Chapter 189 We are together

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In this way, several big bosses of the Xiao family gathered together to discuss, and Hong Shengbo's fate was determined. As for Hong Changbo, he could just be a clown and make moves at will.

Instead of spending a lot of time and energy on taking every precaution, it's better to lie down and take the attack. The Xiao family is covered in thorns, so those who want to take action must be prepared to be stabbed on the backhand!

Seeing that the matter was almost done, Xiao Qinian quickly ordered Lao Mo: "Go, clean up the room next to mine, let my Yibao sleep, and replace all the bedding with new ones. See what is missing in the room, hurry up." Ready to add!”

The two children came all the way back without being able to have a good rest. He looked distressed, especially Qiao Yi, who looked much weaker than the Xiao family. He must have been exhausted after spending a long time with them, so he had to make arrangements quickly. Give him a place to take a good rest!

As for the exchange of supplies, he has thought about it. He can allocate the crystal cores first, arrange more manpower, and purchase them under different names. This will not be too eye-catching and can speed up the process. Mainly, it can also make his grandson and Grandson, take it easy!

After hearing this, Lao Mo agreed without delaying a second: "Yes, old man, I will make arrangements!"

In fact, there is a ready-made guest room that you can check into directly, but it is a bit far away from the old man's room, and Lao Mo has long known that the room that has not been occupied for a long time will definitely be reopened after Master Qiao comes back, so he did not mention the guest room. Son.

Because that was the bedroom of Qiao Yi's birth mother, the eldest daughter of the Xiao family, and it has been sealed ever since the father and daughter had a falling out!

Unexpectedly, as soon as Lao Mo turned around, he was stopped by Xiao Huaizhou: "Uncle Mo! You don't need to clean up the room!"

"Ah? Oh, Third Master, it's okay. I know that the room has been sorted out after you found Master Qiao. It only needs a simple cleaning. It will be quick!"

Lao Mo thought he thought that cleaning up the room would waste time, so he explained that the room had already been prepared for Qiao Yi.

Xiao Qinian thought so too. He looked at Qiao Yi and explained in a gentle voice: "Grandpa didn't expect you to come back today, so he didn't pack it up in advance, but it will be done soon and it won't affect your rest!"

"Grandpa, it's okay, I'm not tired at all! It doesn't matter if you wait a little longer!"

Qiao Yi scratched his head guiltily. His third brother didn't let Uncle Mo clean up the room because he had made up his mind not to sleep separately from him!

He looked up at his third brother, feeling a little worried. They hadn't told their elders about their affairs yet, so how could they do so?

While he was struggling, Xiao Huaizhou spoke again: "Grandpa! Uncle Mo! What I mean is that there is no need to prepare a separate room for Xiao Yi, he can live with me!"

Xiao Qinian looked at him in surprise: "Xiao Yi shares a room with you?"

Xiao Huaizhou nodded calmly and said: "That's right!"

Seeing his son's sudden arrival, Si Chengli seemed to smell the connotation of his words in an instant, living together is not easy!

Patting Xiao Lixun, who was a little confused, he reached out and grabbed his ears: "Quickly wake up, my son is in trouble!"

"Ah? What's going on? What's going on!"

Xiao Lixun was pulled by the ear. As soon as he sat up straight, he saw Xiao Huaizhou walking calmly to the front of the hall and facing everyone. Everyone looked at each other in confusion, what's going on?

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