Chapter 56 If you don't take it, you won't get it

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There is no free pie in the sky. Xiao Huaizhou knows better than anyone else. It seems that he accidentally saved Sun Feifei, but there is still a bit of weirdness behind it.

Healing powers are in demand everywhere. As Yang Lidong said, they are treasures. Shouldn't they be hidden and well protected?

Why did he just pick it up?

Seeing Xiao Huaizhou asking, Yang Lidong also put forward Sun Feifei's request exactly: "She said that as long as we can go to Rongan Base to rescue her family, then she will stay and she will never betray her in the future!"

"Oh? Save people?" Xiao Huaizhou groaned, and then asked: "I left in a hurry last night, please tell me what happened!"

Yang Lidong glanced back at the off-road vehicle, then sorted out his thoughts briefly, and then slowly started to speak: "According to this Sun Feifei, before the end of the world, their family was originally doing business, and she and her brother were going to Rong. Anti-shipping, the apocalypse has broken out..."

It turned out that after the apocalypse broke out, the two brothers and sisters who luckily did not turn into zombies were trapped in a warehouse together with many survivors. Thanks to the strong construction of the warehouse, it was also a transit warehouse specializing in storing rice, noodles and other non-staple food commodities. They were not trapped and starved to death inside.

At first, they thought about waiting for rescue from the government or the army, but after waiting for more than twenty days, they could not wait for the rescuers to arrive. Instead, they ushered in waves of various forces, all trying to collect Stealing supplies.

Although they, the survivors, have awakened many people with superpowers, they have been isolated from the world for a long time and have not been able to learn about the methods of improving superpowers from the outside world in time. Their strength is too weak to compare with people outside!

Fortunately, Rongan is a medium-sized logistics distribution center with hundreds of large and small warehouses and abundant supplies. As the first survivors, they managed to hold on to that warehouse.

"However, they couldn't hold on for long!" At this point, Yang Lidong stopped to take a breath.

"Another great person is here?" Xiao Huaizhou seemed to have guessed the ending and glanced up at him.

Qiao Yi also remembered something at this time, so he also discussed it: "If I remember correctly, this Rongan base is the Rongan Logistics Park east of Fengyang, right?"

Yang Lidong immediately nodded and confirmed: "Young master Qiao is right, that's where it is, it's also a famous logistics distribution center in the country!"

Qiao Yi touched his chin and curled his lips: "No wonder, there are so many supplies, and without strong strength, no one can hold it! Moreover, there are probably not a few people who covet a place like this!"

Xiao Huaizhou said: "No matter how many things there are, they will always be counted. Sooner or later, they will all be divided up, unless..."

Qiao Yi took it without thinking: "Unless it really falls into the hands of someone who no one dares to provoke easily!"

Yang Lidong clapped his hands excitedly: "Third Young Master, Young Master Qiao, you were right! A group of people really came. How should I put it? According to Sun Feifei, they are a group of extremely vicious people!"

Xiao Huaizhou urged him directly: "Who is he?"

Yang Lidong stopped talking nonsense and replied simply: "They are the three brothers of the Zhang family who came out of Pingdong Prison!"

Xiao Huaizhou looked sideways and asked, "Three Zhang brothers? Do you have weapons in your hands?"

Yang Lidong: "Yes. Sun Feifei said that they brought hundreds of people, many of whom had guns in their hands. After occupying Rongan, they simply consolidated the remaining supplies, centrally guarded them, and reinforced the fence. They built several warehouses and built a small base because they had guns in their hands. Two of the three brothers were superpowers and acted quite ruthlessly. Those who were interested in the supplies did not get any benefits. In addition, he has a bad reputation as a serious criminal, so after such a long time, he was actually allowed to be guarded by them!"

Qiao Yi nuzzled: "It's really hard to mess with people who are ruthless and have guns. So how did this Sun Feifei escape?"

Yang Lidong knew that this was a key question, so he asked Sun Feifei carefully, and quickly replied: "Sun Feifei has healing powers and is also good at talking, so she is favored by the three brothers of the Zhang family. She and her brother live together. Not bad, but recently, the third son of the Zhang family has been harassing her frequently, thinking that she would follow him."

He paused briefly and then continued: "You know that the third child of the Zhang family is a little hunchback less than 1.4 meters tall. Sun Feifei is naturally not happy because she is beautiful and has special powers. But looking at that person who is determined to win, Sun Feifei I couldn’t wait any longer, so I took advantage of the opportunity when I went out with the team to hunt for crystal cores and escaped secretly, just in time to meet Third Young Master being brought back!”

After hearing what he said, Qiao Yi raised her hand to rub her nose, frowned and looked at Xiao Huaizhou and said, "What seems to be wrong? She escaped so easily, but what about her brother? Doesn't she care about his life or death?"

Xiao Huaizhou looked at Yang Lidong and motioned for him to answer quickly!

Yang Lidong cleared his throat quickly and continued: "Sun Feifei said that in order to be attached to the three brothers of the Zhang family, her brother actually agreed to the request of the third brother of the Zhang family, and also advised her to relent as soon as possible so as not to offend anyone. For this reason, the brother and sister also made a fuss. It’s unpleasant. When she decided to escape, she really didn’t want to care about her brother’s life or death, but then she met us and felt that there was hope of saving people. After all, she couldn’t bear to give up her only relative, so she made the request to save people!”

Tsk tsk! Qiao Yi secretly smacked his tongue. One sells his sister to seek glory, while the other runs for his life alone. Is this kind of family affection still considered family affection?

He turned to look at his third brother: "Third brother, what do you think?"

Xiao Huaizhou rubbed his head and said softly: "Don't believe everything you say!"

"Then what are your plans?" Qiao Yi raised his hand and touched the hair that was messed up by him, and asked him with squinting eyes.

Xiao Huaizhou smiled calmly and said, "If it's true or false, just go and see and you'll find out!"

"Ah? Are you planning to go to Rongan Base?"

"Well, let's not talk about anything else. After all, she is an extremely rare healing power user. Such powers are hard to come by. If she can successfully rescue her brother and let her stay, this deal will be worthwhile!" Xiao Huaizhou said slowly, and smoothed out a strand of Qiao Yi's hair that was messed up. His movements were very natural.

Yang Lidong had been dumbfounded for a moment since he saw Xiao Huaizhou smile. He hadn't seen his third young master smile for a long time. It was indeed a pleasure to find Young Master Qiao!

When he heard that Xiao Huaizhou was going to Rongan to save someone, he immediately jumped in: "Yes, this power is so useful! It heals wounds at a speed visible to the naked eye! It's worth a trip to save someone!"

Qiao Yi suddenly remembered that he had injured his leg at that time, and Black Jade helped him heal the wound. He just didn't know if it could help others heal it. Maybe he could find a chance to try it!

Just as he was thinking about it, Xiao Huaizhou spoke again: "One more thing, don't forget, what should we do first before going to Qingyu Peak?"

Hearing this, Qiao Yi rolled his eyes and thought for a moment, then suddenly said in surprise: "Materials!"

Xiao Huaizhou nodded happily: "That's right! If you don't take the ready-made materials, it will be free!"

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