Chapter 195 Start big purchase

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It was rare for Qiao Yi to have the backbone to withstand his third brother's torture all night long. Although he would suffer a lot, he was still determined not to let his third brother see those things that were not suitable for children!

Based on his understanding of his third brother, those things would inspire him even if he didn't use them. In order to live a good life, he had to find opportunities to change places and hide those things! No! Just find a chance to throw it away!

Thanks to his excellent physical condition now, and with the maintenance of mental skills and black jade energy, he can recover very quickly no matter how tired he is!

Therefore, when they got up early in the morning and had breakfast with Mr. Xiao energetically, the corners of Mr. Xiao's lips were always curled up. He was very satisfied with Qiao Yi's condition. It seemed that he didn't have to worry too much in the future. Played by yourself!

As for what is hidden in Lei Maosheng's secret room, he has already guessed eight or nine points. If he wants to confirm, he doesn't necessarily have to go into the space to see it in person. He has already thought of a way and is waiting for this kid to tell him with actual actions. The answer is ready!

After all, he was not on vacation. After eating and drinking, Xiao Huaizhou took Qiao Yi out for shopping. Speaking of which, this was Qiao Yi's first time in B City. Although it is no longer as prosperous as it used to be, Qiao Yi is still in high spirits. .

"Let's go to the second-hand building materials market in the north of the city first. This time happens to be the time when the teams who go out to collect materials go to trade. Basically, after the transaction is completed, they can deliver it directly to your door!"

In order to have a pure world for two, Xiao Huaizhou refused the driver arranged by his grandfather and became a driver and tour guide himself.

"Okay! It's all up to you, I'll be responsible for buying, buying, buying!" Qiao Yi came back just to spend money. As long as it can make him spend a lot of money, it doesn't matter where he goes.

"Besides the things needed for base construction, if there is anything you want, the third brother will take you to buy it!"

Although Xiao Huaizhou cried about being poor every day, the points on his account were not a small amount. If Qiao Yi needed something, he could use the points to pay for it, and the money he saved would have to be exchanged back for crystal cores!

After thinking about it, he turned slightly to look at Qiao Yi and motioned for him to dig into his jacket pocket, "You can hold the card inside! Just swipe whatever you like!"

"Oh?" Qiao Yi tilted his body to dig out his pocket happily after hearing this, but as soon as he got closer, the seat belt suddenly braked and pulled him back to his seat.

"Xiao Yi, are you okay?"

Xiao Huaizhou immediately turned around to check on him. His face was extremely ugly. Fortunately, he was not driving very fast and there was no danger!

"It's okay! I'm fine! What's wrong?"

Qiao Yi looked forward while answering. He was pulled back by the seat belt. Nothing happened, but the brake was a bit sudden.

But after taking a few glances in front of the car, I didn't seem to notice anything unusual. However, why were the passers-by nearby pointing in the sky in panic?

"It's up to you to touch the porcelain!"

Xiao Huaizhou rolled his eyelids upward and motioned Qiao Yi to look high in the sky. If he hadn't used his superpower in time to roll the person directly into the air, he might have actually hit him! These daredevils are not timid!

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