Chapter 99 Half of you and half of me

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Xiao Huaizhou looked around the entire warehouse. Although it had been cleaned, it could still be seen that after a fierce battle, many facilities were damaged. It was a miracle that the warehouse was not demolished.

"Have all the Zhang brothers been solved?"

"Yes, after receiving the instructions from Mr. Qiao that day, Su Yue and I immediately implemented the original plan. Zhang Yuanlong and Zhang Yuanbao are indeed powerful. However, they were unlucky enough to encounter our tricky superpowers, and they could only be beaten. Now! Not to mention how enjoyable it is!”

Yang Lidong said blatantly, and moved forward without knowing it, but Su Yue quietly pulled him back, "Let me remind you, you still smell a little bit!"

"I know, I know!"

The scarred Adjutant Yang glanced sideways at Su Yue, then took a step back as if unintentionally, and continued: "Those two guys are dead! The rest are nothing to be afraid of, they were killed by Li Bowen's people. After cleaning up and counting, we found that there were 135 people who came from Pingdong Prison with the Zhang brothers. Fifty-seven people died in this battle, and the rest were the wounded and the minions who followed to make up the numbers! How do you think we should deal with it?"

Su Yue listened and added a few omissions: "Don't forget, there is Zhang Yuanhu who hasn't been found yet?"

Su Yue led people to search the entire base, and even asked earth-type superpowers to detect all the possible hidden passages underground, but still couldn't find the person. He was a little doubtful that the person might have escaped!

"Yes, yes! I have asked those people to identify them. Among all the people in custody, their second in charge does not exist. Didn't they go to Fengyang to report the news?"

Yang Lidong rubbed his chin and thought, when Qiao Yi, who had been silent all this time, suddenly pointed to the second floor behind him and said, "If it's Zhang Yuanhu, you don't need to look for it. Go upstairs and turn right to the one lying in the second room." exactly!"

Yang Lidong's mouth opened wide. He had just gone up to check the situation and indeed saw a dead person in the room. He thought he was the bodyguard of the woman upstairs, but he didn't expect it to be Zhang Yuanhu himself!

"Young Master Qiao killed him?"

"Well, I don't have the words and the hands! So I killed him!" Qiao Yi said nonchalantly. It's not like the person he killed was not a powerful superpower, so there's no need to be surprised!

But when Xiao Huaizhou next to him heard this, he couldn't help but frown and look at him and asked: "Is he arrogant? His hands are arrogant? He dares to touch you?"

"Ah?" Qiao Yi reacted and blushed instantly. His third brother was so good at making connections!

"What are you thinking about? You were smoking and talking to me, but you stopped me from looking for your hand! Do you think I should be killed?"

Hearing this, Xiao Huaizhou felt relieved and responded to him warmly: "Press, you deserve to be killed! You deserve to die!"

Yang Lidong also echoed: "They should be killed! They really should be killed! And those two Sun Feifei upstairs? Third Young Master? Why did they return the favor?"

Qiao Yi didn't let his third brother answer, and took over the conversation himself: "Those are the twin sisters Sun Feifei, they are the ones who schemed against your boss together!"

"Hey! These two witches thought this was Pansi Cave, and they dared to catch our third young master!" Yang Lidong rolled up his sleeves and stepped onto the stairs. He didn't forget to call Su Yue back: "Let's go! Su Yue, show your skills." Family skills!"

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