Chapter 142 Yang Lidong's new power

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Although Qin Ye was eager to surrender and sincere, and Qiao Yi was even more willing to accept it, he still failed to return to Qingyu Peak with Qiao Yi as he wished.

The stumbling block is that Young Master Xiao who started to test him. He only gave him one reason. If you want to join him, you can't just rely on his words. Fengyang City has enough horses and carriages. Let's go back to Haiping Salt Farm first and take the sincerity he said before going to Qingyu. It’s not too late!

Therefore, before Qin Ye had time to talk to Qiao Yi alone about joining him, he was sent away by Xiao Huaizhou!

"Are you leaving in such a hurry? Have you brought everyone back?" When Qiao Yi heard the news, Qin Ye had already left the city. He came and left in a hurry!

"It's becoming more and more uneasy now. Although the Haiping Saltworks is on the seaside and there is not much of a permanent population there, we are still afraid of encountering zombies gathering there. The defense there will not last long, and I heard that marine life is becoming more and more uneasy due to mutations. If we break up, it’s no longer safe. It’s only a matter of time before we leave!”

Xiao Huaizhou pulled Qiao Yi to sit next to him, gently kneaded the back of his neck, and then continued: "Furthermore, after the news about Rongan and Fengyang spreads, the Haiping Salt Field will also fall into the public eye. Among them, those who have not taken advantage of Rongan will inevitably take advantage of the salt farm. Therefore, since Qin Ye has decided to leave with us, there is no need to hold on to the salt farm alone! Otherwise, someone might be able to take advantage of him in the end. !”

"So that's it! Third brother really thinks long-term! So how many people did he bring back? Are there any space powers following him?"

Qiao Yi nodded with great admiration. Looking at the overall situation, he really couldn't compare with his third brother.

"We have brought less than a thousand people, a hundred buses and 300 large and small transport vehicles, plus the original transport vehicles of the salt field, it should be no problem to bring back the people and the salt together! They don't have space superpowers, our space superpowers Even the capable ones are saturated and are of no use!"

Xiao Huaizhou slowly told him. After the boy woke up, he asked a lot of questions. He told him in detail that he was going to Qingyu Peak soon. Qiao Yi had the right to know everything related to him. things.

While the two were talking, they were surprised to notice a weak shaking under their feet. Just as Qiao Yi was about to ask if it was an earthquake, Yang Lidong's excited cheers came from downstairs: "His grandma's! Finally dug it out!"

Qiao Yi looked at his third brother in confusion: "What is Adjutant Yang digging for?"

"The golden pimple in the basement! He has to leave tomorrow morning. I want him to be separated as soon as possible!"

Xiao Huaizhou didn't forget his baby's wish. He didn't want the stars and the moon, but what was inside the golden pimple.

"Yes! It must be taken away! By the way, it doesn't matter if we just ransack Lei Maosheng's house! Will those people object?"

"It doesn't matter! Lei Maosheng left a lot of points and a lot of other private property. Those are all handed over to his people to distribute, and no one suffers! Besides, they are helpless if the treasure house in the basement is left, and it will be wasted. Don't worry. Just take it away!”

Xiao Huaizhou gave him a reassurance. He helped him settle all his worries, and he didn't have to bear any burden at all!

"Third Young Master! Young Master Qiao! They are separated!"

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