Chapter 91 Sun Shanshan

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There was no movement in the room, but the downstairs was very lively for a while. Zhang Yuanhu glanced at the closed door, put out the cigarette butt in his hand, stared at Qiao Yi and said with a bad smile: "Instead of worrying here, why not come over here?" Come and watch the excitement with me!"

After that, he walked straight to the railing on the other side of the corridor, leaned there and looked downstairs.

Qiao Yi reluctantly went to the door and listened. Seeing that there was nothing unusual, he simply followed him over to see what was going on downstairs!

I saw a lot of people pouring in from downstairs. A circle of guys carrying guns and knives drove a group of people to Zhang Yuanlong, shouting happily: "Boss! All those people underground have been caught." !How to deal with it?"

After Qiao Yi saw the group of people who had been arrested, he couldn't help but be overjoyed. It was Yang Lidong and Su Yue. Although they were all haggard, they didn't appear to have any injuries. It must have been the credit of the earth-type superpower. No wonder His third brother is not worried at all, everything is really fine! Very good!

However, when I thought about it, I felt bad again. I was captured by someone who didn’t fall to the ground! Will it affect your performance later? Just wait for his third brother to come out quickly and give the signal!

Thinking of this, he looked back at the door again, wishing he had clairvoyant eyes to see what the two people were doing inside.

"Ha! Why are you so anxious, little brother? Is that one your sweetheart?"

Zhang Yuanhu chuckled lightly, and saw him tilting his head slightly, shaking the broken hair from his forehead, and his loose bathrobe hanging loosely on his shoulders, looking indescribably free and easy!

"Are you in love?" Qiao Yi thought he heard wrongly. He was just afraid that his third brother would suffer. How could he become a good friend? However, he still couldn't bear to look at the posture of such a big man like Zhang Yuanhu in front of him, so he quickly shifted his attention downstairs. What does the relationship between him and Zhang Yuanhu have to do with him? There’s so much to care about!

"Not a lover? Oh, then I saw it wrong. I thought you were afraid that he would fall in love with that woman inside?"

Zhang Yuanhu seemed to say something unintentionally, but his eyes began to look up and down at Qiao Yilai. He was tall and thin, with fair skin and delicate facial features. Not to mention, he looked really good-looking like this!

Are they really not a couple? Why doesn't he believe it?

Thinking in his mind, he glanced in the direction of the room and wondered if the woman could handle the person named Xiao. If she could, then could this guy...

Qiao Yi obviously didn't want to interact with the people around him, and his eyes fell on Yang Lidong and the others. At this moment, they were already being guarded. It seemed that Zhang Yuanlong was not in a hurry to deal with them, and was probably waiting for them. What conclusions do people draw.

Qiao Yi sighed suddenly, what was the worst thing that happened to him even though he had nothing wrong with him? I’m anxious!

At this time, in the warmly decorated room, Xiao Huaizhou was leaning against the wall next to the door with his arms folded, showing no intention of going in and sitting down.

"What does Young Master Xiao mean? Can't we just sit down and have a good talk?" The woman sitting beside the bed looked at the chair opposite and extended an invitation to Xiao Huaizhou.

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