Chapter 7 City Gate Farce

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City B security base, at the entrance to the city gate, crowds of people waiting to enter the city gathered. After the apocalypse, many cities fell one after another, and the survivors pinned their hopes of survival on the security of City B, the largest in China. On the base, this was once a first-tier city with a large surviving population, complete security facilities, and troops stationed there, greatly improving the safety factor.

There are eight entrances to the base, two entrances for personnel on the east and west sides, and two entrances for large and small vehicles. At this moment, there are long lines of people queuing up for registration and inspection. During the day, people came from all directions, eager to settle in the city before dark. Even though there were troops stationed outside the security base in City B, and there were also simple camping bases, most people did not dare to take the risk. People would queue up to pay supplies and enter the city. After all, I heard that a zombie wave led by level three zombies had appeared in some places, and no one survived in their path. Just hearing about it made people shudder.

At this moment, the vehicle entrance to the east was not peaceful. I saw a white car parked diagonally in front of the front of a military truck, blocking the way of the military truck. A man and a woman were pointing at the driver of the military truck. He yelled and cursed: "Are those who serve as soldiers great? Aren't those who serve as soldiers serving the people? What happened to letting us advance? Isn't that what we should do?"

"Hey, is it reasonable for you not to cut in line?" The driver Xiao Liu opened the window and argued with them. He is a new recruit. He is young and energetic. He can't stand this anger. If he hadn't reacted quickly and braked in time, he would have been really angry. Hit.

The woman shouted sharply: "Who jumped in line? You're driving so slowly and you won't let us overtake? What? Are you trying to hit us to death?"

"You..." Xiao Liu was about to retaliate when he was stopped by Su Yue in the passenger seat.

"Captain Su!" Xiao Liu looked at him aggrievedly, could he still let them make random arrangements?

Su Yue shook his head at him and said in a deep voice: "Don't fight with them, let them go first!" At first glance, those two were unreasonable and troublesome, and saying another word would be a waste of time and not worth it.

"But Captain Su..." Xiao Liu was unwilling to suffer this loss, but turned around and saw their captain's calm expression and immediately shut up.

Su Yue frowned and said, "Don't waste time, Third Young Master is still waiting for news, hurry up!"

Hearing this, Xiao Liu realized that business was important, so he nodded and waved to the two people in front of him: "Okay, okay! You are right, you go first! Let's go quickly!"

"Hey, what's your attitude?" Who would have thought that the man would be unhappy instead. He puffed up his chest and accused Xiao Liu arrogantly: "Why did you become a soldier? You almost bumped into us, and you just waved your hands and just wanted to send us away? How can such a good thing happen?" They followed the military card all the way. In addition to soldiers, there were also a lot of supplies behind them, and they were extremely jealous.

Xiao Liu was so anxious that he really pushed his nose in the face. Thinking about the mission, he finally endured it, so he gritted his teeth and asked: "Then what do you want to do?"

The two people under the car looked at each other, showed a smile of success, and almost said in unison: "Compensation!"

As soon as they finished speaking, they felt a strong gust of wind blowing behind them. When they looked back, they saw that their white car had risen into the air and crashed into an open space not far away. Bang~bang~clang~, It just fell apart in the blink of an eye and turned into a pile of scrap metal!

The man and woman were stunned: ...the car flew away? destroyed!

Onlookers: ...what's going on?

Xiao Liu looked admiring and said excitedly: "I'm going! The third young master has taken action?! So handsome!"

Looking again, I saw a group of soldiers coming from the city gate, with neat steps and high energy. And judging from their clothes, I could tell that they were not ordinary soldiers, but more like special operations troops.

The leader was a tall young man with broad shoulders, long legs, and a tall and straight figure. He was walking straight towards the military card with a cold handsome face and wearing a pair of long black military boots.

Su Yue and Xiao Liu had already gotten out of the car to greet him when he approached. They bumped their heels, raised their right hands, saluted a military salute in a formal manner, and said in unison: "Third Young Master!"

"Yes." Xiao Huaizhou responded lightly, then glanced coldly at the man and woman who were still stunned, and asked in a cold voice: "Did you just say you wanted compensation?"

"Ah..." The man looked at his scrapped car and opened his mouth in surprise, but was suppressed by the aura of the person in front of him and was speechless. Big beads of sweat rolled down his face in embarrassment, but he I didn't dare to raise my hand to wipe it.

The woman on the side had long since recovered from the shock and was staring at the handsome man in front of her, her eyes shining with a golden light of fascination. Seeing that her man did not speak, she hurriedly stepped forward to take over the conversation and said in a coquettish voice: "Oh, Brother Bing. !”

Xiao Liu twitched the corner of his mouth in disgust, that was not the tone of what he just said!

Xiao Huaizhou calmly took a step to the side, put on white gloves on his hands, and said coldly: "I destroyed the car. Tell me, do you want material compensation or mental compensation?"

The woman seemed to be frozen by his words. She shivered for a moment, then she said with a sweet smile: "Brother Bing, what did you say? Your car almost hit us, we were scared to death." I just wanted an apology, but why did your people have such a bad attitude?" As she said that, she gave her man a wink.

When the man received the signal, he couldn't be cowardly anymore, so he hurriedly echoed: "No, was not a big deal originally, but...but you, my car is like this now!"

The woman then complained: "We didn't recruit you, did we? In this world, we only have this little possessions left. Isn't this all ruined! Ouch! How can we survive?" As she said this, her face changed and she started crying. The sky and the earth rise up.

"Yeah! How do you live? You soldiers can't bully the common people like this!" The man started to cry. He wanted to blackmail him, but he lost all his belongings in the blink of an eye. He was still a little confused. But he didn't forget that people asked him what kind of compensation he wanted. If he was willing to compensate, there would be hope. At least he wouldn't be worse than he is now.

Xiao Huaizhou obviously didn't want to watch any more farce, so he raised his hand and said, "Yang Lidong!"

"Yes, Third Young Master!" A person behind him responded as he stepped forward.

Xiao Huaizhou said in a deep voice: "Compensate according to the price, and then... drive him out!"

Yang Lidong: "Yes!"

The man felt satisfied after hearing the first half of the sentence, but unexpectedly, the second half gave him a sledgehammer and drove him out! He immediately shouted in disbelief: "...Why!?"

The woman also forgot to cry and howled, and shouted in disbelief: "Yes! Why did you drive us away? Don't forget that you almost hit us and smashed our car! Is there any way to do it?"

Xiao Huaizhou snorted coldly and said to Yang Lidong, "Why should I tell them?"

"Yes." Yang Lidong accepted the order, turned to look at the two men, and said seriously: "According to the base security management regulations, the two of you are suspected of obstructing military affairs and disturbing the order of entering the city, and are banned from entering the city!"

After that, he ordered his men to drag the stupid two people out...

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