Chapter 168 The Imperial Capital's request for help

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The sun had just opened its eyelids and emerged from the horizon, and the rising tide in the early morning rushed towards the beach that had been silent all night.

The roaring roar of the waves came one after another, mixed with the roar of hundreds of car engines in the Haiping Salt Field, and it was deafening!

When the door opened, Qin Ye took a distant look at the mutated giant crabs and giant shrimps that were gradually landing with the tide. He waved his hands in the distance and shouted in his heart that he no longer had to use these seafood as his staple food!

He led more than 10,000 people to guard here for several months. In order to save food, he has been eating from the sea, including fish, shrimps, crabs, shells, kelp, sea urchins, etc., eating everything that can fit in his mouth. All over!

Seafood, it was really fresh when we first ate it, but if we eat it every day, even Poseidon couldn't stand it! After a long time, no matter how fresh it is, it will become useless to them!

What's more, later on, these marine creatures also gradually mutated, and they were no longer worried about what they wanted to eat. They could only choose fish and shrimps that were just bigger in size but were otherwise normal!

Fortunately, it was just a mutation, not a zombie!

However, these marine creatures seem to be less peaceful recently. More and more things are popping up to peek at the land during the high tide. The feeling of being stared at by such creatures is really unpleasant!

Qin Ye slapped the steering wheel twice happily, and the loud car horn instantly rang through the sky, announcing to the sea of ​​hidden murderous intentions that they had a way out! I won't accompany you!

"Set off!"

Following his order, more than 800 fully loaded trucks and buses turned into a long transportation queue, marching westward in a mighty manner!

At the same time, the reassuring clear blue sky returned to the sky above the imperial capital. However, after a sudden heavy rain hit, no one in this city could smile anymore!

The heavy rain lasted for more than three hours before it stopped. As soon as it stopped, the sky immediately returned to tranquility as if the curtain had faded away. The originally black-faced dark clouds vented their anger and drenched the capital city. Then it disappeared without a trace.

But what followed was a test after dark. The temperature dropped sharply, and the water that had no time to recede slowly turned into ice. A large number of rescue forces from the government and the army quickly penetrated into the hardest-hit areas, and they only had time to move the survivors who were not covered by the ruins. Get to safety!

It was dark and cold, and the rescue that was finally carried out could no longer proceed until midnight. Those people buried under the collapsed buildings had no choice but to let fate fend for themselves!

After a long and cold night, there was another layer of oppressive death atmosphere in the city!

The sun came out, and those who survived forgot to cry! The dead have no chance to cry! The cruelty of fate will not be easily spared just because of light and warmth!

Secondary rescues were quickly carried out throughout the city, but the scant chance of life hit all the people involved in the rescue again and again, causing them to be crushed to death, drowned, and frozen to death. Such casualties were even more heart-wrenching than the situation at the beginning of the apocalypse! The price is heavy!

The situation in the hardest-hit areas is even more appalling, with broken walls and corpses everywhere, like a raging flood passing through, mercilessly looting wherever it goes!

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