Chapter 107 A bumper harvest of crystal nuclei

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Inside Rongan Base.

Qiao Yi was extremely excited as he watched Hei Ye, the crystal core transporter, completely unload the goods, and then asked his third brother to place himself on top of Hei Ye's head, and just kiss him without caring about his head!

If Xiao Huaizhou hadn't stopped him in time, he would have pierced Mr. Hei's head!

"Master Hei! Where did the old man take you to kill everyone? Why are there so many crystal nuclei?" Qiao Yi fluttered his hands and feet excitedly, then rolled over and pointed at the pile of crystal nuclei on the ground and asked.

Hei Ye shook his head slightly and slowly changed his body. The frivolous master above his head was carried away by Xiao Huaizhou. God knows how unwilling it was to take this job. If the guardian angel hadn't threatened it, it wouldn't have come. If he gave the crystal core as a gift, he would use that foreign guy to stew the soup and drink it, why wouldn't it come?

Those shiny and hard things are really not suitable to be placed in the stomach, okay? What's more, most of them are spit out from the mouths of other mutated animals and plants, so it doesn't mind too much!

Thinking of the sight of the mountains still busy harvesting zombies when it set out, Hei Ye felt that he would depend on his master's side for life and death and would not go back. He didn't want to do it a second time!

Look, look! That heartless master didn't come over quickly to let him rest in the space after his transformation. He just walked around the crystal core pile and giggled, money addict!

Shaking his head and thinking for a moment, Hei Ye shamelessly wrapped his arms around the long legs of Xiao Huaizhou, who still looked calm, and then moved all the way up. Finally, he stopped clinging to his arms and rubbed his head against his shoulders a few times to give him some support. Comforting, okay?

Xiao Huaizhou raised his hand and tapped the head that had just been kissed by Qiao Yi to show his dignity, and expressed his comfort in a perfunctory manner!

The sensation brought by Master Hei was so shocking that everyone who heard the news was so shocked that they could not recover for a long time. They looked at Master Hei and sighed, and then looked at the crystal core and shouted, this is a snake of wealth descending from heaven. !

Su Yue ordered the door to be closed as soon as Master Hei entered, and then sent extra personnel to patrol the perimeter. Master Hei and the others could not hide, but the crystal core must not leak out! Such a large amount of wealth will inevitably attract outsiders to covet it!

It took a long time for Yang Lidong to close his wide-open mouth. I'm going to be a good boy. In this way, he doesn't have to concentrate the crystal cores in their hands to give to Qiao Shao. What they have together may not be enough for a fraction of others!

He looked at Qiao Yi and then at the three young masters. When will he receive the certificate? After receiving the certificate, do these become common property?

Xiao Huaiqing, who also came after hearing the news, was also shocked by the scene in front of him. Qiao Yi is really the lucky star of their Xiao family. He needs fighting power and wealth. No wonder his third brother protects people like his own eyes. Yes, this must be protected! Their whole family has to protect him!

"Amitabha! I said that this benefactor has great fortune. As long as he wants to, he can definitely end the apocalypse!" At the end, he saw the great hope of salvation in Qiao Yi, tried hard to break away from Xiao Ershao's control, and proclaimed loudly !

"It doesn't matter what you say, Qiao Yi is the treasure of our family. Of course he will have great fortunes. What does it have to do with you? I'm warning you, be honest! If you talk nonsense again, be careful I will feed you to that snake!"

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