Chapter 173 Speed ​​up the progress

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Qin Ye brought more than one truckload of seafood surprises to Qiao Yi. He yelled and took eight trucks to collect them. He was really drooling at the same time!

His foodie image completely defeated his identity as the boss of the base, making the soldiers who were forced to move far away by the salty seafood dumbfounded. It turned out that it was so easy to please the boss of the new base!

If there wasn't any salt left and he had to hurry up and put it away, Qiao Yi would have gone back for a seafood dinner regardless!

In order to reduce Qiao Yi's burden, Xiao Huaizhou specially called Bai Xiangzong and Chen Fugui to help him. So much salt must be dispersed to make it easier to access in the future!

As for the more than 4,000 people who came after, Xiao Huaizhou had people take them directly to the mountain to find Li Bowen for arrangements. Li Bowen knew best how many people lived in each district and which district had been renovated!

Frowning, Xiao Huaizhou fell into deep thought. With these thousands of people arranged to enter, the underground city is almost full, and the reconstruction of R City cannot wait any longer!

While watching Qiao Yi collect his things, he communicated with Qin Ye about the situation at the base, hoping that he could get into the zone as soon as possible.

Xiao Huaizhou looked at Qin Ye and said: "The current work is mainly divided into four parts. The first is the reconstruction of the underground city, the second is the construction of the warehouse over there, the third is the reconstruction of the bridge, and the last point is to hunt zombies in the hunting ground in the west. Your people, you I know best how many people are needed for a specific project, I will let Li Bowen and Yang Lidong contact you, and you will arrange the personnel allocation!"

Qin Ye: "No problem!"

Xiao Huaizhou: "After the first three projects I just mentioned are completed, we will concentrate our efforts on crossing the river to R City to clean up the zombies for a second time, and then start rebuilding from the southern suburbs. Be mentally prepared first!"


"As for the distribution of crystal cores, the base has made appropriate modifications with reference to the distribution principles of City B. Just ask Yang Lidong for details!" Xiao Huaizhou knew what they were focusing on, so he gave a special reminder.

"Okay!" Qin Ye responded happily. His group of brothers were holding back their energy. They were all waiting for the crystal core to be upgraded. They didn't know how many zombies the so-called hunting ground could kill and whether it would be enough for so many people. Points!

Qin Ye could not have guessed what the hunting ground they were about to see would be like. Not only were there zombies to kill during the day, but the number was not much less than the zombie tide Fengyang encountered. How could he care about whether the crystal cores were enough? It would be nice not to be exhausted to death!

And that night, in order to welcome the support and participation of City B and Haiping Saltworks, the underground city made an exception and improved the food. Not only did it have fragrant rice and steamed buns, but also cabbage, corn and seafood soup!

The origin of the good things is explained simply. The cabbage and corn come from the planting base in City B, and the seafood is Qin Ye's gift!

In fact, according to Xiao Huaizhou's request, City B did send a lot of grain seeds and rapeseed that are easy to breed and grow this time. He finally fulfilled one of the things he promised Qiao Yi!

Furthermore, Qiao Yi's space has begun to produce more and more good things. Sooner or later, those good things must show up, and they must have appropriate sources. If R City is rebuilt, the land there must be reused to create a greenhouse suitable for the apocalyptic environment. Must be built!

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