Chapter 95 His third brother is so good

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At this time, Sun Feifei's eyes were filled with tears of resentment. She didn't believe that her twin sister planned to kill her like this!

"You promised me that when I brought him back to you, you would help me kill Zhang Yuanbao to avenge Aqiang! Why? I did it, but you went back on your promise and gave me to that little monster! "

"Feifei! Wake up! Aqiang is dead a long time ago! What's the use of revenge? What's wrong with following Zhang Yuanbao?" Sun Shanshan crossed her arms and looked at Sun Feifei, and said coldly, Zhang Yuanbao begged her For a long time, he has been very greedy for Sun Feifei and has long wanted to take her as his own.

"Is he good? Why didn't you follow him? Why are you still trying to take advantage of Xiao Huaizhou?"

Sun Feifei raised her lips and retorted, pointing one finger at Xiao Huaizhou and looking directly at Sun Shanshan!

Hearing this, Sun Shanshan shrugged and smiled: "Yo! You came here so carelessly, don't tell me that you also have a crush on him?"

"What? Isn't it possible?" Sun Feifei narrowed her eyes and smiled back, promising Sun Shanshan to trick people. That was because she had never met Xiao Huaizhou in person, but when she met him, she knew why her sister would He wants to get this person so persistently, and even a woman can’t resist his charm!

What could be wrong with her being tempted!

"you dare!"

Sun Shanshan took a step closer and was about to push the person out, but she was startled by a voice outside the door!

"Yang Lidong! These grandsons dare to plot against your boss!..."

It's Qiao Yi who's giving orders outside!

And just after he roared, the downstairs suddenly became a mess, and you didn't even need to look to know that there was a fight!

Realizing that something was wrong, Sun Shanshan hurriedly ran to close the door, but before her hand could touch the door handle, she was swept back by a gust of knife wind!


Sun Shanshan exclaimed with pain in her hand, and was so frightened that she took a few steps back. That Zhang Yuanhu didn't stop him!

Sun Feifei was stunned as she looked at the man who suddenly rushed into the door with a knife!

It's the one named Joe! Why don't they take good care of people!

As soon as Qiao Yi entered the door, he saw Xiao Huaizhou leaning against the wall. Although he didn't appear to be injured, his condition was obviously not right. When he saw him coming in, he slowly focused his eyes on his face and nodded slightly, but he didn't. Say a word!

"Xiao Huaizhou, hold on!"

Qiao Yi took his hand and spoke to him in a deep voice, then looked fiercely at the two black-hearted sisters opposite, and asked in a cold voice: "What did you do to him?"

Sun Shanshan covered her hands, stared at the bloody black knife in his hand with a distorted expression and asked with hatred: "Did you kill Zhang Yuanhu?"

Among these men, Zhang Yuanhu, who has no superpowers, is the best at pleasing her. Now she wants this young boy to be killed? She couldn't believe it!

"You deserve to die!" Qiao Yi dared to kill and admit it, not to mention Zhang Yuanhu was not the only one he wanted to kill. He also wanted to kill these two people in front of him if they dared to try against his third brother!

Sun Shanshan gritted her teeth and stared at him, and said angrily: "I look down on you!"

"Stop talking nonsense! Tell me what you did to my third brother? Why is he acting like this now?" Qiao Yi felt that his third brother's hand was holding his hand a little harder, as if he was enduring some kind of pain, and he couldn't help but feel anxious. stand up!

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