Chapter 161 Get out of my base

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The few people who formed a group to steal the crystal core never imagined that their greed would not only get them expelled from the Qingyu Peak base, but also implicate their families.

They themselves have no special abilities or specialties. They were accepted only because their children or family members had the skills needed by the base. The reason why they went down the mountain was because they heard someone said that there is a place here where there are crystal nuclei everywhere. There are so many of them. Too many to count.

Although I had been warned and my family members had told me not to get close to the dangerous place, I still couldn't resist my curiosity and wanted to come and see it with my own eyes!

Unexpectedly, when I saw it from a distance, my jaw dropped. It was like crystal nuclei growing on the ground! Too many to count!

There was no need to discuss. The few of them looked at each other and climbed over the fences in a tacit understanding. They thought to themselves that there were so many, so they could just take a little less without being noticed!

Unexpectedly, there are so many powerful mutant plants hidden in seemingly unguarded places!

She originally wanted to stay away and grab some at the edge, but those flowers and plants seemed to have eyes. When they found them, they frantically smashed crystal cores at them. Her man fell down in panic and rolled to the flower. It was rolled into the mouth by its long stamens when it was nearby!

Now that the matter has been revealed, there is no way to defend it. They can only kneel down and admit their mistakes and beg for mercy. Their family members rushed over after hearing the news!

After asking about the cause of the matter, everyone felt a sinking feeling in their hearts. How could there be such a thing as "worry"!

Qiao Yi walked to his third brother, thought about it for a while, called Yang Lidong over and confirmed with him in a low voice: "These next few are all introduced at the end, right?"

There were a few faces that were familiar to him. They seemed to be the ones who had been carrying supplies up and down the mountain in the past two days. They were hardworking, but it was a pity that they didn't restrain their families!

"Well, there are a few people who are also engaged in infrastructure construction, and they have just been assigned to the bridge reconstruction project! The guy who came first was Engineer Lu's assistant, and he was still drawing pictures before he came!"

Yang Lidong was more concerned about this matter, so he took a rough note of it, and when Qiao Yi asked him, he quickly replied.

Li Bowen is responsible for all the things on the mountain, and he will keep an eye on the things down the mountain. It's so busy every day that one person and two people are busy, and there are all these things that add to the chaos!

He was so envious of Su Yue. He could just lead a team to kill zombies every day without even having to think twice!

"That's a pity!" Qiao Yi shook his head with regret. They were all rare talents, and he believed in the final judgment. These people themselves were trustworthy, but their families couldn't live up to the expectations!

"Yes, but there is nothing we can do about it. Who made their family members unclean? They are responsible for not being able to take care of it!"

Yang Lidong has been with Xiao Huaizhou for a long time, so he naturally knows that their boss is a person who doesn't rub dirt in his eyes. What's more, this matter also involves Young Master Qiao. He has no sympathy at all and thinks that they are all bringing it upon themselves!

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