Chapter 54 Solve the doubts

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Qiao Yi, who successfully obtained help, took Xiao Huaizhou out of the space with satisfaction.

After wasting a lot of time inside, when he came out, the sun was spitting fire extremely unpleasantly, making Qiao Yi have to experience the cruelty of the apocalypse again!

In comparison, his space is so comfortable! It's just a pity that I can't hide in it all the time!

After thinking about it, Qiao Yi waved his hand and took out the business car from the space. This time there were no outsiders, so they could drive away in a relaxed manner. Great!

"The car is good!" Xiao Huaizhou thought it was good when he saw it in the space, and now he even praised it. It's really good to have such a car in the apocalypse!

"Hmm~" Qiao Yi pondered for a moment, and then said: "I'll tell you this when I get in the car later! Let's first talk about whether we should wait for your people to come, or should you lead the way to greet them?"

"Wait where you are!" Xiao Huaizhou answered quickly. They were moving slowly, so it would be good if they were not punished. He also wanted him to greet them in person, how could that be possible!

"Oh, let's get in the car first! It's getting hotter and sunnier outside!" As he said that, he was about to open the driver's door and get in, but found Xiao Huaizhou squinting at him, as if you dare to get in and try it. Posture.

With a roll of his eyes, Qiao Yi retracted his hand, threw the car keys away, and pretended not to care and said, "I'm too tired to drive, so you should do it!"

In fact, he really wanted to say that he had a driver's license and his driving skills were top-notch, but looking at the look in his third brother's eyes, he felt that he was suddenly underage!

"Good!" Xiao Huaizhou took the car key, praised him with satisfaction, and got directly into the cab.

Tsk? Qiao Yi smacked his lips. If he were a brother, could he be so awesome?

Sitting in the passenger seat, Qiao Yi opened the car door wide and leaned back lazily. Let's rest while waiting!

Xiao Huaizhou put his hands on the steering wheel and quickly scanned the car. Then he continued the topic of the car and asked, "What did you just say about this car?"

Hearing this, Qiao Yi first turned his body slightly to lean on the backrest comfortably, and then slowly said: "Third brother has been in B city for a long time, so he must know Liu Jinghai!"

"Former deputy mayor Liu Jinghai?" Xiao Huaizhou asked in surprise as he did not expect Qiao Yi to mention Liu Jinghai.

Qiao Yi said: "Yes, this car belongs to his daughter Liu Mingjia!"

He slightly raised his eyes to look at Xiao Huaizhou and said word by word: "I killed his daughter, Liu Mingjia and his wife!"

"..." After hearing this, Xiao Huaizhou's eyes darkened and he was silent for a moment before he asked seriously: "Are they going to hurt you?"

Qiao Yi touched his chin and replied ambiguously: "It doesn't count! I spent the night in a small village a few days ago, and happened to meet them and a few people from the Wan family. Later, her daughter secretly asked me for help, so I helped. !"

"Kill the Wan family members?" Xiao Huaizhou asked calmly.

"No, I just helped control the Wan family, they did it themselves!"

Xiao Huaizhou asked again: "What happened next?"

Qiao Yi stated plainly: "At first I thought the girl who asked me for help had a spiritual power, so I took some crystal cores and wanted to give them to her for practice, but I didn't want to be tricked by Liu Mingjia. Didn't I drink it? I drank the juice and passed out!"

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