Chapter 29 Evolution

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Security base in City B, the Xiao family residence in the inner city.

In Xiao Qinian's study on the second floor, Xiao Lifeng, Xiao Lifeng, Xiao Lifeng, and Si Chengli were sitting together, discussing things with Mr. Xiao.

As the top leader of the Military District in City B, Xiao Lifeng was so busy that he could hardly touch the ground. When he came back this time, he took the time to visit the old man and brought a lot of good things to show his respect. Second, there is some important information to report. Although the old man has retreated to the second line for many years, he is still the backbone of the Xiao family and has great prestige in the military and even the entire B City. Therefore, all matters related to the interests of the Xiao family will be finalized in the decision-making process. In the past, I needed the old man’s help to check everything.

At this moment, Xiao Lifeng, who was in his fifties, changed his solemn and majestic attitude in front of others and spoke to the old man in a low voice: "Four signal towers at Changling Base have been repaired one after another. Although the signal is still very unstable, it is still good. I made some contact with the Imperial Capital Base and obtained a lot of valuable information."

"Oh, that's good! We are too far away from the imperial capital. Just sending people back and forth to deliver news is time-consuming and laborious, and security issues are becoming increasingly difficult to ensure. In this way, it will be much more convenient to restore communication." Xiao Qinian held his hand Li held a cup of hot tea, took a sip and said slowly.

"Yes, more technical personnel in this field have been sent to support, and we are trying to repair more signal towers to make the communication situation more stable. At the same time, we can also get and maintain contact with other bases as soon as possible!" Xiao Lifeng I told the old man about the arrangements in this regard.

"Well, in this regard, your arrangement is to improve the security construction of the Changling base. Isn't it because of the recent frequent zombie waves? Finally, progress has been made. Don't be careless!" Mr. Xiao put down his teacup and warned him, The Changling base was stationed in by the Xiao family at the beginning of the apocalypse. Not only was it originally a military base, it also contained an extremely important communication tower. If you want to avoid being deaf and blind in the apocalypse and master first-hand information, There must be no problems with the Changling base.

Xiao Lifeng listened and nodded affirmatively: "Don't worry, Dad, this time the defense force has been increased by 30%, and a lot of gold and earth superpowers have been recruited to follow, and then the walls of the base will be By making it taller and thicker, safety can still be guaranteed!”

Mr. Xiao nodded: "Well, that's what we have to do! By the way, how is it in the Imperial Capital? Is there any news?"

When Xiao Lifeng heard this, he immediately said seriously: "There is no problem in the Imperial Capital for the time being, but I mentioned a situation. The zombies seem to have entered an evolutionary stage again. The number of second-level zombies is increasing, and the third-level zombies are no longer rare. Basically, I dare to We have met more or less teams that go out to hunt zombies, and their strength has improved a lot, and they even have the ability to control low-level zombies. This is also one of the reasons why more and more zombies are coming."

He paused slightly and looked at the old man's face as usual before continuing: "Actually, people from our base also encountered third-level zombies. There were many reports of this situation one after another. If it weren't for hunting crystal cores, I am afraid that many people will cower in the city and dare not go out. This is only a third-level zombie. It is hard to imagine what it will be like if it evolves to a fourth or even fifth level? The zombies at that time will probably be even worse. Deal with it!"

Hearing what he said, Mr. Xiao, as well as Xiao Lixun and Si Chengli beside him, couldn't help but frown. By then, the zombies would have evolved not only their strength, but also their intelligence.

After a moment of silence, the old man turned his attention to Xiao Lixun, who was described as a bit slovenly. He was picked out from the laboratory temporarily. This person has never been like his elder brother, who has to tidy up his appearance no matter how busy or tired he is. Next time, he will always have an indifferent attitude, and he is simply blind!

Turning his eyes to Si Chengli, the old man nodded with satisfaction. He did experiments with Xiao Lixun every day, day and night, but now he could sit there neatly dressed. His attitude was different. He truly respected him as a father! He has always been curious, and he doesn't know what Si Chengli likes about his son. He has never left him for so many years!

Thinking of this, Xiao Qinian asked Si Chengli warmly: "Chengli, how is it over there in the laboratory? I heard that Huaizhou has been sending zombies to you a lot recently. Have you discovered anything?" Others are eager to see it as soon as it gets dark. He slept tightly in hiding, but Xiao Huaizhou was different. He rushed out of the city to catch zombies before dark, and then quietly sent them to the laboratory.

After hearing this, Si Chengli nodded immediately and spoke softly: "Dad is right. He has indeed discovered that the zombie virus has upgraded. This also confirms what the elder brother just said about general evolution, and it is affected by the general environment. This kind of evolution The cycle may even be shortened!”

Xiao Qinian couldn't help but look heavy after hearing this, and asked: "How long?"

Si Chengli glanced at Xiao Lixun and then said in a deep voice: "Within two years at most, the first-level zombies will disappear completely, and the third-level and fourth-level zombies will become common, which means..."

Xiao Lixun scratched his chin and took over the words: "In other words, if we let it continue to develop, humanity will be completely finished within two years!"

Xiao Qinian glared at him rudely, "What do you mean, human beings are finished, what they say is not pleasant to listen to!"

He turned to look at Si Chengli and said, "You tell me!"

This is exactly what Si Chengli meant. If Xiao Lixun continues to say anything, he will definitely not have anything nice to say. The old man will definitely not like to hear it, so he readily agreed: "Okay, let me tell you! In fact, Lixun only said it from the perspective of zombies. Don't forget, We humans are also evolving, and the level of superpowers is also accelerating. Recently, I heard that there are 29 superpowers who have successfully upgraded to the third level in B City alone. This has also greatly increased the number of superpowers who can go out. The enthusiasm for hunting zombie crystal cores and the emergence of third-level zombies are also a good thing to a certain extent. After all, if you want to surpass the third-level obstacle, the third-level zombie crystal core is undoubtedly the best choice!"

Xiao Lifeng nodded in agreement and said: "That's true. The military has recently organized a lot of superpowers and troops to go out to hunt zombies. Blindly avoiding them is no longer enough in this world. If you want to better adapt to the end of the world, you have to go boldly. Go out and attack the zombies!"

Si Chengli nodded: "Big brother is right!"

Xiao Lixun immediately praised: "How could it be General Xiao? He must have an overall view of the situation!"

Xiao Qinian glanced at his unformed son and scolded him: "Why don't you learn more from your elder brother? How do you act like a fool every day!"

Xiao Lixun muttered with disdain: "Why should I imitate him?"

Xiao Qinian pouted: "You can't learn even if you want to!"

Mr. Xiao was too lazy to waste time with Xiao Lifeng and turned to Xiao Lifeng: "Since there are evolutionary trends, let's use our strengths and avoid weaknesses. Let the military department take the lead and organize more people to hunt zombies to obtain crystal cores. The material exchange office can add more. The materials exchanged for crystal cores will have more benefits, and naturally more people will go out. In short, we must not leave more space for zombies to evolve freely!"

After Xiao Lifeng listened, he solemnly nodded and said, "Yes, I will arrange it as soon as possible!"

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