Chapter 119: Putting an end to the chaos (2)

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Li Bowen didn't expect that as soon as he approached the room where the fight was going on, he would be doused in his head by a sudden spurt of water.

If there wasn't still some distance, he would definitely be swept away by the current.

From inside, Pan Rulin gritted his teeth and screamed: "Xue Baoqi! You really think of yourself as the Dragon King. If you have the guts, flood this place with water. Otherwise, kneel down and kowtow to me and beg for mercy. If I am happy, I may be able to spare your life!"

"Kneel down for you! Go and dream of your Spring and Autumn Dream!" Xue Baoqi responded not to be outdone, and the water dragon in his hand circled up again, winding towards Pan Rulin.

He has already been able to control the speed and pressure of the water flow very well. As long as he concentrates, the pressure of the water flow will increase instantly, which is extremely penetrating! As long as you keep improving, your power will be endless!

It's a pity that Pan Rulin was like a slippery loach, blindly dodging to avoid his frontal attacks, and at the same time using his speed advantage to continuously attack him, and suffered a lot of losses!

"Is your superpower about to break through?" Xue Baoqi looked at Pan Rulin in surprise when he failed to succeed. He had figured out his strength at least, but after today's battle, he felt that it was different from before.

Pan Rulin's speed was faster and it was difficult for him to lock the target.

"It's just a last resort! I'm just using you for training! If you don't beg for mercy, then you will die!"

Pan Rulin raised his long knife, as if there was wind under his feet, and quickly moved away before his water flow came, and then turned and moved away before being locked again, arriving behind Xue Baoqi in just a moment.

Taking advantage of his unpreparedness, he raised his knife and slashed. Seeing that the blade was deflected by the water behind him, he immediately raised his foot and kicked Xue Baoqi out of the window before he could react.

Everything happened so fast. Li Bowen, who had just wiped the water off his face, was thrown to the ground by the oncoming flying man as soon as he raised his head.



Their chins hit their foreheads, and both of them let out a deep sigh of pain. Their noses were sore and miserable.

Just as Li Bowen was about to push away the human-shaped cannonball, he was startled when he saw a man ducking towards the two stacked Arhats and slashing his sword!

It's Pan Rulin!


Without thinking too much, Li Bowen and his men rolled to the side vigorously, and threw the fireball out of his hand.

If you react slowly, you will be skewered!

Standing up quickly, Li Bowen threw two more fireballs, and then glanced at the person next to him who was getting up.

This third in charge is quite young! He just looks a little embarrassed!

"There are helpers!" Pan Rulin swung his sword to scatter the two fireballs, and then slashed at him, "I didn't know you had recruited a powerful helper. Okay, Xue Baoqi, no wonder you want to rebel!"

Xue Baoqi suffered the first loss, knowing that he was careless. He didn't expect to catch up with Pan Rulin's breakthrough, but now he had no way out and could only fight to the end.

"Uncle, no matter why you appear here, this is not the place you should be! Thank you so much for saving me just now. If I am lucky enough to survive today, I will find a chance to repay you! Now hurry up and leave!"

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