Chapter 32 Take action

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A sharp alarm roared. Qiao Yi was startled by the alarm as soon as he left the space. Zombies were sieging the city! This was his first reaction!

It was already dark, and there was no one in the courtyard. When he left the courtyard, Qiao Yi was shocked by the chaos in front of him!

Fires can be seen everywhere, panicked crowds, frightened and helpless cries. The narrow roads are crowded with men, women and children carrying large and small bags rushing to escape. Pushing and trampling can be seen everywhere, and even Some people robbed them casually, and those who were unwilling to let go would kick them when they encountered resistance, and even stabbed them. The greed and indifference of human nature were vividly displayed at this moment.

Vehicles caught in the flow of people cannot speed away. They can only move forward slowly with the crowd while constantly honking their horns to urge them. No matter how urgent it is, they will not dare to run rampant under the eyes of the base guard!

The base guard vehicle was driving slowly against the flow of people. Someone on the car was holding a loudspeaker and shouting loudly to divert the flow of people. There was a wave of zombies coming from the north. Everyone was asked to gather at the south exit of the base. If you didn't have a car, go there and get ready at the base. Trucks or buses will leave, and those with cars will drive away directly. All base vehicles will leave on time in twenty minutes, and will not wait if they are overdue!

There was another wave of zombies, and Qiao Yi couldn't help but sigh that he was really lucky! It's like being chased by zombies without any time to spare!

I just don’t know how many zombies there are this time. Seeing that such a large base is in a state of imminent disaster, the number may be a terrifying number!

At the beginning of the apocalypse, the scene of the fall of R City is still vivid in my mind. Even with a huge army and the most advanced firepower, it was still unable to stop the zombies from killing madly. Only one tenth of the population of more than 10 million escaped. , it can be described as tragic!

He followed the Cai family and fled to the industrial park to the west. In order to avoid the zombies, Cai Jincheng ordered the only road to the industrial park to be blown up, giving them a chance to breathe.

Industrial park base, Qiao Yi thought to himself, I wonder how long that base can last?

Looking at the situation in front of him, at this time, there is still enough energy to evacuate the people and arrange vehicles to escape. It seems that the managers of this base are pretty good. In times of crisis, they did not abandon human lives as careless. Qiao Yi felt that he should give them away. A big thumbs up!

He didn't have time to think about all these things. Thinking of his black dog, which was comparable to a zombie's digester, Qiao Yi looked at the northern night sky illuminated by fire and couldn't help but smile!

In the south gate parking lot, buses, buses and trucks packed with survivors left one after another. Many people crowded in front of the bus doors that were not yet full, scrambling to get on. The scene was chaotic. Better than the Spring Festival travel tide before the end of the world!

Fortunately, there were base guards maintaining order. Most of the hundreds of vehicles quickly drove away. There were fewer and fewer people rushing out of the base. After arriving, they were quickly packed into the cars behind them. Once they were packed, Leave quickly when you are full, without wasting a second.

Li Bowen looked at the base he had created solemnly, his fists clenching. Although he had been mentally prepared, he was still heartbroken. The Ark Base was over!

His subordinate Wang Yufan ran up to him panting and said in a hurry: "Captain of the base, everyone is almost evacuated, and the time is almost up. Let's set off quickly!"

Li Bowen looked up at the nearly empty parking lot, then looked back toward the base and asked, "Are all the team members who were cleaning up the team back?"

Wang Yufan quickly replied: "I'm back. I'm back. I brought back a dozen stragglers and packed them into the truck behind me!"

"Base Commander!"

At this time, a speed user ran over in the blink of an eye. He quickly reported the situation without having time to take a breath: "The zombie wave is still two miles away from the north gate at most. The speed is not very fast at the moment, but it looks like there are more than seven or eight in number." Thousands!"

Li Bowen frowned. The number of people they sent to observe was estimated to be seven or eight thousand. Their small base no longer dared to carry this number. If there were more, they would really die without a burial place!

It is indeed right to evacuate early!

He opened his mouth and asked: "How many do you estimate it will be?"

The speedster scratched the back of his head, thought for a while and said, "It's only 12,300, just a lot more!"

Wang Yufan urged Li Bowen again: "Chief of the base, don't hesitate! Let's go!"

Although the Ark base is not large, it still houses five to six thousand survivors. It is obviously difficult for such a large team to successfully get rid of the zombie wave. It can only race against time!

Li Bowen made a decision immediately: "Withdraw! Let all the long-range attack-type superpowers in the convoy stop the truck, and then the others disperse into the convoy, and be careful of the zombies gathering at night!"

Wang Yufan immediately accepted the order and then turned around to make arrangements. Li Bowen took the speed superpower to the last truck. He was a third-level fire superpower. He was naturally responsible for blocking the zombies' pursuit!

As the speed of the car increased, the closed door of the Ark base was gradually submerged in the night. Everyone in the car was silent. Soon the base where they had lived for several months would be destroyed, and whether they themselves would Can you survive?

On the roof of a building close to the north gate of Ark Base, Qiao Yi was watching the approaching zombie army with interest, what a guy! It was at least tens of thousands, and it was so dark that it was hard to tell whether it was zombies or the night sky!

Qiao Yi held the black knife in one hand and touched Mr. Hei's tingling head with the other, jokingly saying: "This is a big meal delivered to your door. Don't let your guard down! Go! Dinner is ready!"

I saw Mr. Hei spitting out the letter and suddenly slid from the roof into the dark night. When he landed, he turned suddenly and grew bigger in an instant. Qiao Yi was so big that he was in a trance for a moment. It's much higher than the six-story building I'm standing on!

This is the first time Qiao Yi has seen Master Hei grow so big. His head is bigger than a truck, his black scales have a strange light, which is particularly conspicuous in the dark night, and his thick and round body , shaking slightly, no one can shake the power of the predator!

Qiao Yi's mouth was so shocked that he couldn't close it for a long time. This must be a prehistoric giant snake! Although excited, Qiao Yi still shouted: "Keep the crystal nuclei for me!" There are more than 10,000 of them! Can you bury yourself?

At this time, the zombies were already in front of him. Hei Ye couldn't wait to rush forward. He crushed a large group of zombies with just one move and swallowed more than a dozen of them with one big mouth. Don't let the lethality be too high!

Qiao Yi exclaimed: "It's amazing!"

Heiye swung his snake tail and wiped out another group of zombies that were moving forward, neatly!

Qiao Yi gave a thumbs up and praised loudly: "Great job!"

Qiao Yi just stood on the top of the building, watching with interest as Hei Ye rushed left and right, torturing the zombies head and tail. Don't be too happy, okay?

Qiao Yi really wanted to call Mr. Shan out immediately and ask, what did Mr. Hei eat when he grew up? It...why is it so awesome? !

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