Chapter 154 Black Panther

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Since the city is full of zombies, blocking the shortcut to the mine, the cleanup of zombies in R city can only be temporarily maintained on the hunting ground opened by San Bengzi. In this way, the mutated plants can still be put to good use, digesting the zombies and harvesting crystals. There will be no delay in nuclear work.

San Bengzi strolled around the river as usual, and soon attracted a long line of zombie tails. Xiao Huaizhou and his men had been waiting for a long time. When they saw the main force entering the encirclement, they gave an order and started the attack. Mass killing!

Speaking of which, this is the first time for everyone to fight face to face with a group of zombies in broad daylight. Compared with fighting in the dark at night, the feeling is different. Killing in the open makes people feel a lot more confident!

At the same time, perhaps due to the influence of sunlight, the reactions of the zombies were much slower. Coupled with the help of mutated animals and plants, this kind of killing was really a bit one-sided!

This temporary hunting ground is unconsciously divided into three levels. The human army surrounds and kills zombies on the outside. The mutant animals in the middle are responsible for feeding, and the mutant plants on the innermost side just open their mouths wide and eat as much as they can!

Speaking of mutant animals, Shan Lao very reliably invited a few more generals from the deep mountains and forests. Six of them were mutant wolves whose physiques rivaled those of San Beng Zi. The original mutant wolves were really as good as Shan Lao That’s just a few wolf cubs!

There is also a black panther who is taller and longer than San Bengzi. His dark fur exudes a cold luster under the sunlight, his amber eyes are sharp and terrifying, and he has a kingly aura. The appearance shocked all the people and mutated animals!

Even San Bengzi, who was used to being domineering here, couldn't help but kneel on the ground when he saw it, expressing his surrender!

Except for the black panther, all the mutated animals consciously joined the battle of killing zombies, and it was like an indifferent bystander, sitting not far away from Qiao Yi watching the battle, ignoring all the chaos in front of him!

Seeing this, Qiao Yi couldn't help but swallow, pulled his third brother's sleeves and sighed softly: "The old man is really good at hiding, this is the real overlord of the jungle!"

"Well, extraordinary strength!"

Xiao Huaizhou was also extremely shocked. Hei Ye was already shocking enough, but this black panther seemed to have an even more arrogance, and was used to looking down on all living beings and looking down on everything.

"Old man!"

Qiao Yi shouted to Shan Lao who was sitting on the treetop watching the excitement: "Is this the big cutie you want to release? Are you sure Hei Ye and San Bengzi can control it?"

He remembered correctly. What they needed was a mutated animal that could obey orders and follow them to hunt zombies in the hunting grounds to the west. This black panther obviously did not meet the conditions for being released!

"Don't get me wrong, I released those mutated wolves, but the black panther came out on its own accord, and I can't stop it!"

Shan Lao squinted his eyes as he replied, not knowing where his eyes landed in the end.

"Why? Why can't you stop it? Who can control it?"

Qiao Yi was very confused after hearing this. Are there any animals that he didn't want to let go but had to let go? He was very curious about what was hidden in the vast virgin forest south of Qingyu Peak?

"Hmph! Isn't it because of you, the Lord of Black Jade? If you want to ask who can control it, I'm afraid you have to try it yourself!"

Shan Lao felt comforted enough. After Master Hei had been back for so long, the black panther could calm down and live its little life in peace and contentment! Didn't come out to cause trouble!

Now that Qiao Yi is back, the influence of the black jade itself has been reflected here. The little guys who woke up in the mountains and forests are more or less restless!

If he hadn't taken San Bengzi to mobilize his troops this time and released it by the way, it wouldn't take long for it to break out of the barrier and come out to find Qiao Yi!

Hearing what Shan Lao said, Qiao Yi's heart trembled. This black panther is obviously different from Hei Ye and San Bengzi. He looks like he loves everyone and is not a dick to anyone. Are you sure it won't swallow him in one bite?

"Shall I try? How? Old man, can you tell the truth? Is the so-called Lord of Black Jade just a zoo owner?" Why do you always have to deal with these weird animals!

"What is a zoo? What does the boss do? I have already said that you are the Lord of Black Jade. Just exercise your power. What are you afraid of? It seems that there is nothing wrong with me. I have to go back to Black Jade to make up for it. Go to sleep!"

After Shan Lao finished speaking slowly, he disappeared without waiting for Qiao Yi to ask another question. He could finally catch up on his sleep!

Looking at the empty tree crown, Qiao Yi sighed silently and left in seconds!

"Third brother, what should I do?"

Qiao Yi stared at his third brother with big eyes. Hei Ye and San Bengzi both obeyed his third brother, so there should be no problem in leaving this black panther to him!

Xiao Huaizhou raised his hand to rub the back of his head and encouraged him softly: "Why don't you give it a try!"

"What are you trying?" Qiao Yi looked at him in confusion. Was he asking him to shout 'sit down', 'get down' and 'stand up' to the black panther?

"Exercise your power!" After Xiao Huaizhou finished speaking, he put his arm around his shoulders and asked him to look at the black panther, which was still as stable as Mount Tai. He nodded heavily: "Go! Don't be afraid! I'm here!"

Exercising power? Qiao Yi thought silently in his heart, yes! Now that they have arrived at their own territory, he, the Lord of Black Jade, should show his own momentum. If he wants to settle down in this Qingyu Peak, then everyone in this mountain should listen to his orders. The majesty of the Lord of Black Jade, Doesn't the authority of the Lord of Qingyu Peak need to be proven at this moment?

good! Just give it a try!

With his third brother here, he has nothing to be afraid of!

Taking a deep breath, Qiao Yi and his third brother looked at each other, then strode towards the black panther, and stopped before its breath hit the top of its head.

One person and one leopard, one looked up and the other looked down. The moment their eyes collided, time seemed to have stopped!

Ignoring the pressure from the top of his head, Qiao Yi fearlessly took off the black jade from his neck and raised it high. He looked into the amber eyes of the black panther and loudly declared the order: "I am the Lord of Black Jade." Name, I order you to take action immediately to exterminate the zombies and protect Qingyu Peak with me!"


As soon as he finished speaking, a deep roar suddenly sounded. Qiao Yi looked up and saw that the black panther had already stood up, with a huge black shadow pressing directly on top of his head!

Before he could see the situation clearly, he felt the ground beneath his feet shake, and with a burst of dust flying up, the huge black shadow jumped over his head and disappeared from his sight in the blink of an eye!

Qiao Yi held the black jade and turned around to look, and saw that the black panther had jumped far away and headed straight for the zombie gathering place on the north bank of the Qingyu River!

Soon, there will be a new battlefield there!

Qiao Yi stared blankly at the black jade in his hand, and suddenly showed a proud smile. He could take it and walk sideways in the primitive forest area!

It seems that he is going to try more. He shouted in his heart, little cuties, just wait for your master!

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