Chapter 26 White-Eyed Wolf

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After an unknown amount of time, Qiao Yi woke up from the shaking of the car. His eyelids fluttered slightly. He was blindfolded and could not see anything. His hands and feet were tied tightly and he was curled up in the back seat.

After realizing his situation, Qiao Yi decided to stand still, what a Liu Mingjia! What a peaceful place! I didn't expect that I would fall into their trap in the end!

Since I am still alive, let's just take a look at what their plan is?

Fang Heping's voice came from the driver's seat in front: "Why do I feel a little uneasy? Are you sure this is okay?"

Liu Mingjia's voice followed, and he said impatiently: "What's the problem? I can see clearly that there are no energy fluctuations on his body at all, and he is definitely not a superpower!"

Fang Heping disagreed: "But you have also seen that he has a very powerful mutant snake! Wu Guangli, a second-level power user, has no room for resistance!"

"Mutated snake, mutated snake! But how long have you been looking at it, and you haven't seen that mutant snake again. It hasn't appeared even after this, which shows that it doesn't protect the master very wholeheartedly. Maybe he went out hunting, and whether he can come back is a question. ." Liu Mingjia interrupted him with some disdain. When did this man become so verbose?

Fang Heping glanced at the person lying on the back seat in the rearview mirror, and asked with some confusion: "Could it be the reason why he passed out and couldn't control the mutant snake?"

Qiao Yi sneered secretly, Fang Heping still had some brains.

Liu Mingjia agreed: "Well, it's possible. Wouldn't it be better this way? At least we are all safe now. Besides, I'm not afraid even if he wakes up. He can control mutant snakes, so I can control him." Well, when the time comes, won’t all the mutated snakes have to listen to me!”

Hearing this, Qiao Yi was shocked. What does it mean? Can Liu Mingjia control himself? Could it be... Qiao Yi thought about it and soon realized that it was Liu Mingjia who actually had spiritual powers!

So, now that I think about it, it was not Fang Xiaoyu who asked him for help in his mind that night, but Liu Mingjia who manipulated Fang Xiaoyu and borrowed Fang Xiaoyu's mouth to do it. Was he going through twists and turns just to win his sympathy?

Fucked! He really got it right. It was really because of that child that he decided to take action. What a good intention! I really want to give myself a mouthful!

No wonder he had such trouble communicating with Fang Xiaoyu in the morning, isn't he just a proper big bad wolf?

Fang Heping advised her: "Having said that, I still think this person is different. Maybe we should just separate at that time!"

Liu Mingjia was not convinced and retorted: "I originally planned to do this, but who asked him to take out so many crystal cores at once! If he just gave them away casually, he must have a lot! But who said I once thought that we searched his whole body and backpack and found none. Do you think he really gave us all the crystal nuclei? Isn’t that stupid!"

Qiao Yi sighed. He was really stupid. He was so stupid that he didn't say anything about being cheated and still gave away things. How could he forget that his wealth should not be exposed? What's more, it's still the end of the world. Ever since I had Lord Hei, I've been drifting unconsciously. This is a lesson, I have to be alert!

There was disdain in Fang Heping's tone: "I guess I haven't suffered much before, or I am a young master from a big family. I don't lack these at all. After all, I am still too young to understand the dangers of this world!"

Qiao Yi retorted silently, how could he not understand the world? It was because he understood so well that he could not allow people like Wu Guangli to abuse the weak, but...he had misjudged this so-called weak! It's a wolf with white eyes!

"It's already like this, so don't worry about it for now. We'll be at the base soon. If you can ask anything then, just ask. If it's really worthless, just sell it to the laboratory!" Liu Mingjia was too lazy to discuss it with him anymore.

Qiao Yi frowned, he actually wanted to sell him as a test subject?

"Wouldn't it be safer to just kill him?" Fang Heping asked unwillingly.

Qiao Yi held his breath. He also wanted to know why they didn't just deal with him?

I just heard Liu Mingjia sigh slightly and said: "I am about to break through the third level. I need to absorb a lot of crystal nuclei. You are an ordinary person and can't help me. The few trash people under your hands can't be counted on. If I can get it from him, It will be a lot smoother if I get the crystal core in my hands, and that mutated snake is really rare. If I can subdue it, wouldn't it be a big help! Even if the Wan family doesn't fall, we don't have to be afraid!"

Qiao Yi sneered, he had never seen such a greedy person. He wanted his crystal core and also wanted Master Hei. This plan made a clanging sound. It was simply an idiot's dream and a shameless person! You can't tell from the appearance alone that Liu Mingjia has such great ambitions!

At this time, the car slowly stopped, and then I heard heavy doors sliding open to both sides.

"Hey, Mr. Fang is back!" Someone greeted Fang Heping.

"Yes," Fang Heping responded, and then handed over two packs of instant noodles, "This is the sample to hand in today, please!"

"Copy that, please come in, Mr. Fang!" the man said, letting him go smoothly.

Qiao Yi knew that this was the right place. There were several small bases in the east of R City. Which one would this be?

After about ten minutes of walking, the car stopped again, and soon several voices were heard. Then the car door was opened, Qiao Yi was dragged out, and then he was carried one after another and thrown into a room. room.

Depend on! What a fall! Qiao Yi, who was thrown to the ground like garbage, couldn't help cursing in his heart, okay, he has to remember this!

Before the two people left, they muttered: "Are these also the superpowers sent by Wanjia?"

"Who knows? Anyway, there are more than one or two superpowers brought back by Sister Liu. Who cares! Let's go quickly!"

After they closed the door and left, Qiao Yi breathed a sigh of relief, moved, and then looked at the space. Master Hei was coiled on the grass. Everything was normal! I feel confident!

When they were all in place, Qiao Yi didn't intend to pretend to be dead anymore. He sat up with difficulty, cleared his throat, and shouted loudly toward the door: "Liu Mingjia! Fang Heping! Get over here!"

After a while, the door was opened and people walked in one after another.

The black cloth on his eyes was pulled away, Qiao Yi blinked to adjust to the light, and then he saw Liu Mingjia squatting opposite him.

"I didn't expect you to wake up so quickly!" The drug in the drink was specially designed to deal with people with supernatural powers. It really surprised Qiao Yi that an ordinary person could wake up so early.

"Tch!" Qiao Yi sneered, "Are you surprised? I've woken up a long time ago!"

"Are you awake a long time ago?" Liu Mingjia was suspicious for a moment, but soon said with relief: "I really underestimated you. Since you were awake a long time ago, why didn't you say something earlier?" He didn't even realize it?

She thought for a while and then said: "Do you just want to hear what we have to say?"

After hearing this, Qiao Yi couldn't help but laugh: "Sister! Don't be so childish, okay? I'm in your way anyway, so I have to come to this den of thieves myself to find out what's going on!"

Hearing this, Liu Mingjia suddenly became alert and asked, "What do you mean?"

Qiao Yi raised his eyebrows and sneered at her: "It's nothing, I just want to hear...the real truth!"

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