Chapter 98: Out of seclusion

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By the time Qiao Yi and his third brother came out of the space, three days had passed. They returned to the room. No one came to clean up the bodies of the Sun sisters, so they were still lying there. Except for the temperature falling or rising, Apart from the surface changes caused by the high temperature, it is still barely noticeable!

Smacking his lips, Qiao Yi felt a little sorry for the two sisters. There are not many rare healing power users like Sun Feifei in the world. The magical healing effect is really practical, but it's a pity that it's so good. The ability finally failed to find a good owner!

"What is Sun Shanshan's superpower? It can hurt you like this!"

Qiao Yi squinted and asked his third brother, who had experienced it personally, but he didn't have time to ask in detail at that time, so he just got angry!

"She calls it charming! It's because of this that the three brothers of the Zhang family obey her orders!"

Xiao Huaizhou was in a good mood, and of course he answered all questions honestly!

"Huh! This name doesn't sound like a good superpower! It's a pity that it doesn't have a good master!"

Qiao Yi complained with great disdain, then looked at his third brother and said happily: "Fortunately, the level is not high, otherwise you would be in trouble!"

"Well, Xiao Yi is right. Fortunately, you rushed over in time to save me from danger!"

Xiao Huaizhou always said something nice if he wanted to. As long as it could help Xiao Yi calm down, no matter how much he said, it didn't matter!

"No need to guess, Lei Maosheng from Fengyang City must have also been tricked. Anyone who is so fascinated by him will do whatever he says!"

This time Qiao Yi finally figured out the reason for Lei Maosheng's abnormality. This trip was really not in vain!

"That's right! The only thing that can make people like Lei Maosheng flock to him is this kind of superpower that is different from ordinary people. I just don't know whether this superpower can control people's hearts in one go, or whether it requires constant contact. !”

Xiao Huaizhou expressed his opinion. To be honest, although this power is evil, the level is not high after all. He feels that if there is a level difference, it may not be so easy to truly control a person!

It seems that this is the reason why Sun Shanshan frequently goes to Fengyang City to be affectionate with Lei Maosheng! How could she give up so easily after finally winning someone!

"Let's go out and have a look! This is no longer a suitable place to stay! Yang Lidong and the others should wait impatiently!"

Xiao Huaizhou said, took his hand and led him out. Talking in front of two dead bodies was really unsightly and the smell was not good!

But when he took Qiao Yi to the stairs and prepared to go downstairs, he suddenly froze!

what's the situation?

The entire stair passage was blocked with debris. Not only was it full, it was also piled so high that you couldn't even see what was going on below!

Qiao Yi touched his chin and asked strangely: "What's going on? Are we being imprisoned?"

Xiao Huaizhou walked to the railing not far away without changing his expression and looked down. He saw Chen Fugui sitting on the steps, leaning on his arms and dozing off!

Xiao Huaizhou was speechless. He told them not to go upstairs just like this!

"Chen Fugui!"

Xiao Huaizhou shouted suddenly, and Chen Fugui stood up without even opening his eyes, replying loudly: "Here we are!"

At the same time, Yang Lidong and Su Yue who were discussing matters over there were also alarmed!

When the two heard the familiar call, they immediately ran over happily, then raised their heads and greeted Xiao Huaizhou and Qiao Yi upstairs: "Oh! Third Young Master! Young Master Qiao! You are finally out! We are so anxious!" "

"Yes! We are discussing whether to go up and have a look!"

Su Yue was the most surprised. He had been patrolling for a few days, and he had made many discoveries and was still waiting for their boss to make a decision!

"What's going on?" Xiao Huaizhou ignored their words and focused directly on the pile of obstacles on the stairs. Do any of you welcome the boss out of seclusion like this?

Yang Lidong got angry just looking at that pile of gadgets, and got a headache looking at Chen Fugui, who was extremely devoted to his duties!

Since receiving the order, Chen Fugui has been personally guarding the place day and night. Let alone going upstairs, others are prohibited from approaching within a ten-meter radius of the stairs. I have never seen such a solid-minded person!

"Ouch! I said Chen Fugui, why are you still standing there? Why don't you take it away quickly! Are you going to let Third Young Master and Young Master Qiao come down? What should I say to you?"

Yang Lidong was so anxious that he almost stamped his feet. When he was about to follow him to collect the things, he was suddenly stopped by Chen Fugui's gesture, "Adjutant Yang, don't move! Just let me come! I just have a surprise for you! Hehe!" "

"Third Young Master is still waiting. What are you trying to do? Hurry up!" Yang Lidong simply didn't know what to say. He raised his head and looked at the two young masters above. Well, they look pretty good. It seems that they have spent the past few days up there. Not bad!

Xiao Huaizhou was not in a hurry, because he saw Qiao Yizheng looking at Chen Fugui with great interest, and seemed to be very interested in the surprise he mentioned, so he directly said to Chen Fugui: "If you have any skills, use them quickly!"

The boss spoke, and Chen Fugui was even more encouraged. He nodded deeply, then rubbed his palms, and started to put away things up the stairs from bottom to top, and he put them away very quickly. Look, It’s easy to wear too!

Qiao Yi understood clearly that Chen Fugui's power had been upgraded, so he said happily: "Congratulations, Chen Fugui! You finally got what you wanted and upgraded!"

"Hey! Hey! Thank you, Mr. Qiao! Even if it happened this morning, I didn't expect it to be upgraded so quickly! I thought about it and it must be because I used the crystal cores that Mr. San gave me. Thank you, Mr. San! "

While collecting his things, Chen Fugui excitedly told about his upgrade. When the stairs were completely cleared and he went upstairs, he almost rushed over and gave Qiao Yi a big hug!

It's a pity that he was scared away by the looks from the three young masters!

Yang Lidong was also surprised when he saw it below. Did Chen Fugui upgrade his stuff after two days of fussing here? Is the principle that simple? It seems like it will take a lot of trouble to upgrade!

Thinking about the sour smell that had just dissipated from his body, Yang Lidong became more determined to upgrade as soon as possible. Perhaps the only way to solve the abnormality in his abilities was to upgrade!

After coming downstairs, Xiao Huaizhou gave Yang Lidong a task to go up and clean the battlefield. There were still corpses to be disposed of upstairs!

And when Yang Lidong went upstairs to check the situation and came back, his eyes couldn't explain how complicated it was. He didn't admit it wrong, two Sun Feifei? Why are there only two Sun Feifei? And they all died more miserably than the other!

He was thinking about asking the Third Young Master about the situation when Chen Fugui came over to him and pulled his sleeves!

"What are you doing?" What's wrong with pulling someone's sleeves?

Chen Fugui glanced at Xian outside the warehouse and said with an ugly expression: "What should I do with the Second Young Master? Adjutant Yang, please help me beg for mercy!"

Hearing this, Yang Lidong slapped his forehead, oh, I forgot about this, Chen Fugui must be scared! Let’s see what you do later? …

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