Chapter 186 Base Achievements Display

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A sumptuous lunch ended in a harmonious and pleasant atmosphere.

Qiao Yi's stomach was round after eating. To be honest, he couldn't remember how long it had been since he had eaten such a serious meal. It wasn't dry bread, dried meat or other foods that could only fill the stomach. It was filled with oil and salt. A normal meal with soy sauce and vinegar! It’s fragrant to the core!

Faced with his grandfather's enthusiastic feeding, Qiao Yi was too kind to refuse. He almost took care of the entire table of meals by himself. If he hadn't secretly collected some into the space while the old man wasn't paying attention, he would have been starved to death!

During this special period, no one was in a hurry to take a lunch break. Xiao Qinian asked everyone to go to the hall, where the air conditioner was turned on, and the Xiao Mansion's backup generator started working in a rare and generous manner.

When Xiao Huaizhou and Qiao Yi returned, Qingyu Peak Base became the primary topic of concern for everyone. After Xiao Qinian took Qiao Yi to sit beside him, everyone's eyes fell on the two of them.

"Huaizhou, Xiao Yi, who of you is going to talk about the base? Forget it, let's let Huaizhou do the talking! Let me, Yi Bao, have a good rest!"

Xiao Qinian's eyes finally fell on Xiao Huaizhou. He was sitting upright and looked like he was about to report on his work. He was the perfect person to leave such a waste of saliva to him. He never spoke much and could explain the situation concisely and succinctly.

"Yes, Grandpa!"

Xiao Huaizhou had this intention. They couldn't stay indefinitely when they came back. Taking advantage of the fact that the elders in the family were all there, he made the main purpose of coming back clear, so that everyone could have a clear goal, divide the work and cooperate, and accomplish what they had to do. Do your best to do your best!

Moreover, after running around for a long time, it’s finally time to show off the results!

"First of all, what I want to say is that the Qingyu Peak base is indeed a good place to live. It is definitely a wise choice for the Xiao family to retreat to Qingyu Peak!

At present, the base has been initially renovated, and the existing twenty-one caves can be regarded as an authentic underground city. This is the structural diagram of the base. Grandpa, please take a look! "

Xiao Huaizhou said, took out several drawings from his backpack, opened the top one and handed it to Xiao Qinian.

Xiao Qinian took the drawing, grabbed his reading glasses from the table, put them on, squinted and looked at it carefully from top to bottom!

"Grandpa, look, this is the main entrance of the underground city. It's halfway up the mountain. The scenery is great!"

Qiao Yi beside him acted as a little tour guide on the map and began to introduce it.

"Hmm! Okay! Not bad! I didn't expect it to be such a wonderful place!"

Xiao Qinian admired as he watched, "Thanks to me, Yi Bao, for finding such a good place! You have made great contributions to the Xiao family!"

"Haha! I'm just lucky! However, I'm lucky, just because the Xiao family is lucky! It's all the same!"

Qiao Yi was so sweet. He wished that his grandpa would really like the Qingyu Peak Base. It has beautiful mountains and clear waters, and is nourished by the energy of black jade. People who live there will definitely live longer!

"Here, take a look, too!"

Xiao Qinian looked at it happily, then he thought about it and handed the drawing to Xiao Lifeng.

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