Chapter 171: Trapping the Second Young Master Together

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When Xiao Huaiqing returned to the main city in a dusty state after feasting his eyes, Qiao Yi and Mo Mo, who had gone out to patrol the mountains, had already returned.

Seeing the little monk's hands hidden behind his back, Xiao Huai approached him warmly: "What good things are you hiding? Let me see?"

"Second brother! The wild fruits we picked are very sweet. We specially left a big one for you at the end. Do you want to try it? Third brother also ate it and he said it was very sweet!"

Qiao Yiwei finally took the words, and after speaking, he turned back to look at his third brother and winked at him: "Yes, third brother! It's really, really sweet!"

"Yeah, sweet!"

Xiao Huaizhou silently swallowed the sour water in his mouth again, and nodded against his will. He couldn't bear the sourness in his mouth, how could he exchange for the sweetness of love? Second brother, hold on!

Hearing what these two people said, Xiao Huaiqing couldn't wait any longer and immediately reached out to Momo to ask for the fruit, "You left it especially for me? Let me try it!"

"I can give it to you, but it can't be wasted! You must eat it all. I finally picked it back!"

Finally, he gritted his teeth and made a condition. After enduring him for so long, he could finally take a small revenge! Just come back and find Qiao Yi!

"Okay, okay! I guarantee there will be no cores left! Give it to me quickly!"

Second Young Master Xiao promised cheerfully, and as soon as he stretched out his big hand, there was a large fruit that was half green and half red and could not be named!

It looked quite appetizing, but after taking a bite, he soon became bitter, his teeth fell out, his eyebrows were squeezed out, and his expression was so distorted that he almost twitched! Can you spit it out?

Finally, she emphasized to him with wide eyes: "Don't waste it! Eat them all!"

Qiao Yi held back a smile and asked him: "Second brother, is it sweet?"

Xiao Huaiqing turned his attention to his third brother who turned his head away from him, and asked through gritted teeth: "Third brother! It's so sweet! Do you dare to eat another one?"

Xiao Huaizhou: ...He didn’t hear it!

Just after Xiao Huaizhou became selectively deaf, Yang Lidong's irrepressible voice whispered outside their house, "Old Li! Let me remind you, you must not eat the wild fruits that Qiao Shaogang brought back from outside! I was just stupid I took one with a bang, oh my god! I’m so sore!"

Xiao Huaiqing, who is so stupid, said: you think they are all deaf?

Therefore, when Li Bowen came in to report the situation, what he saw was that Qiao Shaoxiao fell into the arms of the third young master. At the end, the little monk crossed his legs and reached out to gag the second young master!

Thinking of Yang Lidong's reminder just now, Li Bowen was secretly grateful. Fortunately, he didn't answer the question just now, otherwise it would be so embarrassing to come in at this time!

Seeing someone coming in, Xiao Huaizhou was the only one who could react normally. Seeing that Li Bowen couldn't see where his eyes were, he supported the person in his arms, raised his eyes and asked him: "Is something wrong?"

"Ahem!" Li Bowen coughed twice to regain his thoughts, "Well, the dormitory prepared for the Second Young Master has been packed up. You can go there and rest at any time!"

Li Bowen is used to calling the caves where people live in bedrooms, so it seems a bit incongruous to call the renovated underground city a cave!

Qiao Yi and Xiao Huaizhou also agreed with this. For this reason, they also directly changed their main cave mansion to the main city mansion, and they became much taller in an instant!

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