Chapter 147 Crystal Core Upstart

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Qiao Yi got what he wanted and accepted a huge cute pet. He wanted to go over and touch its head first to show his favor, but was unexpectedly stopped by his third brother, "Dirty! Don't touch it!"

Not to mention what it had done before, in just a few minutes, this guy had trampled or sat to death many zombies. The fur all over his body was covered in blood and was extremely dirty!

What's more, I was so excited that I was rolling around on the floor just now. It really added a layer of color to my already invisible appearance!

If it weren't for its huge size and obvious features, who would have recognized it!

After Shan Lao watched the furry child rolling all over the ground, he eagerly looked at Qiao Yi to comfort him. He felt unbalanced in his heart, hum! Why don’t you get this treatment?

When he came back, he almost lost his temper when he saw that the furry child that had finally been cleaned was so dirty and crumbled! What a waste of time he had that day!

No, he brought the little cutie back and thought about letting him take the furry child to roll in the river and wash it off, okay! As soon as these two guys met, they didn't care about anything. They got tangled up and rolled around on the spot. Finally, they went into the mountains together and disappeared!

If the brat hadn't come back and shouted a few times, these two guys would probably still be eating each other in the nest!

It's good now, I have a stupid name and I'm so beautiful, so I'm going to be disgusted by trying to please others!

"It's really hard to do anything!"

Qiao Yi retracted his hand while he was high in the air. It was so sticky and dirty that he couldn't touch it. He was wondering how to bathe this big guy when San Bengzi started to move!

After seeing it jumping up and down on the ground several times, it seemed that it finally found a way, turned around, exerted its strength and ran straight towards the Qingyu River!

Plop! Wow!

Not long after, there was a loud sound of falling water from the river, and huge water splashes were splashed high, and then fell down in all directions!

The three people in the air could clearly see that it was going to clean itself!

Qiao Yi said with great joy: "San Bengzi is great!"

Xiao Huaizhou echoed: "You taught me well!"

Shanlao rolled his eyes silently, Xiao Xiao must be honest. When did you see him teach others to take a bath? It’s obviously my church’s good one!

Looking at the furry child over there who was rolling vigorously in the water, Mr. Shan was so angry that his beard was trembling. Why didn't he become so conscious earlier?

"Old man, can you let me see the crystal cores you saved now?"

Qiao Yi was afraid that his third brother would be exhausted from using his powers all the time, so he wanted to find a place to rest, just in time to take a look at the crystal core. Someone would follow them into the mountain soon, so it was better to collect it in advance!

Shan Lao was not in a good mood. He pouted and glanced behind the mutated plants, "They are all there. If you don't come back, I will use them to pave the road!"

"Third brother!"

Qiao Yi couldn't wait any longer. With a soft call, he was taken flying towards the dense forest. He was so impatient! The old man would have to use it to pave the road. The amount would be astonishing!

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