Chapter 10 This unexpected surprise is a bit big

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It is no exaggeration to say that Qiao Yi even woke up from his dreams these days with a smile. He was very happy and satisfied when he discovered an underground cave, but he did not expect that he would soon have a bigger surprise. He wanted to leave the mountain. He accidentally got into Cave No. 2, and then confusedly discovered Cave No. 3 and Cave No. 4. Although the scales were quite different, the layout was basically similar. As Mr. Shan said, the underground caves were really connected. , extending in all directions, like a huge underground city!

Similarly, in these cave camps, he also found an astonishing number of various tools and equipment, especially various weapons, which was enough for him to equip a huge army. It was fun to think about it!

If he guessed correctly, there should be other discoveries under the vast Qingyu Peak Mountain, but it would take a lot of time to explore. At the moment, he really can't do it, but there is only a long way to go! It's all his own territory anyway, there's no point in being anxious about it, Qiao Yi thinks openly.

Qiao Yi, who had not yet become king after occupying the mountain, was now a living savage. After coming out of Cave No. 4, he did not dare to continue exploring the dungeon, fearing that if he went in and wandered around, he would not know where he came out.

The exit of Cave No. 4 is not far from the canyon southeast of Qingyu Peak. He remembered that the stream in the canyon eventually merged into the Qingyu River, so as long as he went downstream along the stream, he would be out of the mountain when he reached the bank of the Qingyu River. Just think of a way to get to the safe base in City B. As for the people who killed him, don't worry, there will always be a day when we meet again!

So Qiao Yi has been rushing non-stop these days, wanting to get out of the mountain as soon as possible, but after all, Qingyu Peak is a nature reserve, and many mountain forests are undeveloped areas. The forests are deep and the grass is dense, and it is difficult to tell the direction. Where do you want to go out smoothly? It's that easy.

Thanks to Qiao Yi's good sense of direction and his ability to survive in the wild, he managed to reach the bottom of the canyon after two days of groping in the dense forest.

Kneeling by the clear stream, Qiao Yi poured a few handfuls of water on his head and face, rubbed it up and down, then washed his hands again, and took a few sips of the cool stream water. Along the way, there were wild fruits He was eating, so he didn't feel very hungry or thirsty, but the greasy feeling of sweat all over his body made him very uncomfortable. He really wanted to take a good bath in this cool stream! But after looking around, he gave up the idea. Although he had not encountered any danger in the past two days, he could still clearly feel that something had been following him. For safety reasons, he decided to endure it first. Tolerate.

"Hey! If I had known better, I wouldn't have talked so much nonsense with the old man. I would have just asked him how to get out of the mountain as quickly as possible, or I would have asked him to open a magic circle and send it out directly for me!" Qiao Yi stared at the embarrassed man in the stream. reflection, muttering in frustration.

Looking up at the sky, Qiao Yi curled his lips and wondered where the old man's magic circle would cover it, and how long would it take for him to get out of the magic circle?

Picking up the black knife he brought out from the cave, Qiao Yi carefully wiped off the remaining dark green traces on it with his sleeve. Along the way, he used it to cut through obstacles and clear the way. It was so easy to use!

"It's really a good knife!" Qiao Yi looked over and over again, praising without hesitation, "I found a treasure, I found a treasure!" And this is just one of them, there are many more that he doesn't have time to examine in detail. I believe there will be more surprises waiting for him.


A sudden sound from the dense forest behind him interrupted Qiao Yi's thoughts. He immediately looked back with a knife in his hands vigilantly, only to see clusters of branches and leaves shaking as something approached.

There is something! Qiao Yi stood up and looked downstream. The road was not easy to walk. No matter what it was, it would not be easy to escape. Moreover, his intuition was that this thing had followed him all the way. He couldn't wait any longer to prepare today. Did you attack him?


Thinking of this, the sound over there was louder and more urgent, and it was getting closer!

Qiao Yi held the handle of the knife tightly with both hands and stared at it for a moment. A layer of fine beads of sweat appeared on his newly washed forehead. He had to admit that the unknown was scary.

"Old man, I hope this is really the cutie you said!" Qiao Yi muttered, and saw the grass over there suddenly moved greatly, and then a green head, not much bigger than his fist, emerged. Then there is the slender body that swims out.

There's something else I can't see clearly. It's a grass-green snake!

Qiao Yi had goosebumps all over his body. God knows how scared he is of this thing! Even if it is non-toxic and harmless and does not bite, no matter how young he is, he still feels terrified!

He unconsciously took a few steps back, and the black knife probed forward again. Qiao Yi said with a trembling voice: "Old man, are you not asleep yet? Get up... and help me!"

"Is this your little cutie?"

The cute little green snake shook its head and moved forward.

"Old man?" Qiao Yi stepped into the stream, and then slowly retreated to the other side of the stream, "You really fell asleep! Are you so disrespectful?"

The cute little snake spit out its core and twisted its body to follow it to the stream. It was very proud of it.

Qiao Yi retreated to the other side of the stream and observed silently in his mind. The triangular head and erect pupils must be those of a poisonous snake, but it seems that he didn't see any fangs? Hey, no matter what, it’s a snake but it won’t work, he has to run away!

Thinking of this, he really did it. Regardless of whether the snake followed him across the stream, Qiao Yi turned around and ran downstream. How fast could he run away from a snake that had no legs and could only crawl?

During this run, Qiao Yi didn't even dare to stop and take a breath. He didn't stop until he could see the Qingyu River in the distance. He bent over and held his knees. Qiao Yi gasped and breathed for a long time. Only then did I feel alive again.

"Ah~!" As soon as he raised his head, Qiao Yi was so frightened that he screamed and fell to the ground. What happened? The snake was coiled not far in front of him, staring straight at him! Caught up so quickly? !

"Fuck!" Qiao Yi cursed. This thing must have swam down the stream. It really saved time and effort with the wind and the current!

Take a deep breath, get up, and hold the black knife across your chest. If you can't run, then do it! This snake is not very big, so it’s not certain who will win!

"You've been following me all this way, and you really want to eat me?" Qiao Yi pointed his sword at the snake's head.

Who would have thought that after hearing this, the snake's green head shook uncoordinatedly from side to side!

Qiao Yi: "..." My eyes seem a little blurred.

"I'm telling you, I haven't seen blood on this knife yet. If you are wise, you should leave quickly!" Qiao Yi took a slight step forward, pointed the tip of the knife and threatened.

I saw the snake's head shaking uncoordinatedly from side to side. There were no other unnecessary movements. It didn't look like he was going to attack. Instead, it looked more like he was denying what he said. Qiao Yi suspected that he was just too tired to be dizzy. .

"You won't eat me?" Although he found it unbelievable, Qiao Yi still asked tentatively.

Unexpectedly, the snake nodded twice in a serious manner!

In an instant, Qiao Yi was shocked and asked in disbelief: "You...can understand me?!"

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