Chapter 157 Base construction begins

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Yang Lidong successfully arrived at the Qingyu Peak base with his brigade of men, horses and supplies.

After all those people and materials were allocated into the underground city, most of the underground city was filled!

Looking at the suddenly prosperous Qingyu Peak, Qiao Yi felt a sense of accomplishment. His power had finally been established!

Xiao Huaizhou asked Li Bowen to make an overall plan for all personnel and materials. Except for the personnel on duty at the entrance to the east, all the remaining combat personnel were devoted to the task of cleaning up the zombies.

The cleanup site was moved directly to the hunting ground in the west. In order to open up a fast passage to the hunting ground for human warriors, San Bengzi started the diversion service one night in advance, plus the interception of Black Panther, Hei Ye and those mutant wolves. After hunting, an original suburban road on the north bank of the Qingyu River was quickly restored to traffic.

The convoy headed west along the outer edge of the city, sending all the hunters directly to the battlefield!

The remaining personnel followed Qiao Yi to build the base. Those talents found their jobs as soon as possible after completing their resettlement, hoping to shine as soon as possible and find a stable place for themselves and their families.

As a result, Xiao Huaizhou was responsible for leading people to clean up the zombies, while Qiao Yi took charge of the base and took on the responsibility of base construction!

The base construction that Qiao Yi had been looking forward to for a long time began with the renovation of the Qingyu Bridge.

The Qingyu River is particularly important as an important barrier for the Qingyu Base. The so many zombies gathered in R City all rely on its power to block the way south!

And if we want to completely block the way for zombies to go south, it is imperative to reconstruct the Qingyu Bridge!

"My requirements are not high. Just transform the Qingyu Bridge into a bridge similar to a suspension bridge. If you want to go north, just open the bridge and keep it closed to prevent it from being used by zombies! Mr. Lu, can this be achieved?"

Qiao Yi pointed out the sketch he drew to a construction engineer named Lu. Although this man was not a professional bridge expert, he had participated in the construction of many engineering projects before the end of the world, so he was better than laymen like them!

"If this is just the requirement, I think there is no problem, but there may be some difficulties in terms of building materials. After all, suspension bridges are different from ordinary bridges, and the parts that need to be built may not be easy to find!"

Engineer Lu held up the frame of his glasses that had slid to the tip of his nose and pointed it out with some embarrassment. When he came, he could see clearly that the bridge was a thousand meters long. Even if only the middle section was renovated, the materials needed would not be enough. Well, apart from civil engineering, this mountain is not rich in reinforced concrete, let alone those rare parts.

Unexpectedly, all his worries and concerns were dispelled by Qiao Yi: "Don't worry about this. You can give me a design based on my sketch. I will put all the materials in the open space south of the bridge later. Please take someone to see what you want specifically!"

Qiao Yi has asked Yang Lidong to take all the earth power users to level and clear the bare land where zombies were hunted before. It has been trampled by so many zombies that no matter how hard it is to grow grass, it might as well be used for building materials. Storage place!

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