Chapter 105 The surprise brought by Master Hei

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Qiao Yi didn't expect that before his base was established, he would receive the first batch of people who wanted to join him!

Despite his young age and the half-real identity of a monk, he is really good at identifying people and talents.

During the few months he was trapped, although he failed to influence the evildoers, he finally understood the situation of those trapped, from their origins to their temperaments, from their living conditions before the apocalypse to their post-apocalyptic situations, from their skills When it comes to superpowers, regardless of whether they are ordinary people or people with superpowers, he has a clear distinction here.

In the end, he ignored Xiao Huaiqing, the villain who stood in front of him, and looked at Qiao Yi with a tilted head and asked: "Donor, please give me a pen and paper. I will write down the information of those people for you. As for whether what I said is true or false, you can go as you please. Verify! I must follow you anyway!"

He thought for a while, clenched his little fist and added: "I just heard that if you want to build a base in the mountains, those people can definitely be of great help! If we work together, we can definitely save all sentient beings and end the apocalypse. !"

Xiao Huaiqing held his forehead and sighed, his desire to abduct Xiao Yi to become a monk is not dead yet! I don't know if the people he mentioned have been brainwashed by him, and if they follow him into the mountains, he will build a monk temple for them!

Qiao Yi was overjoyed when he heard what he said. He planned to get up and go over to talk to him in detail, but found that he and his chair were tightly held by a big hand and couldn't move!

"Third brother! This is a good thing!" Qiao Yi turned to look at him and motioned for him to let go. Of course he had to personally check on the people who came to him. Someone helped screen the available talents, which saved a lot of effort. Why was he stopping him?

Xiao Huaizhou didn't move at all, he just gave him a calm look, and then ordered to Yang Lidong: "Give him a pen and paper, and then go verify it!"

Just as Yang Lidong was about to say yes, Xiao Huaiqing took over and said, "No, I'll give him the pen and paper. I'll check the situation myself! If you don't believe me, I can't deal with a little monster monk!"

After he said that, he grabbed the person again, half clamped and half mopped the last part out, and kept mumbling: "Before writing about other people's situation, you have to explain yourself clearly. What is your real name? Where do you live? Who else is there at home? Have you ever gone to school before? By the way, you have no partner everywhere? How many have you been with? Let me tell you, you have become a monk, so you can't tell a lie! Otherwise..."

"Let me go! I'm helping you, how could you do this!" In the end, he struggled in vain. He really couldn't compete with a big man in terms of physical strength.

"You help us, I'd better help you first, otherwise you will freeze to death in a while! Baba is still moving forward... Where is the brain? The hair is gone and the brain is not protected? Huh?" They all walked far away , you can still hear Xiao Huaiqing's preaching voice.

Qiao Yi looked at the two people walking away with black lines on his head. Why was it so difficult for him to say a word to this last person? Are you sure that the second brother and the third brother don't have any grudges against monks?

Yang Lidong and Su Yue looked at Xiao Huaiqing who was walking away with great admiration, thinking in their hearts, why did the second young master come here? If he had come a few days earlier, Sun Feifei would have been able to retreat, and there was no need for them to fool him!

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