Chapter 15: You're lucky if you don't die

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Qiao Yi cowardly carried the black jade that was almost bigger than his palm and suddenly bloomed for a long time before he dared to hang it back on his neck again. Since the snake tried so hard to pretend that he was sincere, he also He recognized it, and looking at Heiyu's posture, they must have known each other for a long time, so he had to give him this face!

"Old man, are you asleep or not?" Qiao Yi asked through gritted teeth while holding the black jade, which glowed for a while and was lifeless for a while. Let's make it clear at least! Don't tell him it's sleepwalking! He’s quite good at picking the right time!

"I'm telling you, you can take it with you, but you have to keep an eye on it for me and don't let it move around, you hear me!" Especially don't change back to snake form at will, otherwise he can't guarantee whether it will happen all of a sudden. Throw away the jade and the snake together!

Looking at this black flower that could serve as a protective shield for him, Qiao Yi simply couldn't bear to look directly at it. He gritted his teeth and quickly stuffed it back into his collar, complaining unceremoniously: "It's so ugly!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Qiao Yi's chest was suddenly burned, and the pain made him cry out "Ouch!" At the same time, he took out the black jade and asked angrily: "Tell me! Who did it between you two? It hurts a lot, okay?"

Black Jade did not respond, and the petals were naturally quiet. Whoever admits it is not stupid?

Qiao Yi grinded his teeth and poked here and there with his fingers, not sparing anyone. Then he did not forget to warn: "I won't do this next time! If you dare to burn me again, don't blame me for being rude!"

Too lazy to talk nonsense to them anymore, Qiao Yi rubbed his still sore chest and stuffed it back again, determined in his heart that he would never let others see it when he was so ugly! What a big deal it is for a man to wear a black flower!

After leaving the Qingyu Peak area, Qiao Yi headed east along the Qingyu Riverbank Highway, aiming for the Beiqing Expressway that runs through nine provinces and cities from north to south. City B is along the Qingbei Expressway. If you are in City R, drive all the way east to Qinghai Expressway. It only takes two hours at most on the North Expressway, and then it takes more than four hours to drive south along the expressway.

But now, it is impossible for Qiao Yi to return to R city, and there is no car, so he can only walk all the way and see if he can be lucky enough to pick up a drivable car on the road, or maybe catch a ride!

In the mountains before, there were no human settlements and no zombies. You had to be careful when you came out. At least at night, you had to find a place to hide for the night.

Tsk tsk! Qiao Yi smacked his lips. If he only relied on the 11th Road, he would have to go to the Year of the Monkey!

Security base in City B, the Xiao family residence in the inner city.

Looking at the second master of the Xiao family and his so-called lover sitting opposite and cuddling together, Mrs. Wan's eyes almost didn't fall out. What's going on? If she hadn't seen these two people several times, she would have suspected that the Xiao family had randomly found two people who were fleeing from the street to deal with them! Moreover, the two men behaved so ambiguously and without any scruples. She found it very incredible!

This is too careless about image! The main reason is that she simply doesn’t take her, Vice Mayor Tangtang’s wife, seriously!

Mrs. Wan pursed her red lips tightly, thought for a moment, and then turned her attention to Si Chengli, who looked a little normal. She said in a cold voice: "What do Mr. Si and Mr. Xiao mean?" Is this the Xiao family’s way of hospitality?”

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