Chapter 74 Rent a Donkey

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A group of five people were quickly driven into the city because of Luo Junjie's extra help. Although it sounded a bit indecent, Qiao Yi couldn't hold back his curiosity and wanted to read the few pages of the magazine held in Luo Junjie's hand. Take a look.

The title is "The new idol boy is suspected of being a big star and deliberately ignores the interview with a reporter from a certain station." Below the title is a snapshot of Liu Jiayu rolling his eyes into the microphone and shaking his bangs. Not to mention that it is very consistent with Liu Jiayu's scene just now. It is the real person!

Therefore, during the next inspection, Qiao Yi smiled almost all the way, making the staff think they had touched his smile point?

Xiao Huaizhou snatched the pieces of torn paper from his hand, stuffed it back into Luo Junjie's hand unceremoniously, and then gave the order to use it as soon as possible. You still have a piece of toilet paper to appreciate, you are so idle!

After being released from the inspection office, Xiao Huaizhou turned his attention to Li Bowen. He was most familiar with this place and it shouldn't be difficult to find a place to stay. "Where is the place to stay? It's best to have a hospital nearby."

Li Bowen acted as a tour guide without hesitation, "The hospitals with better medical conditions here are all in the center of the city, and there are more accommodations there. Even if it is further away, it will take thirty or forty minutes to walk there!"

"Where's the rental car?"

"You can rent a car or take a taxi, but..." At this point, Li Bowen raised his eyes and scanned the area, and then sighed helplessly, "You have to walk for another ten minutes to get a car!"

After hearing what he said, everyone noticed that there were really no vehicles lingering in the area near the city gate to solicit customers. Instead, there were many people gathered under an awning, discussing something.

Looking more closely, they found that there was a large area behind the awning, which was simply surrounded by wood. Just when they were all curious about what was locked inside, they heard a burst of "Oh-ah-oh." Ah-oh!" the cry rang out!

"Donkey?" Qiao Yi called out in surprise.

Li Bowen spread his hands speechlessly: "I was just about to say, you can't rent a car here, you can only rent a donkey!"

Yang Lidong also felt baffled, but when he saw that people were leading donkeys out one after another, and then riding on them one after another, and walking away in such a swagger, he couldn't help but ask: "Why is this?"

Although Li Bowen had just arrived, he had already inquired about this matter clearly, so he patiently explained: "The owner of the donkey shed is the brother-in-law of the city lord Lei Maosheng, his surname is Zhu and his name is Yongfu. It is said that he was a donkey dealer before the end of the world. After the end of the world, his brother-in-law became powerful and became the lord of a city. He had no other abilities, and he happened to still have a lot of donkeys left in his hands. Selling meat was not valuable anymore, so he came up with this method of borrowing donkeys to make money."

"Then Lei Maosheng is so conniving at his brother-in-law's monopoly?" Qiao Yi followed the little gossip.

Hearing this, Li Bowen showed a look of contempt and snorted: "Lei Maosheng has benefited a lot from it, so why would he care about it? Not only does he not care about it, he also sends people to suppress those car rental companies overtly and covertly, hoping to survive." You can’t come over to join in the fun! Over time, it has become the default rule!”

When he said this, everyone understood it clearly. It was an unabashed nepotism and a dominance clause for one family to dominate!

Seeing that Yang Lidong had figured it out, he stopped wasting time and turned to Xiao Huaizhou for instructions: "Third Young Master, what do you think we should do? Should we go ahead and rent a car, or rent a donkey directly here?"

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