Chapter 50 Planting Success

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Qiao Yi stretched lazily, turned over and touched the soft grass with one hand. Then he suddenly opened his eyes. Where is he?

Sitting up suddenly, the blanket covering him slipped down. Qiao Yi rubbed his eyes tightly, and then he saw clearly the storage square not far in front. Moving his eyes, he saw the rockery with the sound of water flowing. Pool, oh, this is his space.

etc! His space!

Qiao Yi opened his eyes instantly. He didn't come in alone! Where is his third brother?

"Are you awake?" He was confused when Xiao Huaizhou's voice suddenly came from behind.

Qiao Yi quickly turned around and saw Xiao Huaizhou squatting on the black soil, looking at him with a smile.

He rubbed his face randomly and looked down at his watch. It was 6:25. He slept until dawn! It was such a sweet sleep!

"Third brother, are you awake?" Qiao Yi got up and walked to the rockery. He first took a handful of water and rinsed his mouth, then drank a few gulps to quench his thirst, and then washed his face with water.

"I've just woken up after sleeping for a while!" Xiao Huaizhou patted the dirt on his hands, stood up, then glanced at the fresh green at his feet, and asked, "Did you grow these corns?"

After hearing this, Qiao Yi's eyes suddenly lit up, and he ran over in surprise: "Corn? How did you know it was corn? I only planted it two days ago!"

Stepping on the black soil, Qiao Yi's eyes almost fell out. On the black soil that was bare two days ago, a light green sprout has now grown!

Qiao Yi hurriedly squatted down to take a closer look, exclaiming repeatedly: "Is this corn? I succeeded!"

He looked up at Xiao Huaizhou and said with some disbelief: "Third brother! I actually grew corn!"

At that time, after getting the seeds from Ma Er, he couldn't wait to plant some secretly. The process was simple and crude. He dug a hole, planted the seeds, and buried the soil. He didn't even have time to water it. In this way, he could grow corn. Already?

Thinking about it, I don’t know whether I should believe it or not?

Xiao Huaizhou looked at his excited expression and couldn't help but smile. He stretched out his hand to pull him up and affirmed: "Yes, it's corn! Xiao Yi is so awesome, he can even farm!"

Qiao Yi twitched the corner of his mouth. No matter how he heard it, he thought this compliment was a bit strange. He had really successfully changed his career to become a farmer!

No matter what, no matter how unprofessional he is, he can still grow it. This is a good sign. As long as there are seeds, his few subways will definitely not let him down!

After roughly calculating the time, it takes about a week for normal corn to germinate and emerge. Here, the seedlings emerged in just two days. It seems that this twice-speed time flow is indeed the most suitable for plant growth!

Thinking of this, he excitedly said to Xiao Huaizhou: "Third brother, the time for these fields is twice the normal time. The crops grow fast. As long as there are seeds, you will not worry about running out of food in the future!"

Xiao Huaizhou nodded: "I see, this space is really magical!"

"That's right, time stands still in the storage area over there, and nothing you put there will be damaged!" Qiao Yi pointed at the storage area and introduced it, and then pointed to the grass and said: "This grass is The time is consistent with that outside, so it’s suitable for us to stop and rest!”

Then he stepped on the black soil under his feet and said with a smile: "As you can see here, time goes fast, it is suitable for planting!"

"Well, it's very suitable for survival in the apocalypse!" Xiao Huaizhou commented pertinently. The most lacking thing in this apocalypse is food. Affected by the apocalyptic environment, less and less food can be grown. These pieces of land in Qiao Yi's space It’s like a cornucopia!

Coupled with the storage function that can be kept fresh forever and the advantage of being able to enter and exit at any time, if you make good use of it, this space can ensure that Qiao Yi will be safe and worry-free throughout his life!

Qiao Yi showed off intentionally or unintentionally, and finally remembered something, and ran to his pile of messy items to rummage around.

After a while, he ran back with a small cloth bag, then carefully opened the mouth of the bag, raised it in front of Xiao Huaizhou, and said cheerfully: "Third brother! Look! I still have some cabbage seeds here!"

Xiao Huaizhou looked down at him and asked him softly: "Cabbage seeds? So we need to plant them now, right?"

"That's right! If you don't plant it now, why wait? If you plant it early, you can eat it earlier!" Qiao Yi nodded like he was pounding garlic. He hadn't eaten vegetables for a long time. He was so greedy!

"Okay, let me do it. You go eat something first!" Xiao Huaizhou naturally took the cabbage seeds from his hand and gently pushed him out of the planting area.

Qiao Yi looked at his third brother with wide eyes, and asked him with some disbelief: "Third brother, can you grow vegetables?" There is no way that the third young man of the Xiao family can grow vegetables. He can think of it with his toes. Come out!

"No." Xiao Huaizhou answered calmly and cheerfully, but then added: "You can't do it if you are different?"

Hearing this, Qiao Yi pouted and nodded: "That's right, I can grow it, and of course third brother can do it too! Hehe, then it's third brother's hard work! I'll go eat!"

"Go!" Xiao Huaizhou urged him to go quickly, while he looked down at the rapeseed in his hand, frowned and thought for a moment, then walked towards the piece of yellow land.

Qiao Yi dug out a few pieces of dried meat and sat on the grass, chewing it, while watching his third brother grow vegetables. It was so comfortable!

The corn has sprouted, the vegetables have been planted, and he is one step closer to his dream of starting a business!

Qiao Yi frowned as he looked at the messy storage space. It was too messy. He should get some shelves or something and divide them into categories, or wait until conditions permit, get some building materials and build a decent storage warehouse or something. That makes sense!

By the way, if you can, you can also build a hut and get a bed or something, so that you don’t have to come in to rest and have to lie on the grass. He, the master of the space, shouldn’t be treated like this!

While he was thinking wildly, Xiao Huaizhou had already returned from sowing rapeseed.

"Here, put the rest away first!" He handed the remaining half of the bag of rapeseed back to Qiao Yi and sat down together.

"It was planted so quickly! There is so much left!" Qiao Yi took it in his hand, weighed it casually, and then threw it aside.

"I don't know if it's possible to plant it this way. Let's try a little first to see the effect. There's no rush!"

"The third brother is right, let's give it a try first! Without professionals, we can only cross the river by feeling the stones!" Qiao Yi sees things more clearly than anyone else. It's not that easy to start from scratch, so he is mentally prepared.

Xiao Huaizhou thought for a moment and asked, "What other seeds do you want?" He couldn't bear to leave so much land empty, what a waste of resources!

"Ah? What do you mean?" Qiao Yi tilted his head and looked at him, then rolled his eyes and suddenly said excitedly: "Third brother can help me get the seeds, right?"

Xiao Huaizhou rubbed the back of his head with one hand and spoke lovingly: "What's so difficult about this! Don't forget what the Xiao family does! As long as you ask, Third Brother will get you whatever you want!"

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