Chapter 89: Fooled

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In order to keep an eye on Sun Feifei, Su Yue followed her almost without blinking an eye. The light in the passage came from the fire element's power ball. It didn't matter how transparent the light was, but he could clearly see his front and back. people can still do it.

Li Bowen enlarged the power ball a little more, turned around and walked back a short distance, and soon returned. He was at the end of the entire team and did not see anyone falling behind. He went back just to help confirm.

Yang Lidong took Su Yue's arm and asked him angrily: "Didn't I tell you to keep an eye on her? Why is she missing? Such a big living person!"

"Why didn't I stare? I just held hands and looked at her! Who would have thought that in just a flash of the light ball, the person disappeared!" Su Yue was even more anxious than him. A key figure like Sun Feifei disappeared at this time, and the problem became It’s serious!

Seeing that they were about to argue again, Qiao Yi dug out a handful of dirt from the wall, twisted it in his hands, and said, "Stop looking for it! We've been fooled!"

"I've been fooled!" Yang Lidong and Su Yue exclaimed almost in unison. Despite all their precautions, they still failed to guard against this girl!

"Well, this passage was newly dug. It should be a few days old. The soil is still new. We just ignored it!" Qiao Yi explained as he patted the soil off his palm.

"What about her?" Su Yue asked unwillingly. She was transformed into a living person under his nose, but he didn't even notice anything unusual!

"Zhang Yuanbao!" Xiao Huaizhou on the side said the answer coldly. The only person who can do things underground without anyone noticing is Zhang Yuanbao, the earth-type superpower.

I heard Yang Lidong say through gritted teeth: "His grandma's are actually in the same group!" He even said that he disliked her for being a hunchback and was unhappy. But he was really good at making excuses, and they all believed him!

"Now is not the time to talk about it, let's think about what to do next!" Li Bowen kicked the dirt beside the wall with his toes. Now that he knew it was their trap, someone must be monitoring their every move.

"Well, Lao Li is right. Third Young Master, what should we do? Rush out?" Yang Lidong stopped hesitating and immediately asked Xiao Huaizhou for instructions. Staying here for a second will increase the risk. Even if he is not buried alive, it will be easy. Suffer a loss and get beaten!

They have been given power, and they no longer need to sneak around here. The escape route may have been blocked, so there is only one way now. Xiao Huaizhou looked sharply at the end of the passage and gave an order: "Break the ground." !Ready to fight!"

The earth superpower user heard the sound and moved. He slapped the earth in front of him with both hands and activated his superpower. Hearing a cracking sound from the blocked wall, a gap instantly opened, and the gap opened again. It tore outward along the diagonal upward direction, and in the blink of an eye, an exit with simple earthen steps was opened!

Xiao Huaizhou protected Qiao Yi behind him the moment he gave the order, so when he poked his head out and saw the earthen staircase exit appearing in the dust, he couldn't help but marveled. This superpower is a very particular person!

Unfortunately, before Qiao Yi had time to experience the joy of climbing up the stairs, his third brother suddenly accelerated and flew up!

The moment they left the exit, the passage behind them seemed to have lost its support, and collapsed instantly!

"They haven't come out yet!" Qiao Yi exclaimed, looking down at the dusty exit. They were located near the front, and because his third brother reacted quickly enough, he escaped in time, while the others followed them. Yang Lidong, Su Yue and the others behind them were not so lucky and had no time to climb out!

"It's okay, you can't die!" Xiao Huaizhou comforted him in a low voice, and then took a step sideways to block him behind him.

"But..." Qiao Yi wanted to say more, but when he raised his head, he shut up in surprise!

They saw a lot of people gathered on three levels inside and outside in front of them, most of them holding guns in their hands, and the black muzzles of the guns were all pointed at them!

"Don't move! If you move, we won't be polite!" One of the strong men with tattoos on his shoulders threatened, then looked at Xiao Huaizhou and asked, "Are you the third young master of the Xiao family in City B?"


"That's good! Come with us! Our boss invites you!" The strong man shook the gun in his hand, pointed the muzzle behind him, and at the same time made way for a passage, waiting for people to pass through.

"Zhang Yuanlong?" Xiao Huaizhou asked calmly. They knew their identities very well. It had only been a few minutes since Sun Feifei disappeared. I'm afraid it was too late to explain it so clearly. Therefore, there must be something else that they couldn't guess. reason for arrival.

"The boss is the boss! You will know when you go there, there is so much nonsense!" The strong man urged impatiently, then glanced at Qiao Yi, who was still protected behind him, and reminded: "Hey! It's just you, He can’t go!”

Qiao Yi suddenly stuck his head out and refused loudly: "No! He can't go by himself. If he wants to go, he has to take me with him!" It's impossible to separate him from his third brother!

"Hey! Are you tired of living, kid? As I said, our boss is the only one who sees him, why are you joining in the fun!" The strong man pointed the gun at the exposed little head, and then used it with the people around him. He said with a wink: "Go, lock up that kid first!"

"Yes!" The man took the order and went straight to Qiao Yi, but before he reached the place, he suddenly screamed and fell to the ground in pain, holding his arms and wailing!

When everyone heard the sound and looked around, they couldn't help but turn pale with shock. They saw that one of the man's arms was neatly cut off with only a layer of flesh remaining connected to it! Blood and water spurted out, and the tragedy was shocking!

Swish! Click! Click!

The muzzles of the guns were raised one after another, and the sounds of bullets being loaded were heard one after another.

The strong man looked sideways at Xiao Huaizhou and said with a fierce expression: "How dare you do it!"

"Why don't you dare?" Xiao Huaizhou looked at him coldly, and then said, "If you want to touch him again, I don't mind doing it again, and... what I want is all of you here. One of the arms!"

"Ha! You're bragging!"

"Is it so cruel? Let's all go!"

"How did Lao Liu's hand get broken just now? Did you see it?"

"It's a wind power! Is it faster than a bullet?"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a murmur of murmurs.

The strong man sneered at this time and said: "Stop talking so brazenly here, Mr. Xiao! Don't forget whose territory this is! I advise you to think more about your brothers who have not crawled out from the ground. After all, Not everyone has such good skills as you, right!"

"Hmph!" Xiao Huaizhou snorted, "You can try their skills! However, if your boss wants to see me, you must take him with you! Otherwise, the only way is to take action!"

Qiao Yi seemed to be inspired. He took a step forward, rolled up his sleeves and echoed with cold eyes: "Master, I haven't done anything for a long time! Just hit him! Who is afraid of whom?"


The strong man was about to speak again, but was interrupted by a brother who came from behind. He whispered a few words into the strong man's ear, and then heard the strong man ask in surprise: "What? You want me to take you directly to Sister Sun’s room?!”

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