Chapter 123 Zombie Attack (1)

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Finally, I sat in the car, clasped my hands and grinned, chanting sutras.

My scalp is burning and hurting!

But he was extremely lucky in his heart, because the fire snake was fast enough and because he had no hair on his head, otherwise he would have been set on fire on the spot.

Of course, thanks to his early discovery, otherwise it would have been Young Master Xiao who lit the fire!

Amitabha! Second Young Master Xiao really needs his blessing!

"Second Young Master! Fortunately, the distance was far away, so the flames were brushed aside and he was scalded. I have disinfected him and applied burn ointment. I keep applying the ointment every day and he will be fine in a few days!"

As soon as military doctor Xiao Liu got out of the car, he was pulled aside by Xiao Huaiqing for questioning. Seeing the serious look of the second young master, it was so scary!

"Don't you need to bandage it?" Xiao Huaiqing glanced at the red and swollen scalp. Would it be safer to bandage it?

"You don't need it, Second Young Master. Bandaging a burn of this degree will not be conducive to recovery. Just be careful not to get infected!"

"The blisters?"

"I have already drained the big two, and the smaller ones will be absorbed by themselves!" Xiao Liu explained patiently.

"Will it leave a scar?" Xiao Huaiqing suddenly thought of this terrible question. If there was a strange scar on that beautiful little bald head, would the little guy cry?

"Generally, a burn of this degree should not leave any scars after healing!"

"Is there anything unusual?" Xiao Huaiqing's heart rang with alarm bells.

"Second Young Master, he was burned by supernatural fire. I can't say whether there will be scars or not!" Xiao Liu replied honestly. There were many people in their team with scars, and no one was injured. It’s not normal to see Second Young Master care so much!

"Yeah, I get it." Xiao Huaiqing rubbed the stubble that had popped up and asked, "Is there anything else I should pay attention to?"

"No, just have a good rest." Xiao Liu thought for a while and replied, don't get infected, apply medicine on time, the little monk is a vegetarian, there is no need to eat anything, it's simple!

"Is this the end?" Xiao Huaiqing looked at him suspiciously. Is this Xiao Liu not good at treating burns?

"Yes, Second Young Master! The treatment is complete!" Xiao Liu, who didn't know that his medical skills had been questioned, responded happily, already taking one foot out and preparing to retreat.

"Cheer up and come over at any time for inspection, disinfection and dressing changes!" Second Young Master Xiao continued.



"Ah? Second Young Master, what's wrong?"

"Give me the ointment!" Xiao Huaiqing stretched out his hand towards him, urging him to hurry up.

"Oh! Oh!" Xiao Liu was stunned for a second. After reacting, he quickly opened the first aid kit and handed the disinfectant and scald ointment into his hand. He carefully warned: "Just apply this medicine twice a day! "

"I know, let's go!" After getting the medicine, he impatiently sent the person away.

He went straight back to the car and looked at the little guy who was chanting sutras in pain with his eyes closed. He took a deep breath and asked, "How are you? Does it still hurt a lot?"

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