Chapter 33 Taking Hei Ye to torture the zombies

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Obviously, the zombies have no interest in Master Hei. However, they encountered such a movable wall on the way. They were not afraid of catching or biting them. They also treated them as a feast and enjoyed eating them!

Hoho~hoho~! I can't bear it!

So Qiao Yi discovered that some zombies that had been following the zombie group started to take action!

The only difference between them and other zombies is that their eyes are not gray-white, but bright red. They are third-level supernatural zombies!

I roughly counted them, there were seven or eight of them, damn! Are there so many level three zombies?

They were scattered in the team, roughly pushing aside all the low-level zombies blocking the way, and moved forward until Hei Ye was trapped in a huge encirclement, and then they all activated their superpowers!

For a moment, energy balls of various colors were seen attacking Hei Ye one after another, and exploded when they touched Hei Ye's black scales!

Damn it! Qiao Yi was shocked. The level 3 zombies were cooperating, and their strength was obviously much stronger!

"Master Hei!" Qiao Yi called out to Master Hei. I wonder if he was injured by such a strong attack?

The energy light waves that kept coming on and off were so dazzling that he could only squint his eyes to see what was going on below.

Unexpectedly, not only was Hei Ye fine, but he became even more excited because of the exposure of these powers!

Open your mouth wide and select the third-level zombies for your mouth. The second-level zombies are also included. This is a priority target!

Qiao Yi's blood boiled with excitement, and after getting ready, he turned over and went downstairs!

It had been a long time since he had killed a zombie, so he had to stretch his muscles and practice his skills.

Otherwise, I will always be at the mercy of Mr. Hei, and how will I have the nerve to boss others around in the future?

The huge convoy was like a nocturnal dragon, speeding through the dark night.

On the few trucks behind the convoy, someone suddenly pointed to the northern night sky and exclaimed loudly: "Look! What's going on over there?"

The people traveling with him all looked in the direction he was pointing, and they couldn't help but open their mouths in surprise. They saw the sky flashing brightly from time to time, with colorful rays of light, like someone deliberately setting off fireworks!

Li Bowen on the last truck was even more stunned. That was the direction of the Ark Base!

That was the release of supernatural powers, and someone was fighting zombies!

"Are you sure all our superpowers have been withdrawn?" Li Bowen quickly confirmed with Wang Yufan beside him.

From the looks of it, the battle was fierce. Could it be that many people were left behind?

Wang Yufan hurriedly denied: "The base commander must have evacuated. All teams have confirmed it before departure!"

After hearing this, Li Bowen couldn't help but muttered: "That's weird, that base is considered an empty city. Even if the zombies swarm to nothing, they won't react so badly. They should have encountered obstacles!"

Wang Yufan didn't believe it: "No way, there are more than 10,000 of them. Who dares to stop them?"

Li Bowen looked at the still shining night sky and said solemnly: "Just because we can't do it, doesn't mean others can't do it!"

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