Chapter 94 Twin Sisters

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Xiao Huaizhou was paralyzed as if he had been electrocuted. After a moment of stiffness, he staggered back to the wall and faced Sun Shanshan who was already approaching.

"You...are not that Sun Feifei!"

Xiao Huaizhou closed his eyes to relieve his inexplicable dizziness, and then looked at Sun Shanshan.

He had only had some doubts before. There was an indescribable sense of incompatibility between Sun Shanshan and the woman they were in contact with. He originally thought that Sun Feifei was just a stage act deliberately to deceive their trust, and Sun Shanshan's appearance was just something she did. He just returned to himself and showed his true face.

Looking at it now, he still thought wrong. They were just two twin sisters, each playing a different role!

"Xiao Huaizhou, I told you, I am not Sun Feifei, I am Sun Shanshan! You are the one who thinks too much!" Sun Shanshan's fingertips landed on his chest and tapped twice, then raised her eyes to look She gave him a winning smile.

"Your powers..."

Xiao Huaizhou knew that he was being plotted by the woman in front of him with his superpower, and he felt that her superpower was very evil. His consciousness gradually became confused, and he couldn't even use his superpower!

"My superpower! Maybe it's the only one in the world! I call it charm!" Sun Shanshan said softly, then winked at Xiao Huaizhou with a charming smile, "Have you seen the Zhang brothers? ? Who wouldn’t obey my orders? It’s not because of my super powers!”

"what you up to?"

Xiao Huaizhou tried hard to stay awake. The figures in front of him became increasingly blurry. What made him even more anxious was that he could no longer pay attention to the situation outside the door. Although Zhang Yuanhu had no powers, he was not a good person either. He just hopes that Xiao Yi will not be distracted and must protect himself!

"Haha!" Sun Shanshan chuckled, "What do I want to do? Xiao Huaizhou, it's this time, you should know best, I just want to get you!"

As she spoke, she saw her palms slowly open, and a stream of colored energy rose up like waves of smoke, and then followed her thoughts into the breath of the man in front of her until it disappeared.

"I advise you to stop!"

Xiao Huaizhou put his hands on the wall behind him, straightened his body with slight force, narrowed his dangerous eyes slightly, and warned in a cold voice!

"Shh!" Sun Shanshan turned a blind eye to his threat and raised her index finger to her lips to make a shushing gesture. "It doesn't matter if you don't like me now! Wait for a while, I'm afraid you won't be able to leave me anymore. Woolen cloth!"


Xiao Huaizhou sneered and was about to reach out and pinch him. At this moment, someone suddenly screamed from outside the door: "Sun Shanshan! Stop it!"

The next second, the door was pushed open violently, and then a disheveled woman rushed in from outside!

"Sun Feifei! What are you doing here?"

After Sun Shanshan saw the person clearly, she frowned and scolded angrily, looked behind her, and couldn't help but ask: "Where is Zhang Laosan?"

She clearly told Zhang Yuanbao to keep a close eye on the person, but it was really useless to let her run out so quickly!

Xiao Huaizhou looked at the two women in front of him who were dressed differently but looked the same. His suspicion was confirmed, and he couldn't help but snorted: "They are indeed twin sisters!"

Hearing his voice, Sun Feifei quickly turned to look at Xiao Huaizhou. This person who was usually so cold and tough was leaning against the wall, trying her best to hide something. After discovering his abnormality, she asked Sun Shan angrily. Shan: "Did you use your superpower on him?!"

"What? Can't I use it? My good sister, don't forget, you brought me here in person. Didn't you always know what I want to do? Why come here to disturb this situation now!"

As Sun Shanshan was speaking, she took a step forward, blocking her view of Xiao Huaizhou, raised her hand and pointed toward the door, and issued an eviction order: "Get out now! I can also let you have a good life in the future. !”

"Ha! Good days? Is this what you mean by good days?" Sun Feifei lowered her head to show her how embarrassed she was at this time. She was secretly taken out by Zhang Yuanbao in the secret passage. She originally thought it was just a normal reception, but as soon as she got out That Zhang Yuanbao showed his true nature and couldn't wait to get her back to his room, wanting to take her by force.

During the struggle, Zhang Yuanbao made it clear that her good sister Sun Shanshan had long promised to give her to him, so just let her give up!

That's obviously not what he said!

Although the woman who came upstairs had disheveled hair and messy clothes, when he saw her back, Qiao Yi immediately recognized that it was Sun Feifei who had come with them all the way!

My thoughts flashed, Sun Feifei! Two Sun Feifei! Fucked! Sing a double act with them! And Zhang Yuanhu's words stimulated him even more. His third brother was in danger! If you haven't come out for a long time, you are trapped inside!

Seeing that Sun Feifei disappear at the door, Qiao Yi immediately raised his feet and was about to run there, but unexpectedly, a thick arm strangled his neck tightly!

"Little brother! I guess it's not suitable for you to go and watch there. You'd better stay here and chat with Brother Tiger!"

Zhang Yuanhu pressed his back and said something sinister while dragging Qiao Yi to a room behind him with his hands. His physical advantage made him feel like he was carrying a kitten. I feel so proud!

Qiao Yi was stunned by this blockage. He clasped the arm around his neck with both hands and opened a crack with all his strength!

"Let go!"

"See how powerful you are! I advise you to stop moving around. Brother Tiger is not serious about what he does. It would be bad if he accidentally breaks your thin neck!"

Zhang Yuanhu said with a playful smile, the strong tobacco smell in his mouth sprayed directly into Qiao Yi's ears, making him frown, it was so disgusting!

"I say it again, let go!"

Qiao Yi put down his hands and gave another warning!

"Hey! Boy! Why are you trying to scare people after this? If I don't let you go, what else can you do?"

As soon as the teasing words came out of Zhang Yuanhu's mouth, he heard a "puff" the next second, and along with a heavy groan, the arm wrapped around Qiao Yi's neck suddenly loosened up!


Zhang Yuanhu lowered his head and looked in disbelief at the black knife inserted into his abdomen and groaned in pain!

This guy is hiding a knife! He actually has space!

"Ugh!" The blade turned and the pain intensified. Before he could say a word, Zhang Yuanhu fell to the ground as the blade was pulled away. After a few twitches, he died unwillingly!

"Looking for death!" You asked him to let go, but you dared to ask what he could do? Qiao Yi is like this!

Qiao Yi's emotions at this time were unspeakably violent. If he tried to stop him from saving his third brother, he would only die!

He hurriedly turned around and walked out of the room. Passing by where he could clearly see the stair railing downstairs, Qiao Yi without thinking, raised the back of his knife and banged it upwards, then roared at Yang Lidong downstairs: "Yang Lidong ! These grandsons dare to plot against your boss! Stop pretending, get up and kill them!"

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