Chapter 79 Su Da cheated

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In the temporary camp outside Fengyang City Gate, in addition to the original simple shacks, many large and small tents of various types were set up. At this time, they were basically crowded with survivors who were here to keep warm and shelter from the wind at night.

As soon as Su Yue came back from arranging duty tasks, he was blocked by Sun Feifei outside the tent door. Seeing that she was wrapped in a thick coat, with a hood on her head, and a look of abandonment and resentment, he couldn't help but have a headache. , how come I feel like an old father, and Sun Feifei is the daughter-in-law who was cruelly abandoned and betrayed by her son, and she is here to seek justice from him!

"It's so cold, what are you doing out here?"

Sun Feifei finally caught him, the person in charge, and of course she couldn't let him go easily. She bit her lip and looked towards the city gate, and spoke full of confusion and grievance: "Brother Su, since everyone has escaped here, Come on, why don’t we go into the city?”

"Oh, you're asking this. You also know that we are here on a temporary diversion. We won't stay here for long. It's good to borrow a place to rest and relax. There's no need to go in!"

Su Yue put his hands into his sleeves and explained openly, but he couldn't help complaining in his heart, "Big sister, I said I don't care about your brother, but I really don't care. You think you're here for a trip, and you just pass by." Is there a reward for each trip?

"Why did the Third Young Master and the others enter the city?" Sun Feifei was a little aggrieved. When she first arrived, she followed everyone into the temporary camp in shock. She didn't react at first, but later she realized that not everyone was resting in the temporary camp. Third Young Master Xiao took the man named Qiao and Li Bowen into the city.

"Third Young Master? Oh, it wasn't because he was rushing to avoid the mutant weasel that Li Bowen almost couldn't hold on. He happened to hear that there was a hospital inside, so he quickly took someone in to see if he could have an operation. Isn't it a coincidence? ?dont you agree?"

Su Yue found that he was getting better and better at making up lies, and his ability to deceive people gradually improved, and he couldn't even say a word without stuttering.

But Sun Feifei was not easily persuaded. When she heard that she was going for surgery, she had more reasons. She couldn't help but raise her voice a little and said: "Since you are going for surgery, shouldn't you take me with you? I can help Li Bowen heal his wounds quickly! Wouldn’t it save time and effort!”

Hearing what she said, Su Yue couldn't help but sigh, and said with some regret: "Hey! Isn't it? It's definitely the best to take you with me, but you also saw that it's so dark today, can you go in? Not only did you find a suitable hospital, but you also had to find a place to eat and live on the spot. It was inconvenient for a few grown men to take you and a little girl with you. Aren't they afraid of wronging you? Besides, wait until they make arrangements. I really need your help, so it won’t be too late to come out to pick you up!”

After tightening her coat, Sun Feifei frowned and said nothing, but she didn't let Su Yue get in.

Su Yue was patiently spending time with her, but he complained about Yang Lidong enough in his heart. Acting alone was too taxing!

No matter how speechless he was, he still wanted to be a good and qualified big brother, so he took the lead in urging her: "Let's talk about it tomorrow if we have something to do! If you don't go in, if you freeze out, I won't be able to explain to our third young master. ah!"

Sun Feifei had no choice but to give in, but before turning around, she made another request: "Brother Su, can I enter the city tomorrow?"

Hearing this, Su Yue glanced at her with some doubts, and asked in a calm tone: "Going into the city? Go find the Third Young Master? Didn't you say we can just wait outside?"

"No, Brother Su, I didn't go to find Third Young Master, I couldn't find him even if I did!" Sun Feifei quickly shook her head in denial.

"Then what do you mean?"

"Didn't I say before that I have a few friends here? Now that I'm here, I want to take this opportunity to go in and have a look. Maybe they are still alive!" Sun Feifei said, with something in her eyes. The water shines, and the longing for former friends is beyond words.

However, Captain Su directly transformed into an emotionless robot. As soon as she finished speaking, she opened her mouth and simply rejected her: "No! That's definitely not possible!"

"Why?" Sun Feifei didn't understand. It seemed that she had never heard the word "ok" from his mouth. Why couldn't she find a friend?

"Feifei! It's not that I'm embarrassing you! Considering the current situation, it's impossible for me to agree to your request!"


Su Yue decisively blocked what she was about to say, and continued: "First, don't forget your powers, and that you escaped from a land of tigers and wolves like Rongan, in case there are any of their What should I do about the eyeliner? Not to mention saving your brother if he is discovered, even you can’t save yourself!"

He paused for a moment, sorted out his thoughts, and then went on to the next point: "Secondly, if you want to enter the city, I must arrange for people to protect you, but look, which of these people have the strength to protect you now?" Live with you? If I go there in person, then who will care about these brothers under me? It’s too unsafe!"

"I..." Sun Feifei seemed to be unable to say anything, and could only be forced to listen to Su Yue put forward the third point: "And the most important third point! You see over there? Is the city gate open?"

He raised his hand and pointed to the tall city gate from a distance, and said sadly: "The key is that we don't have the strength to go in, right?"

"Ah? Strength...what do you mean?" Do you need to compete for strength when entering a city? Never heard of it!

"It's not that strength. It's because we don't have the crystal core or materials to pay the city entrance fee!" Su Yue spread his hands and said that he was destitute.

"How could that happen?" Who was Xiao Huaizhou? How could he not bring enough expenses when he went out? She didn't believe it!

Su Yue was the best at crying, but he took her into the ditch with all his strength, and started nagging with a sad face: "Originally, we had to replenish supplies, which was a huge expense, and now we have Li Bowen who needs major surgery. Even if the third young master is a wealthy landlord, he will have to use up all his surplus food! Didn’t you see that he didn’t dare to bring more people with him to the city this time? The entry fee for one person is enough for us to save for a while, so we can’t be so lavish!"

Sun Feifei was taught to be honest, so she didn't wait for him to open her mouth again. She lowered her head and got back into the tent. There was no chance at all, so she had to wait a little longer!

Su Yue finally relied on his sharp tongue to persuade Sun Feifei, the female doorkeeper, to retreat. He gritted his teeth in his heart. He might not be able to work so hard on a blind date to find a wife!

The next moment, I saw him turning his head to look at the tall city gate, and his eyes couldn't help but darken, Sun Feifei, what do you want to do in such a hurry to enter the city...

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