Chapter 47 Revenge

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Qiao Yi couldn't help but sigh. They had just found a place to spend the night, and before their butts even touched the ground, they met Cai's family, then a mutated rat, and then a mutated weasel. After all this trouble, it was late at night.

However, things are not over yet!

Looking at Huang Chenggang who was hanging high on the beam in front of him, Qiao Yi had already listed dozens of ways to kill him. He smacked his lips secretly. He was originally a good young man, but he would devote himself to studying various methods. To put people to death, the world has really changed!

As for Xiao Huaizhou, his eyes had already turned into sharp blades and he had passed this person countless times. Xiao Yi who dared to harm him was destined not to live long!

"Have you thought about it?" Xiao Huaizhou added a piece of firewood to the fire, and sparks flew upward.

Qiao Yi was wrapped in a military cloak, his little face flushed red by the firelight. When he heard Xiao Huaizhou ask him, he pouted and said, "Hate has limited my imagination, I haven't thought about it yet!"

Hearing this, Xiao Huaizhou laughed, didn't he say he was eager for revenge? But this kid is so particular about revenge, so it seems like he has to help!

"How about tit for tat?"

Qiao Yi tilted his head and looked at him and asked, "Feed him to the zombies too?" He was being chased by a zombie wave at that time, with hundreds of mouths! He wanted to see Huang Cheng's expression just after he fell into the pile of zombies, but this wave of zombies was not something that he just met when he met them, right?

Xiao Huaizhou gave him a comforting look and said solemnly: "Then wake up first!"

As he spoke, a small wind blade in his hand hit directly where his eyes were pointing, and the next second Huang Chenggang was heard crying out in pain: "Ah~!"

Wake up instantly!

Qiao Yi opened his eyes wide and saw that his right index finger had been cut off at the joint, and blood suddenly poured out and flowed down his wrist.

This wake-up method is really painful!

"Ah! Ah!" Huang Chenggang struggled and cried out in pain several times before he realized that he was already a prisoner.

"Qiao, Qiao Yi! It's you!" He gritted his teeth and stared at Qiao Yi and asked! I was almost flying when I ran, but I still fell into his hands!

Suddenly thinking of the mutated snake that knocked him unconscious with its tail, he couldn't help but shudder, but it didn't swallow him in one gulp!

Qiao Yi stood up, walked over to him, and chuckled: "What, besides me, who else wants your life?"

"You want my life, are you right?" Huang Chenggang said in a trembling voice. He wanted to find out how much Qiao Yi knew first.

"How could I be wrong? Last time I encountered a sudden wave of zombies, I saw with my own eyes, Brother Huang, you personally blocked the door of my escape room!" Qiao Yi paced back and forth, then turned to look at him: "What if You guessed it right, my previous leg injury was also caused by you, right?"

"..." Huang Chenggang looked at him in surprise, and asked with some confusion: "You were already awake at that time?"

Qiao Yi nodded calmly: "Yes, I woke up from a nightmare, and I heard everything I should have heard. Of course, Brother Huang's care for me has not fallen behind!"

Thinking of something, Huang Chenggang suddenly shook his head and denied: "No, you deceived me, right?" Since he woke up long ago, why not come out while Cai Jincheng is there, so that Cai Jincheng will not abandon him.

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