Chapter 12 The only person who was unlucky enough not to come back

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The industrial park in the west of R City covers a vast area. There are several six-story office buildings on both sides near the park gate. Going north along the main road are rows of large workshops and warehouses, and the innermost It is a staff dormitory area.

The wall that was about two meters high before the end of the world has now been raised to nearly five meters high, and its thickness is two or three times that of before.

As several vehicles appeared in the distance, the thick black iron door was slowly opened, and then several armed guards walked out from inside, waiting for the vehicles to approach.

Soon, a group of vehicles stopped in front of the door. Seeing the window of the leader's SUV rolled down, several people ran forward and greeted excitedly: "Captain, you are finally back!"

"Yeah!" Cai Jincheng responded lightly and asked, "How is the base?" They went out to collect supplies, avoid the zombie wave, and took a detour to return for more than a month. It was hard to imagine what would happen. .

"Captain, don't worry! Everything is fine!"

Cai Jincheng breathed a sigh of relief, put away his tired expression, and looked up at the park. People were coming and going, and it seemed to be a lot more lively.

Cai Jincheng: "Where is Sun Yang?"

One person replied to him: "Deputy Team Sun has been busy arranging for new survivors these days. They are probably in the workshop shed at the back at the moment."

Cai Jincheng raised his eyebrows: "A lot of people are here again?"

"Yes, the zombie wave that came from the north a few days ago destroyed many small bases. There are many people who were lucky enough to survive."

"Yeah." Cai Jincheng couldn't help but feel heavy. They were lucky enough to come back alive and well, but why was Qiao Yi the only one who had bad luck and never came back? Maybe it's time to ask some questions.

"Brother Jincheng, what's wrong with you?" Zhang Shumian, who was sitting in the passenger seat, had been paying attention to Cai Jincheng. This expression would appear on his face from time to time after Qiao Yi jumped off the bridge, which made Zhang Shumian particularly depressed. , you will die if you jump so high! Even if you don't die, you won't be able to live long in this end of the world! Zhang Shumian thought bitterly.

"Oh, it's okay, let's go in first!" Cai Jincheng calmed down his emotions, smiled calmly at Zhang Shumian, then turned to the people outside and ordered: "Let's go in first, and close the door!"

"Yes, Captain!"

Five vehicles drove into the park square one after another. They fled all the way south, then took a detour to return. They found three drivable vehicles on the road and managed to bring back people and supplies, which was somewhat of a comfort.

After handing the supplies to Chen Younian for inventory, Cai Jincheng and Zhang Shumian drove all the way back to the accommodation area. There are two apartment buildings with good specifications. They were dormitories previously prepared for some scientific research experts in the industrial park. The conditions and facilities are better than other buildings. There are many, so naturally, Cai Jincheng, his family and close subordinates live there.

After hearing that Cai Jincheng had returned, Cai's mother Xie Chengying had been waiting in the lobby on the first floor. Of course, her cousin, Zhang Shumian's mother Li Yunxiu, was with her.

"Acheng, you're back!" The first time he saw Cai Jincheng, Xie Chengying excitedly rushed to him, hugged him tightly and cried, "You're back, my mother is worried to death!"

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