Chapter 46 Catching the enemy Huang Chenggang

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Qiao Yi was too lazy to talk to them anymore. In full view of everyone, he walked around the field and took all the mutated weasels into the space.

Seeing that they all looked unbelievable and surprised, Qiao Yi raised his lips and smiled, and said frivolously: "If anyone still doesn't believe it, you can go over the mountain to the east and have a look. The blood stains there are still very fresh." !”

Except for Zhang Shumian, whose teeth were chattering due to the cold, everyone was speechless, especially the few people who had been making malicious comments just now. Now they all shrank their necks and tried to appear invisible.

There is another person who has been standing behind the crowd since Qiao Yi showed a series of unexpected abilities. He didn't say a word, but he was already beating a drum in his heart. This person is Huang Chenggang.

With such strength at his side, his so-called evidence is nothing! It couldn't be easier for Qiao Yi to squeeze him to death!

Looking at Cai Jincheng, who only has eyes for Qiao Yi now, and then at Zhang Shumian, who seems to be having an epilepsy and about to shake himself into a sieve, Huang Chenggang pursed his lips and quietly disappeared into the night...

And his move happened to fall into Qiao Yi's eyes, and he sneered in his heart, well done!

Seeing that the matter had come to an end, Qiao Yi turned to look at Xiao Huaizhou and said, "Third brother, let's go!" I'm afraid this place is no longer suitable for them to stay overnight. Without the Ma family to follow, he and his third brother changed places and entered the space directly. Enough.

Of course, before that, he had to avenge his death in his previous life!

"Okay." Xiao Huaizhou agreed happily, stretched out his long arms to tightly circle him, and then activated his powers. The two people rose high again in the astonished eyes of everyone, and flew away in the blink of an eye.

It wasn't until the two of them could no longer be seen in the night that Cai Jincheng reluctantly looked away. Unexpectedly, he heard Li Yunxiu exclaim: "Shu Mian, what's wrong with you?"

Cai Jincheng hurried over to check and saw Zhang Shumian lying on the ground with his whole body shaking and his teeth clenched. He looked very painful!

"Shu Mian, Shu Mian, are you okay?" Cai Jincheng half-hugged him nervously and asked repeatedly.

How could Zhang Shumian still have the strength to say even half a word!

Li Yunxiu was so anxious that he cried: "I don't know why this happened all of a sudden. He was just a little cold when I saw him just now. Why did it suddenly become serious? Cheng, please think of a way to save Shu Mian!"

After hearing what she said, Cai Jincheng frowned and thought for a moment, then slowly said, "He must be frightened. I'll take him inside to have a rest first!"

Li Yunxiu responded repeatedly: "Okay, this child is naturally timid, he must be frightened. Oh, my Shumian!"

Before going in, Cai Jincheng still told Chen Younian: "You and Huang Chenggang arrange to clean up the building behind and deal with it overnight!"

"Yes, Mr. Cai." Chen Younian nodded in agreement, but when he turned around, he could still see Huang Chenggang's shadow.

Out of the sight of others, Qiao Yi asked Xiao Huaizhou to change direction, raised his hand and pointed, and whispered: "Third brother, go there!"

"Okay." Xiao Huaizhou immediately changed direction without doubting that he was there.

Qiao Yi reached out and patted Mr. Hei, who was resting his head on his third brother's shoulder, and said softly: "Master Hei, go and help me catch the fast-running man in front of him. He must be alive!"

"呲呲~" Heiye loved hunting the most. After hearing this, he immediately slid down Xiao Huaizhou's long arm, and after landing, he swam forward quickly and chased after him.

"It's a wind power user." Xiao Huaizhou whispered. As a wind power user, he quickly sensed the familiar energy fluctuations. However, after all, they have different levels, even if they are both wind power users. , the difference in abilities between them is still very big. For example, the person running wildly below can only use the wind to accelerate, but cannot directly ride the wind like him.

Qiao Yi nodded lightly: "Well, he is a second-level wind power user, and he can run pretty fast! But it's a pity."

"What's a pity?"

"It's a pity that he met Third Brother and Master Hei. What's the use of running fast?" Qiao Yi laughed out loud.

Seeing his proud look, Xiao Huaizhou thought it was cute and rubbed his head with his big hand: "Who is this? What did he do? Did he bully you?"

After hearing his question, Qiao Yi suddenly stopped smiling, and his eyes darkened a bit. He bit his lower lip, then raised his eyes to look at Xiao Huaizhou and said solemnly: "His name is Huang Chenggang, Cai Jincheng's bodyguard, a Many months ago, he was the one who caused me to almost die in a zombie wave!"

Then, Qiao Yi briefly told how Huang Chenggang assassinated him, how he was trapped in a zombie hunt, and had to jump off a bridge to survive. He also explained the reason why he broke with the Cai family.

Of course, Qiao Yi chose not to talk about the experience of being murdered in his previous life. It was not that he didn't trust Xiao Huaizhou, but that it was too unbelievable and he decided that it would be better to digest it by himself for the time being.

Because Qiao Yi looked at his third brother's expression and felt something was wrong. Just hearing that he was almost killed by Huang Chenggang, his expression was already so gloomy and frightening. If he knew that such a thing happened in the previous life, he was sure He can sit on the ground and create a tornado!

"Third brother?" Qiao Yi carefully pulled his arm. The temperature is already very low now, so let's stop artificially cooling it, okay?

"Let's find a place first!" Suppressing the anger boiling in his heart, Xiao Huaizhou took Qiao Yi to a deserted orchard passing by. There was a dilapidated wooden hut here, which looked like a temporary residence built by fruit farmers to take care of the orchard.

There were no doors or windows in the cabin, and nothing dangerous was hidden.

Xiao Huaizhou swept it away casually, and the dust and some messy things accumulated inside were packed away by a whirlwind.

Qiao Yi blinked and suddenly teased him: "Third brother, it's a pity that you don't do housework because of your ability!"

Xiao DaSweeper was amused by his words, and most of the anger he had just accumulated disappeared, so he smiled and answered his words and said: "Then let's see whose family can afford me as a housekeeper!"

Qiao Yi immediately raised his hand and said with a smile: "I can afford it! I can afford it! I have many, many crystal nuclei!" There are so many in the space that I haven't even counted them yet!

"I didn't realize that you are still a little rich man!"

Xiao Huaizhou raised his eyes and glanced around, waved his hand again, and saw that a withered peach tree not far away was quickly cut into a pile of firewood.

Qiao Yi was overjoyed and ran over to collect firewood. His third brother was turning into a lumberjack again!

After they set up the fire and packed everything up, they felt a slight tremor from the ground, and then heard a thud as something heavy fell to the ground.

Qiao Yi went out to look and saw Huang Chenggang, who had passed out, being thrown to the ground motionless.

He took a deep breath and stared solemnly at the enemy who killed him. He could finally avenge his previous life...

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