans to hide it, let's just put it out there!

How dare the secretary not respond? His legs have been broken these days, and if you don’t go around dragging people around for him, your words are all worn out!

"Mayor Hong! We have almost contacted each other. They can basically accept the benefits of going out, but it is not easy to solve at all!"


Secretary: "It's about the selection of the captain of the Self-Defense Forces. Not to mention the small team, the leaders of the several large teams with similar strength are all thinking about this position!"

Of course, Hong Changbo knew that this must be a trouble. To put it bluntly, his Self-Defense Force was a temporary piece of these teams. When he needed it, he could stand on his side and use it for his own benefit. They usually do their own thing without interfering with each other!

But it is difficult to decide on the candidate for the nominal leader. No matter how irregular it is, there must be someone who can give unified orders to control the situation!

In addition, this is also a title with great benefits. Not only does it have to command Hong Changbo's own power, but it also has Hong Changbo's additional support, which is really delicious!

His original plan was to give them a fair chance to compete and let these leaders compete face to face with gongs and drums. The winner takes all can always silence most people, but now the situation has changed and he is not allowed to do this. Something happened!

After closing his eyes and thinking for a long time, he suddenly had an idea. He looked at his secretary and raised the corners of his lips, saying happily: "This is easy to handle!"

The secretary looked at him in surprise: "The mayor has an idea? Who to choose? Or should you personally take charge?"

How is it possible to take charge personally! He doesn't have the energy to deal with so many teams. It would be best to have someone to stand up for him!

Hong Changbo sighed softly, and said helplessly: "Yanyan is already just messing around outside all day long, why not choose a partner for him among these outstanding young people!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the secretary immediately understood the meaning and could not help but raise his thumbs and praise: "Wonderful! Mayor, your idea is really wonderful! It is absolutely impossible to let your prospective son-in-law take the position of captain. Confidant, no one can say anything! Is it just that Miss Yanyan will not cooperate? After all, she..."

The secretary stopped talking here. The mayor's daughter is not a lady, she is very brutal and violent, and she causes trouble wherever she goes because of her plant power!

Moreover, with the support of her father's crystal core, her abilities were upgraded very quickly. She often participated in fighting competitions in underground dark fields and won many games. The strength of a girl is rare in this huge city B. Outstanding!

Is it just that such a strong character can cooperate with the marriage they arranged?

"You have to agree even if you don't agree! She can't make the decision on this matter, so don't worry about it, just be prepared!"

Hong Changbo naturally understood his worries. The girl was spoiled by him and was a little unruly, but she was still very capable in important matters. What's more, two of these candidates were very important to him, both in appearance and strength. Being extremely outstanding doesn't necessarily mean he won't be able to catch her daughter's eye!

The decision was made, the secretary happily accepted the order and left, and a series of meaningful blind dates were arranged so quietly!

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