Chapter 112 Death of Lei Maosheng

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On the top of the warehouse, Qiao Yi watched Lei Maosheng dismantle another steel plate and turn it into a shield to resist Li Bowen's fireball attack. He couldn't help but feel distressed. Those were rare supplies, no matter how easy it was to get them!

oops! Another piece of arrows that he decomposed into countless arrows shot towards Li Bowen crazily. Once they encountered the red flames, they turned into molten iron and fell down.

"Third brother, why don't you stop me?" Qiao Yi couldn't bear to see them trashing things so much, so he turned to ask the man next to him who was watching leisurely and contentedly.

"No hurry, just wait!" Xiao Huaizhou, who was not satisfied with watching the excitement, hugged him, rested his chin on his shoulder, and continued to watch the melee below.

"There's no clear winner here!" One can dismantle, the other can burn, they are both prodigals.

"Well, the two are indeed evenly matched. That's why Lei Maosheng doesn't dare to deal with Li Bowen head-on. If he does it forcefully, both sides will lose! It's not cost-effective for him!"

Xiao Huaizhou patiently explained the situation and glanced at the battle elsewhere. Lei Maosheng led many people, but not many were truly capable of fighting. When it came to the critical moment of meeting the real chapter, he could see Lei Maosheng's ability to control his subordinates and his character. It's so bad, many people are thinking of quitting before they try their best, and there are already many vehicles turning around in the periphery!

"Su Yue! Don't let a single soldier go!" Xiao Huaizhou ordered in a deep voice. Su Yue, who was fighting in the distance, clearly heard the order without having to speak loudly. He raised his hand and led the people to run to the outside. .

The winner has not yet been decided here. If one is sent back, it is hard to say whether more support will be received. However, the city gate is certain to be closed. They still have to go to Fengyang and don't want to waste time attacking again. City!

"Look over there!" Qiao Yi pointed excitedly to the farthest point, and saw that under the control of the earth element user, a long earth wall had been raised on the ground there, blocking the way of the moving vehicles. Soon, countless slender vines sprouted from the earthen wall, tying up those who wanted to escape over the wall.

A sound of wailing and begging for mercy rang out, causing Lei Maosheng to lose consciousness in the midst of a fierce battle, and was almost hit by the oncoming fireball.

"Trash!" He gritted his teeth and spit out two words. He no longer cared about the life and death of others. Li Bowen in front of him was like a poisonous snake biting him. There were not many things he could use.

Lei Maosheng still hasn't figured out who he is meeting. He won't talk about it, won't accept hard or soft words, and will fight whenever he wants. He also hides many masters!

As soon as he started, he made people fall on their feet. He was restrained in every aspect, and no one under his command could help him. It was so frustrating!

Being poked in a sore spot, he suddenly couldn't figure out why he came here. For Sun Shanshan? Is losing everything for a woman the result of your own persistence?

"Where is Sun Shanshan!" Lei Maosheng yelled unwillingly. After all she had sacrificed, she had to let him know her life and death!

"I can't shout anymore! I'm already dead!" Li Bowen said coldly, throwing the fiery power ball, thinking that you yourself are in danger, yet you still worry about others!

"Ah! Ah! I knew it!" Lei Maosheng roared angrily, waving his diamond iron arm desperately, wishing to beat Li Bowen into mud.

"Lei Maosheng! Your good hand of cards has been ruined, and you still haven't figured out what's going on?" The fireball in Li Bowen's hand continued to grow, making his face turn red, and the desire for revenge surged in his eyes. I almost want to burst out.

"Hmph! It's none of your business what I do! Don't be proud in front of me! If Wang Yufan hadn't been useless, you would still be rampant here!" Lei Maosheng's eyes turned red, and he couldn't even listen to what others said. Now that he knows that Sun Shanshan is dead, he seems to have no more scruples. He can kill the people Wang Yufan didn't kill with his own hands. Even if he dies here, he won't lose money!

"You are stubborn! You ruined my team, cost me my life, and implicated many brothers. You owe me this debt, and I have to pay it back today!" Li Bowen had no patience to grind his teeth with him, and gradually gathered strength. Prepare to give it a try.

"Brother! Hahahaha!" Hearing Li Bowen mention his brothers, Lei Maosheng burst into laughter. "By the way, I forgot to tell you that you are beautiful and have a backer. But your so-called tough brothers Our lives will not be so good!"

"What do you mean? What did you do to them?" Hearing this, Li Bowen was shocked. Once he was killed, it would be difficult for him to return to the city. When he secretly went back, he learned that his brothers were in a bad situation, but at least they were not in danger of their lives. .

And now listening to Lei Maosheng's tone, could it be that his brothers were also brutally murdered?

"Hahahaha! How's it going? It's hard for me to say! Cramping, peeling, and slicing are all possible! In short, it will be very miserable! Who asked them to show their loyalty and act as heroes? They are looking for death!"

Lei Maosheng was completely out of control, laughing maniacally, and at the same time his powers became manic. All the metal objects around him that he could use quickly gathered around him, and gradually pieced together into a steel frame. The giant King Kong looks out in all directions.

"Holy crap! This is about to explode! Third brother, are you still watching?" As soon as the steel whirlwind on the ground stopped, Qiao Yi stood up excitedly. He felt that Li Bowen was a lot weaker in terms of momentum. He didn't know what he could do. Can't withstand Lei Maosheng's thunderous impact?

"Don't worry, I'm watching!" Xiao Huaizhou also stood up. The reason why he didn't take action was because he was testing Li Bowen's bottom line. If the critical moment came, he would naturally not stand idly by and let him suffer and be beaten. .

"This Lei Maosheng is better than I thought!" Qiao Yi gave a fair evaluation. He is not a good person, but his ability is indeed extraordinary. It is a pity that he is another one who was tricked by Sun Shanshan.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Li Bowen also starting to move. After landing, his power ball suddenly turned into waves of fire, surrounding the steel giant layer by layer. The temperature continued to rise as the fire circle shrank. High, the flames burned higher and higher, and soon Lei Maosheng was swallowed up.

Of course, Lei Maosheng would not just sit down and be roasted. He kept beating the flames with his hands and feet, and then a few more rotations turned his feet into a set of thick springs. With a little help, he jumped up and jumped out easily. Surrounded by fire.

"We can't trap him!" Qiao Yi shouted anxiously. He could see that as long as Lei Maosheng wanted to, the set of springs could continue to increase and jump with a heavy body. It would not be easy for Li Bowen to trap him through the ring of fire. .

Of course Li Bowen was aware of this problem, but he still didn't give up and kept gathering power balls and throwing them at Lei Maosheng.

Xiao Huaizhou finally stopped watching this time. He took advantage of Lei Maosheng to fall into another ring of fire and suddenly activated his superpower. For a moment, a strong whirlwind rolled with fire and wrapped around Lei Maosheng again.

As a result, Lei Maosheng, who was originally confident, suddenly panicked. He found that no matter how hard he jumped on a spring, he could not escape from the flames. Even if he rose into the air, the flames would circle around him as if they had wings, and the wind would help the fire. , the more it burns, the more prosperous it becomes!

"Ah! Ah! Li Bowen, you are cheating!" The steel armor on his body quickly conducted heat, and Lei Maosheng couldn't help but cry out in pain, and then a huge fireball rolled on the ground.

Ahhhhh! The futile rolling suppressed the burning fire. It was not until the screams stopped that Lei Maosheng was completely swallowed up by the flames...

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