Chapter 138 The Ma family is finished

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In a shack at the survivor shelter base in City B, there was a fierce quarrel between women.

"It's from the second son's house! Let me go quickly!" Mrs. Ma held on to a coarse cloth bundle held in the arms of the second daughter-in-law with both hands. She wanted to use brute force, but she was afraid of tearing the bundle and scattering the food inside. , could only hold on while scolding Ma'er's wife to let go.

"I don't! You won't let go even if you kill me! We only have this little ration at home, why do you give it to others? What did you take away from us to eat? Are we going to starve to death?"

Ma'er's daughter-in-law held the baggage tightly with both hands and looked at the mother-in-law who only cared about her son and not her grandson's life with a ferocious face, as if she had to fight to the death if she wanted food.

"I'm not giving it to anyone else. It's a doctor I finally found who knows how to set bones. He can cure the third child's leg without going to the hospital. He only needs this little food. There's not much left! Get out of here!"

After Mrs. Ma entered city B and struggled to find her eldest son, she put all her thoughts on Ma San.

She was sure that the leg could be saved, but the hospital's fees were ridiculously high and they couldn't even do the most basic examination. So, she could only settle for the next best thing and look for folk remedies, even if he had to throw away a walking stick. , Ma San is not broken, their family will be saved!

Finally, she found out about an old Chinese medicine doctor who specialized in treating bruises and bruises before the end of the world. He only needed two kilograms of food for treatment. This made Mrs. Ma suddenly see hope!

I originally wanted to take advantage of the second daughter-in-law's outing today to sneak some food and take Masan to see his legs, but unexpectedly, she was blocked by this devilish daughter-in-law, who held on to the food and refused to let go!

"Doctor? The doctor needs so much food for treatment? Besides, look at the third child's legs are almost rotten. Is that something that an osteopath can cure? Are you afraid of being deceived? Anyway, we three have enough food. One copy, I don’t agree!”

As Ma Er's wife said, she hugged the bundle tightly again, took a step back, and stopped when she stepped on something.

Behind him, Masan numbly dragged the leg that her second sister-in-law had just stepped on to the side. Not only was the wound badly rotten, but he also had no feeling at all!

He had long since resigned himself to his fate and felt that the only treatment for his leg was amputation. He was satisfied that he had survived until now, so how could he dare to stand up again?

He also felt that his mother was messing around, but his words were all worn out, and he couldn't persuade the old lady, so he simply ignored it. Without food, it would be better for the whole family to starve to death together than to suffer together every day without stopping!

"Second daughter-in-law! It's not your turn to make the decision in this family! Give it to me quickly! Besides, if the third child is cured, don't we have hope? Isn't a few kilograms of food worth it?"

Old Madam Ma used 80% of her strength on her hands. Even though the old lady was very skinny, she still had the strength to pull on Madam Ma's second daughter-in-law!

"It's not worth it! It's not worth it at all! It's obviously just a waste of time, you're an old fool! Sooner or later this family will be defeated by you!"


As soon as Ma Er's daughter-in-law finished speaking, a loud slap sounded, and her left cheek immediately started to hurt. Mrs. Ma used a lot of force this time!

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