Chapter 35 Ma Family

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With his feet on the dry road and looking at the withered vegetation and crops in the fields by the roadside, Qiao Yi couldn't help but feel depressed for a moment.

Then he raised his wrist and glanced at his watch. At 8:15 in the morning, almost the beginning of the day, the temperature was already almost 30 degrees, and it looked like it would rise again later.

After the apocalypse, the abnormal changes in temperature have long been beyond the scope of human cognition. The temperature is ridiculously high at noon during the day, and it will drop drastically after nightfall. Especially this is May, and the difference between hot and cold temperatures of fifty or sixty degrees is not an exaggeration. .

He tightened the backpack straps on his shoulders, which contained his food and clothes to keep out the cold at night. These were all the belongings he kept outside. Qiao Yi seemed to treasure them very much, and almost never left his body.

"Hey! Xiao Qiao, please slow down and wait for us!" An anxious call came from behind, bringing Qiao Yi back to reality from his meditation. With a cold snort, Qiao Yi pretended not to hear and stepped away. Keep walking forward.

He wished he could leave this family far behind, but he really didn't dare to confirm how much patience he had left before he would continue to stay and guard such a strange family.

And this family was none other than the family that Qiao Yi helped rescue people from the ruins. Their surname was Ma.

"Qiao, you rebellious person! Why did my second son agree to give you all those seeds! That is the cost of our future survival! How can we survive!" Mrs. Ma was ruthless Sharp curses followed.

Although he had heard this countless times, Qiao Yi still couldn't help but pause, his eyes dimmed, and he glanced back at the group of people, old and young, who were trotting behind him in a hurry. He pursed his lips and stopped at the roadside.

Just wait, it's impossible to reason with a bunch of scoundrels!

Ma'er's daughter-in-law was carrying a heavy package on her back. She took the two boys with both hands and rushed up first. While weighing her backpack, she glared at Qiao Yi and said angrily: "Don't even think about getting rid of us!"

Qiao Yi rolled his eyes inwardly, it only took a matter of minutes to get rid of them!

In the blink of an eye, Mrs. Ma supported Ma San'er, who was lame on one leg, and stumbled after her. I don't know whether she was frightened or anxious. Both of them were sweating profusely and breathing heavily.

Before she could catch her breath, Mrs. Ma spoke up: "Xiao Qiao, don't forget that you have obtained our seeds. You promised to escort us to the safe base in City B. You must behave as a human being. Credit!”

It's this rhetoric again, Qiao Yi can think of it even with his eyes closed. But he was too lazy to talk to her and just responded lightly: "I know, let's go!"

His attitude was as perfunctory as he wanted, but there was nothing he could do about it. Who could have made him so confused at that time that he agreed to Ma Er's dying instructions for two packets of seeds! Now it seems that it is obvious that he has no brains and is stupid!

Qiao Yi was in a very complicated mood. At that time, Ma Er knew that he was not going to die soon, so he begged Qiao Yi to help others to the end, and sent the whole family to B City to join his elder brother. He could use the two packets of seeds he had always treasured as reward. .

One pack of these seeds is corn seeds, and the other is cabbage seeds. They are exactly what Qiao Yi wants. After all, seeds are hard to find, so when Ma Er entrusted the whole family to him, he agreed after only a slight hesitation. .

First of all, this base is not far from City B. As long as they travel more during the day and find a safe place to hide at night, they can reach it in a few days.

Secondly, this base is already empty. He really can't leave this family of old, weak, sick and disabled. He is not the Holy Father, so of course his efforts will not be in vain. Seeds are bargaining chips in the transaction. Both parties have their needs. ,Good!

As long as it was not a desperate situation, he would keep his promise and try his best to send these young and old people to City B. Moreover, the destination of his trip was also City B, so it was considered a trip.

Let’s talk about this family.

Mrs. Ma is over 70 years old. Despite her age, she has a strong physique and quick legs. She follows the young people without falling behind at all, which makes Qiao Yi quite gratified.

Ma'er's wife is an authentic rural wife. She does manual labor on weekdays. She is in good health. Not only does she carry heavy packages on her back and front, but she also has to drag two children with her. He really admires her. .

As for the two and a half young men, they were both eight or nine years old. Apart from being thinner and with black spots, they both had beards and tails. They didn't say anything as long as they were obeyed.

The only one who was a little troublesome was Ma San'er. After being rescued, the leg that was crushed was basically useless. There was no condition for treatment on the way to escape. He could only be fixed with two boards and relied on a simple crutch and a stick. With the support of his mother, he struggled to walk, and Qiao Yi thought it was a miracle that he survived.

Looking at this progress... Qiao Yi couldn't help but secretly clicked his tongue.

Speaking of which, Qiao Yi originally planned to find an opportunity to secretly take the car out of the space and use it.

But Mrs. Ma made him give up this idea with just one word. She said that their most valuable seeds had already been given to Qiao Yi, so he had to pay for the materials required to enter City B!

What are you daydreaming about?

Their family of five depends on him! If they knew he had a car, they would probably be interested in this car in the end!

Humph, even if there is a car, they won’t be given a ride! Qiao Yi is used to walking, so he is not afraid. He is not the one who suffers!

Qiao Yi, who has been alone since his rebirth, looked at the old, young, and disabled family, and he had the impulse to leave alone.

After all, it’s the end of the world, and everyone has too much time to take care of themselves. If you bring a family like this, do you think you’ve lived too long?

Qiao Yi would engage in battles between heaven and man from time to time. Mrs. Ma seemed to have seen through his inner thoughts. She would cry, fight, and kidnap him morally from time to time, especially at night when she would have her two grandsons follow her. Qiao Yi was afraid that the person would disappear in the blink of an eye.

Looking at this scene, Qiao Yi couldn't laugh or cry, so he was blackmailed.

He really wanted to leave, but he still couldn't let go of the seeds he had just received. When they weren't paying attention, he had quietly planted corn seeds on the black soil. He didn't know if they would sprout. After all, he had never planted corn seeds before!

So he endured it, after all, it was easy to take advantage of others!

After doing the comfort work over and over again and repeatedly promising not to abandon them, Qiao Yi could rest peacefully.

In the past few days, Qiao Yi encountered a lot of things, and his nerves were always tense. He almost never got a good sleep. With such a family watching over him, he slept peacefully. , feeling refreshed and not bad!

Qiao Yi smacked his lips. He originally planned to collect supplies, farm well, quickly go to City B to find his grandfather, and then go back to Qingyu Peak Underground City to start construction, but what's going on in this roundabout way?

The sun was shining brightly, Qiao Yi sighed resignedly, praying secretly, if only he could get a ride!

But when passing cars saw their big family, old, weak, sick and disabled, packed in small and big bags, who wouldn't speed up and drive past?

The reality of the so skinny!


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