Chapter 37 Being pulled

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On the next journey, Qiao Yi let himself go a little bit. He was used to walking alone, so he took big and fast steps.

The Ma family had a hard time following, but they didn't dare to complain openly, but they often complained in private. Qiao Yi pretended not to hear, and patiently walked quickly for a while, then stopped, and seemed to wait a moment. Wait, and then walk quickly, just to see them anxious.

He even admires himself! There is really no one in this world who can make him so patient!

After noon, the sun was still hot and poisonous. Regardless of the sweltering heat, Qiao Yi rolled his sleeves down again and again, completely covering his wrists before he stopped. Then he pushed down the wide-brimmed hat on his head, and then he took a deep breath. Take a deep breath. He is fair and has tender skin. When he is severely sunburned, he will feel pain and itchiness. He almost sheds a layer of skin along the way and has suffered a lot.

Normally, he would never rush on the road at noon, but at such a slow pace, if they didn't walk much during the day, they would have no place to hide at night.

Qiao Yi's forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat, and he looked helplessly at the family behind him.

Without a means of transportation, the three-legged Ma San'er still became a hindrance. He had to stop and rest after walking for a long time, until he finally lost all strength and collapsed on the ground just to catch his breath.

Mrs. Ma held her son in her arms and fanned him fiercely. She could not help him up, nor could he carry it on his back. In the end, she could only stare at Qiao Yi helplessly and begged him for help: "Xiao Qiao! Please help me." Come on! We can’t just leave the third child alone!”

The second son is gone, and the eldest son who is far away in City B still doesn’t know what is going on. The only one she can count on now is this old son. Mrs. Ma has always believed that Ma Saner’s leg can be cured as long as she goes to City B. He can make money to support his family, marry his wife, and provide for her in her old age.

"Please!" Mrs. Ma looked at Qiao Yi longingly, her tears falling down as if she wanted no money. "My second brother is just such a younger brother..." As she said this, she suddenly knelt down on the ground and gave Qiao Yi a plop. Yi kowtowed.

Depend on! Cursing secretly, Qiao Yi quickly moved a step to the side to avoid her kneeling down. Who can bear this!

Fortunately, there was no one else on the road, otherwise I would have thought he was bullying the old, weak, sick and disabled!

Seeing that he was hiding, Mrs. Ma hurriedly changed direction and wanted to continue, but Qiao Yi raised her hand and stopped her: "Don't do this, I'll help you!"

He really couldn't afford to spend time with them. Seeing that most of the day had passed, if he didn't hurry up and find a place to spend the night, he would be in trouble.

Ma'er's wife kept staring at Qiao Yi nervously, fearing that he would really leave them alone if he didn't want to, so she finally breathed a sigh of relief when he agreed.

Ma San'er was ashamed, but she was afraid of death. Her eyes when she looked at Qiao Yi were filled with gratitude, but her lips moved and she didn't say a single word!

Mrs. Ma didn't care about thanking him so much. She hurriedly wiped away her tears and went to her son's side, ready to help him up.

Qiao Yi held his forehead and sighed. He had known this would be the case for a long time! What else could he do?

So, together with Mrs. Ma, they set up Ma San'er and dragged her forward, leaving only the heavy breathing and heavy footsteps of a few people along the way.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, four o'clock... five o'clock in the afternoon, the gradually darkening sky slowly invaded everyone's nerves like a huge black curtain.

And the vaguely shaking figure under the black screen in the distance is even more exciting and makes people afraid to leave their breath - the zombies are out!

And it came out much earlier!

For some unknown reason, zombies infected with the virus are very afraid of the sun and only come out at night. Therefore, the surviving humans quickly figured out the rules and tried to go out during the day to collect supplies unless they had to.

People who are traveling long distances will find shelter to stay overnight before dark, and then continue after daybreak.

"Look!" Ma'er's daughter-in-law suddenly pointed excitedly two to three hundred meters ahead. She lowered her voice and asked, "Is that a house ahead?"

Qiao Yi looked around and saw a dusty two-story building standing in front of him. Looking further away, there seemed to be several more buildings behind. It looked foggy against the night, giving people an unreal feeling. .

He couldn't care less, so Qiao Yi gave an order: "Go! Go quickly!" At the same time, he and Mrs. Ma dragged the person hard and ran forward quickly.

Two hundred meters, one hundred and fifty meters, one hundred meters, fifty meters, hope is in front of you!

"Haha... Roar!"

A scalp-numbing zombie roar came, and Qiao Yi looked back warily. A zombie seemed to be aware of the smell of flesh and blood, and was wandering over here! Although it is not fast, it is shocking enough!

Ma'er's wife seemed to have been drunk on stimulants. She rushed out with her two children and had no intention of caring about her so-called mother-in-law and brother-in-law.

Qiao Yi had a cold face and didn't say anything. He just increased his efforts to drag Ma San'er and followed closely.

But when they followed them to the door of the small building, they saw the three women kicking at a wooden door and muttering something anxiously.

"What's going on?" Qiao Yi asked coldly.

"The door can't be opened!" As she said that, Ma'er's wife kicked the door again, looked back at Qiao Yi in a panic, and said with a look of despair: "It can't be opened! What should I do?" It was not easy to find someone who could. If they can't get into the hiding place, are they going to be eaten by zombies?

Qiao Yi ignored her and quickly glanced at the door, almost spitting out a mouthful of blood!

This door should be pulled outwards! It's obvious!

If he remembered correctly, Ma'er's wife had been pushing and kicking the door just now!

stupid teammate! Can't you try it both inside and outside at this time?

No, not teammates!

Qiao Yi glanced at her speechlessly, motioned for her mother and father to get out of the way, freed up one hand, pressed the door handle down, and with another push, the door opened with a creak.

The Ma family: "..."

"You're just stupid!" Mrs. Ma couldn't hold it back and cursed her daughter-in-law in a low voice. She took the lead in the door with Ma San on her back, otherwise things would be delayed!


Qiao Yi, who had just let go of Ma San'er's arm after entering the door, suddenly felt a strong pull on his backpack from behind, and suddenly pulled him out with force. Then he saw Ma Er's wife pushing him away in a panic. She pushed the two children past her and ran towards the depths of the small building, shouting in horror: "Run, run! We're chasing them! Ah!"

Damn it! Qiao Yi was dragged back a few steps by the sudden brute force and almost fell to the ground. When he managed to stabilize his body and looked back, he saw a zombie more than ten steps away, lunging towards him with bared teeth. Come!

Without any time to think, Qiao Yi quickly raised his hand and drew out the black knife, and faced him with a single stride...

To him, what are zombies?

Aren't people more ferocious and terrifying than zombies?

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