Chapter 93 Sun Shanshan's Confession

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Xiao Huaizhou watched with cold eyes as Sun Shanshan approached step by step, seeing her white teeth and red lips opening and closing closer and closer, and the fragrance of her body also stimulated his nose to itch, and he frowned, and the palm of his hand suddenly felt Opening it, an invisible barrier instantly rose, pushing Sun Shanshan back a few steps as she was about to take another step forward!

"You!" Sun Shanshan was obviously surprised. She stabilized her nearly toppled figure, bit her lip and glared angrily at the man in front of her. How could he be so cold and heartless!

"Miss Sun, please understand two points! In private, we have no friendship, so there is no need to talk about any personal matters to communicate! And in public, you have no contact with our Xiao family, and I don't think you will in the future. There is no cooperation, so there is nothing to talk about!"

Xiao Huaizhou made his attitude clear with a cold words, and then pushed the barrier forward a little more. The cold light condensed in his eyes was like a sharp blade, shooting straight towards Sun Shanshan, "So, tell me your purpose directly! "

"Xiao Huaizhou! Don't say it so early! You keep saying that I tricked you to come here, but if you don't want to come, will you be deceived for no reason?"

Sun Shanshan said, returned to the bed and sat down, then looked at him with burning eyes, curled her lips and said with a smile: "Humph, you are not interested in the supplies here!"

Xiao Huaizhou waved his hand and removed the barrier in front of him, stood up straight from the wall, nodded quite frankly and admitted: "Well, you still had your superpower originally, but now it's really just for the supplies here!"

"Hahahaha!" Sun Shanshan laughed almost maniacally after hearing what he said, "Xiao Huaizhou, although you are powerful, the people here are not vegetarians. If you want supplies, you can! Let's talk about a business. If If the negotiation is completed, those materials will be yours, and I will be yours too! You won’t have to waste a single soldier, and you’ll get both people and money, how about that?”

"Oh? There is such a business? Then Miss Sun might as well just tell you the conditions if you have the conditions, and there is no need to continue to waste time here!"

"Tsk! Xiao Sanshao, you are really..."

Sun Shanshan sighed helplessly, "Forget it, finally Young Master Xiao is willing to listen, so I'll talk about it first!"

Xiao Huaizhou leaned back against the wall again, waiting for her to speak.

Sun Shanshan's eyes turned slightly, her thin lips parted slightly, and she began to talk about her conditions: "My conditions are actually very simple. I want to use these supplies to get a place in city B."

"Oh? What's the reason?"

"Do you still need to ask, Third Young Master? There have been frequent zombie waves recently, and many small bases have fallen one after another. No matter how much supplies this logistics park has, what's the use? Zombies eat people, and they can't be stopped here! And City B It’s different, it’s the largest and safest surviving base in the central region, so it’s understandable that I want to take my people there to settle down!”

"It's understandable, but you can do this business with anyone, why did you choose me?"

"With your Xiao family in charge of City B, do you think I can easily enter the city with these people? And..." Sun Shanshan bit her lower lip and paused for a moment, then looked at him and asked unwillingly: "You Is it really impossible to tell that I did this for you?"

After Sun Shanshan finished speaking, she stared at Xiao Huaizhou closely, hoping to see some fluctuations on his face, but unexpectedly, Xiao Sanshao just said one sentence without changing his expression: "No matter who you are for, these people of yours Whether we can enter the city really needs to be considered!”

He thought for a while and added: "At least the only thing I can do here is be expelled!"

"Xiao Huaizhou! Don't go that far! Do you have to ask me to say it before you understand? I like you! Did you hear it? I like you!" Sun Shanshan was completely irritated by his deliberate neglect and contempt, almost hysterical The ground shouted out!

Which man wouldn't be fascinated by her in front of her? She was the star here, happy and unrestrained. If it weren't for the zombie wave, how could she be willing to give up this paradise of her own!

Apart from being safer, what else is good about City B? Apart from Xiao Huaizhou, what else is worthy of her nostalgia and entrustment? No matter how good her powers are, the number of people she can control is limited, but she has pushed her to the top, so why can't she win Xiao Huaizhou!

"If this is why you asked me to come, then there's no need to talk about it anymore!"

Xiao Huaizhou said his words lightly, turned around and opened the door to leave.

"You don't want those supplies for free? The Zhang brothers can't enter the city, can't the third young master take me back?"

Sun Shanshan looked at his back with some disbelief and asked, "She risked her life to confess her love. It was humble enough. Doesn't everything have no value at all in his eyes?"

Hearing this, Xiao Huaizhou spoke without hesitation: "I won't bother Miss Sun. Now that I'm here, I have no intention of leaving empty-handed. I will get the supplies based on my ability! As for you, Miss Sun? Ask for more." Bless you!"

After that, he stretched out his hand to hold the door handle, but the moment he opened it, his body suddenly froze. When he was surprised, he heard Sun Shanshan's voice slowly approaching, and heard her whispering happily with a smile. Whispering: "Third Young Master, don't leave in a hurry! I don't want my blessing anymore... I'll give it all to you, okay?"

Qiao Yi leaned on the railing, tapping his fingers boredly on the steel pipe under his hand. He lowered his head to look at the people downstairs, and then tilted his head to look at the closed door. These people had been in for a while. , what things haven’t been discussed yet!

Zhang Yuanhu, who was still a little far away from him just now, unknowingly came closer and held a cigarette between his fingers and handed it over, "Want a sip?"

"No!" Qiao Yi stepped aside and refused. It seemed that this base had a lot of inventory. At this moment, he saw Zhang Yuanhu smoking several cigarettes. He didn't know where he got such a strong craving for cigarettes. In order not to inhale second-hand smoke, he , has hid at the end of the corridor!

"Forget it, I'll do it!"

Zhang Yuanhu reluctantly took back his hand and was about to stuff it into his mouth when he saw an angry glare from Qiao Yi. For some reason, he closed his mouth in fear and put the cigarette directly behind his ear.

"Good stuff, one less thing to smoke!" Zhang Yuanhu smiled awkwardly, then looked sideways at Qiao Yi and joked: "You're not still a minor, are you? You don't even know how to smoke?"

"I want you to take care of it!" Qiao Yi walked around his shield, tilted his head and looked at the door over there, wondering whether he should go over and knock on the door to remind him!

"If the person inside is not your sweetheart, then I advise you not to worry! Generally, the men who enter that room will not be able to let go!" Zhang Yuanhu rubbed his chin and said with an unfinished expression, and then winked at Qiao Yi. He blinked, as if he understood!

These words made Qiao Yi immediately alert. He stepped forward and grabbed Zhang Yuanhu's nightgown collar and asked fiercely: "What did you mean by what you just said? Tell me clearly!"

"What do you mean? It's that..." Zhang Yuanhu suddenly stopped in the middle of his words, and heard rapid footsteps on the stairs below.

When the two heard the sound and looked over, they saw a woman hurriedly coming upstairs. Without even looking at them, she went straight to the room inside, shouting loudly: "Sun Shanshan! Give it to me." stop!"

After the stunned Qiao Yi saw the woman's back clearly, he suddenly felt something was wrong, and then couldn't help but exclaimed: "Third brother!"

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