Chapter 14 The Wan family comes to visit

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Security base in City B, the Xiao family residence in the inner city.

In the study room on the second floor, Mr. Xiao, Xiao Qinian, had a pair of reading glasses on his nose. He was reading the information carefully when he suddenly heard a burst of noisy shouting from the door of the courtyard, and he couldn't help but frown slightly.

At this time, the housekeeper Lao Mo happened to come over and said respectfully: "Old man, there are people from the Wan family here, clamoring to see you! I think they are evil and stopped them from coming in. What do you think we should do?"

Xiao Qinian raised the frame of his glasses and looked up at him: "Wanjia? Which Wanjia? Have you asked what happened?"

Old Mo nodded slightly and replied: "The wife of Vice Mayor Wan Jianxin brought people here, saying that she wants to seek justice from you!"

Xiao Qinian was puzzled, stared at Lao Mo and asked: "Are you asking me for justice?"


Xiao Qinian closed the book in his hand and looked at him: "Tell me, which little bastard caused the trouble this time, and he has to ask me to wipe his ass!"

Lao Mo curled his lips slightly and replied, "Sir, it's the third young master!"

"Huaizhou?" Xiao Qinian was a little surprised. This child has always been self-disciplined and rarely causes trouble unless it is...

"Because of his two fathers?" Xiao Qinian rolled his eyes. Apart from this reason, he seemed to be unable to think of anything else.

Lao Mo nodded and said: "It is indeed because of this. A few days ago, Wan Jianxin's son Wan Zihao made rude remarks to the third young master on the city gate tower, and the third young master threw him down from the city gate tower."

"Did you fall to death?" Xiao Qinian suddenly asked.

Old Mo shook his head and said: "That's not true. I heard that it's just a bit broken and I won't be able to move for a while. The third young master still has some sense of control!"

"Oh! That's it!" Xiao Qinian seemed to understand, and then said displeasedly: "Since he's not dead, how can he ask for justice from me?"

"Uh..." Lao Mo was speechless. He couldn't understand this logic and had no reason to explain it.

"Wan Jianxin didn't come?" Xiao Qinian asked again.

"not coming."

Xiao Qinian narrowed his eyes and muttered: "It's been a few days since the incident happened before we came here. Do you think it was Wan Jianxin who reacted too slowly and didn't stop him, or was it because he instigated it from behind?" Or they sent the Women's Army here, what's the point, huh? !

Lao Mo wiped his sweat, he couldn't explain this, and he couldn't understand it!

Xiao Qinian then asked him: "Who else is coming?" Judging from the lively appearance outside, there should be a lot of people here.

Lao Mo replied: "Mrs. Wan, several relatives of the Wan family, and... the eldest lady!"

Xiao Qinian raised his eyebrows in surprise and asked doubtfully: "Boss's wife! What is she doing here?"

"Master, have you forgotten? The eldest madam's biological sister is the daughter-in-law who married into the Wan family, and she has a serious sister-in-law relationship with Madam Wan." Lao Mo is glad that he usually loves gossip, and there are all the news and situations that should be paid attention to. Although most of them are not a secret, they may be used someday.

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