Chapter 22 Brother, they lied

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Not long after Qiao Yi lay down wrapped in quilt, he felt someone approaching and looking at him condescendingly.

Lifting his eyelids, he saw Lily, who had just criticized him, rubbing her arms and looking at him with a crooked smile.

"Is something wrong?" Qiao Yi asked her coldly.

"Um, little brother, can you give me a piece of quilt? You know, our things are all in the car and we haven't had time to get them. It's really cold!" Lily said softly, with a hint of coquettishness in her tone. Smell, for the sake of beauty, she wore some revealing short-sleeved hot pants during the day. Now she is shivering in the cold and looks miserable. A man will feel soft after seeing this.

But it's a pity that Qiao Yi is not a person who cares about women, especially for such a woman who left a bad impression on him.

"Cold?" Qiao Yi asked one word in her expectant eyes.

Lily blinked and nodded sharply: "Yes, the temperature has dropped, it's freezing."

Qiao Yi turned to look at Wu Guangli. He smiled coquettishly and said, "Girls are afraid of the cold. If possible, please make it easier for Mr. Qiao. I will give you some of the supplies in the car as a reward tomorrow morning." ?”

not so good! Qiao Yi didn't answer his words, and looked at the three members of the Fang family nestling together in the corner. The thinly dressed little girl was tightly protected by her parents in their arms. It could be seen that she was also very cold, but she didn't I heard her complaining to her parents for half a word.

Looking back at Lily who was almost crying from the cold, wow, it’s really incomparable!

"I can only divide the quilt into one." Qiao Yi sat up, looked at Lily, and then at Wu Guangli and said.

"One piece is enough, thank you!" Lily happily agreed upon hearing his promise, her hands already grabbing the quilt on Qiao Yi's body.

A pull! No pull! Eh? Lily frowned and pulled harder, but still didn't move. She couldn't help but look at Qiao Yi and asked, "What's wrong?"

Qiao Yi coldly took the quilt from her hand and said rudely: "I didn't say I would give it to you!"

Lily was surprised: "If you don't give it to me? Who will give it to?" It's obviously her who wants it, okay? Don't give her that promise!

Qiao Yi ignored her and waved directly to the corner: "Mr. Fang, come here!"

Fang Heping, who was suddenly named, was stunned for a moment, then looked up at Qiao Yi and asked doubtfully: "Me, me?"

Qiao Yi nodded: "Well, come here and get the quilt to cover them!" As she said that, her eyes fell on the mother and daughter. The woman's eyes were surprised at first, and soon turned to look at Qiao Yi gratefully.

Hearing this, Fang Heping glanced hesitantly at Wu Guangli, whose face was already ashen, and then looked at his wife and daughter. He got up and walked towards Qiao Yi with a sudden heart. The children had already suffered a lot following them, and now It was a rough night, but having a quilt made it different.

He gratefully took the quilt from Qiao Yi's hand. Without looking at the faces of the three people, he wrapped his wife and daughter tightly, sat back and hugged them tightly. This was not something he deliberately snatched from them. It was casual. How can they vent their anger in the future? Children are important right now!

Lily just opened her mouth, watching the quilt that was about to be taken away by Fang Heping, so she pointed at Qiao Yi angrily and asked, "How could you do this?"

Qiao Yi sneered: "What's wrong with me?" He looked at Wu Guangli and continued: "Mr. Wu also said just now that girls are afraid of the cold. I will give the quilt to the girl who is most afraid of the cold. Is there no problem? "

"You..." Lily gritted her teeth and turned towards Wu Guangli, crying: "Brother Li! Look at him bullying me!"

Drama queen! Qiao Yi mocked disdainfully, holding the black knife in his arms, and tidied the remaining bedding. He simply wrapped himself in the quilt and sat against the wall to rest. He was afraid that he would not be able to lie down peacefully tonight.

Wu Guangli was naturally angry because he had lost face. Seeing Lily's aggrieved look, he really wanted to get angry and vent his anger on her, but when he saw the black knife in Qiao Yi's hand, he suppressed his anger. That knife was not simple!

Looking at this man again, he looks thin and thin, with no energy fluctuations in his body. He is not a superpower, and he is still alone. But it is precisely because of this that he dares not act rashly, dares to walk alone in the apocalypse, and treats them like this. If you are fearless, you must have abilities they don’t know about!

And..., turning to look at the three Fang family members in the corner, he couldn't act rashly. They still had important things to do, and there was no need to have a conflict with a stranger.

Thinking of this, Wu Guangli reluctantly twitched the corners of his lips and said, "Mr. Qiao is right, of course the child must be given preferential treatment!" After saying that, he pulled Lily to sit down, took off his coat and covered her, "Baby, be good, be patient, it will be dawn soon, and it will be warm by then!"

"Brother Li, I'm cold! Why don't you go to the car and get our luggage? The zombies are all gone!" Lily hugged his arm and said coquettishly. She had never suffered this kind of grievance after being out for so many days. It is indeed very cold, so if you can fight for it, you will naturally fight for it.

Qiao Yi laughed secretly. Even if he knew that there were no zombies outside, he was sure that Wu Guangli would not go out and take risks. This Lily would probably be disappointed.

"Don't make trouble, it's not safe to go out now!" Wu Guangli refused decisively. He was not stupid. Who knew where those zombies had gone just now. He finally escaped death, but he would not joke with his own life.

"Huh!" Lily pouted and threw away his arm, bent her knees and hugged herself inside the coat, not wanting to pay attention to him.

Seeing this, Xu Hu quickly added a few more firewood to the fire, and then coaxed her: "I'll just make the fire brighter. I really can't go out now!"

Lily simply put her head into her coat and neither of them spoke for her. Just wait and see!

Seeing that it was finally quiet this time, Xu Hu looked at the three members of the Fang family, turned to Wu Guangli and said, "Boss, you guys go to sleep for a while while I watch the fire!" He also looked at the three members.

Wu Guangli understood, nodded and said: "Okay, I'll sleep first, and I'll switch to you in two hours."


Qiao Yi closed his eyes and looked into the space consciously. He didn't see the shadow of Master Hei. He probably just ate a lot of zombies and disappeared somewhere to eat. Looking towards the storage space, his eyes couldn't help but light up. Seeing a bunch of sparkling crystal nuclei piled there, there must be a hundred or eighty of them. There were also seven or eight light yellow second-order crystal nuclei piled next to them. Qiao Yi was overjoyed. Okay, this can be considered a deal. It was a huge windfall, and the depression of not being able to sleep was instantly gone!


A childish whisper suddenly sounded in his mind. Qiao Yi suddenly opened his eyes and looked straight at the little girl in the corner. He happened to meet the eyes of the little girl with only one pair of eyes exposed.

"Brother, please don't say anything. I can only talk to you in your mind!" The girl blinked at him and looked at Xu Hu and the others warily, praying that he would not make any noise to disturb those people.

"Do you have a spiritual power?" Qiao Yi asked her.

"It should be so. I don't understand. My father won't let me tell others." The little girl paused and then said, "Brother, they just lied. They are not good people!"

As if what he was thinking was confirmed, Qiao Yi looked away: "Oh? Can you tell me about it?"

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