Chapter 27 Twisted Heart

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After contacting each other, Qiao Yi was certain that Wu Guangli's words were not false. After all, when their lives were at stake, they would not take advantage of him for the Wan family.

As for what they learned from Liu Mingjia and Fang Heping, on the surface it seemed to be just that, but upon closer inspection, some details needed to be considered, and these details were beyond the control of Wu Guangli and the others.

For example, does the so-called evidence left by Liu Jinghai exist? Liu Jinghai secretly investigated the Wan family for so long without revealing any clues. Why did Wan Jianxin get the news as soon as he died? Also, there are quite a few earth-type superpowers who have awakened after the apocalypse. There are numerous large and small superpower groups in the huge B City base. How can Liu Mingjia be so sure that the earth-type superpower from Jianhua Superpower Group did it? What a coincidence!

If Liu Mingjia had not attacked him, perhaps he would have completely believed them, and would have felt gratified that he had helped them. It could be regarded as a heroic act of punishing the strong and supporting the weak.

But in the end, he was tricked, which forced him to re-examine the couple who fell out with each other faster than turning the pages of a book. By the way, there was also Fang Xiaoyu. Even though she was only a five- or six-year-old child, she It won't be as simple as it seems.

There were a lot of doubts. Now that Qiao Yi was here, he naturally wanted to ask clearly. The feeling of being bitten back by a white-eyed wolf is not a good feeling. You have to go back and make amends.

Liu Mingjia was a little shocked when she heard Qiao Yi say that she wanted to hear the real truth. She didn't expect that the man in front of her was so thoughtful and discovered the anomaly so quickly! But what if we find out? How much can he tell if there is a problem? What's more, the person is already in her hands, and he's not just at her mercy!

"What Mr. Qiao said, what we said before is still nonsense, and what Wu Guangli and the others said can be proven, right? I don't understand this. What else does Mr. Qiao want to hear?"

Qiao Yi raised his head slightly, looked at Fang Heping who had been silent next to him, then looked directly at her, and said with a solemn expression: "Of course it's the truth you haven't told, such as... is there any evidence? If so, Is it still in your hands?"

Hearing this, Fang Heping clenched his fists unconsciously, this kid would actually pay attention to this!

But Liu Mingjia seemed much calmer, looking back at him calmly, and then said calmly: "So you want to know this, so what can't you say? Of course there is evidence, and it is complete. Let's put it this way, if everything is true If so, the Wan family will have only one way to be destroyed!"

Qiao Yi couldn't help but said clearly: "Really? No wonder the Wan family will find you at all costs!" Those evidences are like hidden time bombs. If they are not found as soon as possible, they may explode suddenly. Of course, the family does not allow such hidden dangers to exist.

After hearing this, Liu Mingjia grinned and said with some contempt: "Ha! But Wanjia still thought wrong. How could we carry such an important thing with us?"

She paused and then said: "What if I were caught and found out one day, wouldn't I die without a burial? I'm not that stupid!"

Qiao Yi nodded in agreement: "That's true, but I guess Ms. Liu can't just hide the evidence somewhere!" There is no absolutely safe place to live in the apocalypse, and any place can be destroyed at any time. There is only one possibility of destruction. Liu Mingjia entrusted the evidence to someone, and it was someone who was absolutely opposed to the Wan family!

"The evidence is in other people's hands!" Qiao Yi said decisively.

Hearing this, Liu Mingjia glanced at Qiao Yi with some admiration, "Mr. Qiao is indeed wise! You are right. Before escaping from City B, I had already entrusted the evidence to a very reliable person. If I didn't estimate that If it’s wrong…”

She turned her head and took a deep look at Fang Heping, and said with a knowing smile: "Those evidences are about to be revealed to the light!"

Qiao Yi didn't react much after hearing what she said. As he expected, Liu Mingjia was not as simple as it seemed. On the contrary, it was like a certain link in her plan, and Qiao Yi only had to move forward along this link. , problems will be discovered one after another.

Thinking of this, Qiao Yi simply continued to ask: "Ms. Liu, what do you think of your father's death? Why can you conclude just from the collapse of the road that it was caused by the earth-type superpower of the Wan family? If this debt is settled on Wanjia’s head, it seems a bit reluctant!”

"My father's death?" Liu Mingjia looked at Qiao Yi sideways and said in disbelief: "Don't you think Mr. Qiao is taking too much care? Don't forget your current situation!"

Qiao Yi smiled and said: "I don't care about your life or death anyway. It doesn't hurt to care a little more. You also said that I am already like this, so what else do I have to worry about? My questions and your answers are too boring. Why don't you say more, if for no other reason than I helped you get rid of Wu Guangli and the other two, so you can always save me a lot of words!"

Liu Mingjia chuckled and said: "You are free and easy, but I can only tell you that even if there are thousands of people with earth powers, only the Wanjia family is willing to kill my father. There is no one else to doubt. .”

Qiao Yi decisively denied her words: "I don't think so! I believe it was the earth-type supernatural being who did it, but it's not necessarily the case that Wanjia instigated it. Are you right?"

"What do you mean by that?" Liu Mingjia stared at him in shock after hearing this.

But Fang Heping's intuition was that something was wrong, so he hurriedly grabbed Liu Mingjia, stopped her and said: "Jiajia, don't listen to him, there is no need to tell him so much! Ask him about the crystal core and the mutated snake. If it doesn't work, just kill him. Forget it, this person knows too much, I can’t keep him here!”

Qiao Yi sneered. It turns out that the one who speaks the least is the one with the cruelest heart!

"Mr. Fang, are you so afraid of me asking, am I guessing right?" Qiao Yi turned to look at Liu Mingjia with a menacing look: "The one who made that earth power user take action was Liu Mingjia, who has the mental control power. Madam! Tsk! I'm really curious, what kind of hatred could make Ms. Liu kill her father?" Qiao Yi guessed that under normal circumstances, such a mind must be extremely twisted.

Fang Heping exclaimed: "You... what are you talking about?" Then he turned to Liu Mingjia and shouted: "Jiajia! Don't listen to him!"

After Liu Mingjia was stunned for a moment, he suddenly shook his shoulders and laughed: "Haha~haha~! Mr. Qiao is really amazing! You actually... guessed it!"

Then she stared at Qiao Yi with a ferocious face and said viciously: "That's right! I did it! It was my own plan to kill my father... Liu, Jing, Hai!"

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