Chapter 167 The fourth-order crystal core has arrived

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The construction of Qingyu Peak is in full swing. In the underground city, which is warm in winter and cool in summer, the transformation of the city is proceeding in an orderly manner from bottom to top.

Qiao Yi stored all kinds of building materials in public areas of various caves for easy access by the construction team. Since the focus was on transforming living facilities, many things recovered from Rongan Logistics Park were put to use and were finally given to him. It frees up a lot of space!

Yan Fang has already led people to draw the renovation design drawings of each cave, and will come to Qiao Yi from time to time to ask for instructions to confirm the relevant details. Therefore, Xiao Huaizhou will always see a man in a pink shirt in his and Qiao Yi's cave. , Xiaoyi Baba, who was surrounding him, kept talking, and the smile on his face never disappeared!

No matter how you look at it, this pink color is not pleasing to the eye, and it makes Mr. Xiao no longer interested in leading the team to kill zombies!

After thinking about it for a while, Xiao Huaizhou simply gave up martial arts and turned to literature for a day, focusing on studying and confirming the design drawings with Yan Fang. He filled in all the details and requirements that the designers could think of and did not expect, and no one could fault them at all. Something's wrong!

Huh, Xiao Yi who wants to find him can only wait until it is finished!

In addition, he also personally drew a design sketch for the cave where he and Qiao Yi lived, taking into account the living area and various functional areas. Even the decoration materials and the placement of furniture in various locations were specified in advance. It was all-inclusive. It couldn't be more comprehensive and detailed!

Xiao Sanshao's magical skills simply fascinated Qiao Yi to death. Even if he didn't wear a pink shirt, Qiao Yi's eyes would be full of pink bubbles!

His third brother is a soldier, right? Are the talents trained in the army so comprehensive? His third brother once again proved that he is omnipotent!

Looking at the tall and handsome man sitting in front of the desk drawing pictures, Qiao Yi couldn't see anyone else for a long time. He secretly took out a small notebook and tried his hand at making a non-professional picture for his third brother. With sketches and simple drawings, you can draw as handsome as you can, whether you look like it or not is secondary!

Catching Qiao Yi's little movements from the corner of his eye, Mr. Xiao smiled, pretending not to care, adjusted his posture, and showed his angular profile for him to draw, thinking to himself, sample! If your painting fails, you will be punished!

Yan Fang, the man in pink shirt who had been sitting opposite Xiao Huaizhou, had completely turned into a transparent man. No matter how big his grin was, no matter how bright his smile was, none of the two people in front of him could see him!

Even his mouth, which has always been full of vocabulary and capable of speaking in plain language, couldn't open it for some reason when he was in front of Mr. Xiao. His lips were even slightly leaked, so why did they whir into the cool breeze? Woolen cloth!

By the time Yan Fang left the main cave house obediently after being educated in disguise, he was already wondering how he graduated back then! Is it still too late to reinvent the wheel?

I really have no shame in getting in front of Young Master Qiao anymore!

As expected, Qiao Yi's portrait of a nymphomaniac virgin was confiscated by his third brother!

Judging, he has a nose, eyes, and two long legs like matchsticks. He can barely tell that he is a man. The reason why he insisted on collecting it despite Qiao Yi's objection was purely because of the man who is half taller than the person in the painting. One word - handsome!

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