Chapter 124 Zombies Attack (2)

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The rotting zombies emitted an unimaginable stench, which quickly spread in the cool east wind.

The guards on Fengyang's east wall could clearly smell the stench in the wind.

"What should I do? The first batch of zombies arrived in twenty minutes at most! Why haven't there been orders to retreat yet?"

Guard A tremblingly put down the telescope in his hand and looked back anxiously, hoping that the person conveying the order would arrive soon.

"How about we withdraw now! Wait for the order? The city lord is gone, where can we get the order? If we don't leave, we will be dead!"

Guard B could no longer calm down and frantically encouraged his companions to leave as soon as possible. Although he no longer had his mother, he still wanted to find her!

The alarm has been sounding for a while, and the people in the city are constantly rushing towards the city gate. I wonder if it is too late to retreat?

The zombie swarm can't be seen to the end. Even if they don't retreat, how can they stop it!

"Yeah! If we don't leave, we'll have to feed the zombies!"

The other guards also responded anxiously. They were able to defend Fengyang before because of the presence of a regular army, whose combat power was a hundred times stronger than now.

Their few shrimps, soldiers, crabs, and generals are not enough for these zombies to fill their teeth.

Guard A could no longer bear the fear of zombies swarming the city. He gritted his teeth and nodded: "Then retreat! Hurry! Retreat!"

"Let's go! Let's go! We can't hold on!" Everyone rushed towards the wall and ladder, but soon they retreated in a group.

I saw a group of soldiers quickly jumping up to the top of the wall, bypassing them and quickly dispersed along the city wall.

Before they could react, a large number of guards followed behind. Under Xue Baoqi's shouts, they dispersed to various checkpoints and stood ready.

"The third boss!" Guard A seemed to have seen the savior, and hurriedly came forward to greet him.

"Wait a minute!" Xue Baoqi was not in a hurry to listen to what he said. He waited for several tall officers to come up from behind before pulling him over to report.

"Where are the zombies now? Report the situation to Third Young Master Xiao and Second Young Master Xiao!"


"Don't be stunned! Speak quickly!"

"Oh, okay! Let me tell you! The first batch of zombies arrived in just ten minutes. It's getting dark now, so I can't see how many there are! There are so many of them that I can't see the end of them. There must be more than tens of thousands of them! "

Guard A said as he handed the telescope in his hand to the leader, Xiao Huaizhou, "You will know after you take a look!"

Xiao Huaizhou silently took the telescope, carefully observed the darkness in the east, and then confirmed to Xiao Huaiqing, who was also observing: "It's coming fiercely, the number will be upwards of 100,000!"

"With such a large group of zombies approaching, why did you warn them? It's too late to run away!" Xiao Huaiqing wanted to curse, his vigilance was so low, how on earth did Fengyang persist until today.

As they were talking, Han Guoxin came up with a large number of superpowers. Wiping the sweat from his forehead, he hurriedly asked: "How are you, Mr. Xiao? I have brought all the superpowers that I can summon." Yes, are you sure the city gate needs to be sealed?"

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