Chapter 51 Is the Xiao family going to move?

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With his third brother taking the initiative to be his seed supplier, Qiao Yi's lips almost turned into smiles.

Although he could guess that the Xiao family must be doing well in City B, he still didn't have an accurate idea. However, Xiao Huaizhou's attitude of giving him whatever he wanted immediately gave him great confidence.

Therefore, Qiao Yi immediately made up his mind to be a prodigal son first and get what he can collect first. Anyway, in the end, whether it is his or the Xiao family's, they are all his own, and no one loses!

Thinking of the Xiao family, Qiao Yi suddenly realized that he hadn't asked his third brother how his grandfather was doing yet.

"By the way, third brother, I haven't had time to ask how your grandpa is doing? Is he in good health?"

Xiao Huaizhou nodded back to him: "Grandpa, everything is fine with him. He is just worried about you and hopes to get you back soon!"

Hearing this, Qiao Yi's expression became a little heavier, and he said sadly: "It's all my fault, I made grandpa worry!"

Before the end of the world, he received a letter from his grandfather, asking him not to worry and return to the Xiao family as soon as possible. However, Mr. Cai was not in good health at that time, so he suppressed it and did not mention it. But after Mr. Cai passed away, he If you want to leave again, you won't be able to leave. The end of the world is coming!

Xiao Huaizhou couldn't bear to see him sad, and quickly comforted him: "Don't blame yourself, grandpa understands you, and he also believes that you will take care of yourself!"

After thinking about it, he continued: "The Xiao family is also ashamed of you. They failed to take you back at the beginning of the end of the world and made you suffer!"

Hearing this, Qiao Yi quickly controlled his emotions and waved his hands repeatedly: "What did third brother say? I haven't suffered much. Apart from being plotted by Huang Chenggang and Zhang Shumian, the Cai family didn't treat me badly! You see, I'm doing well now." How wonderful! There is space, there are mutated snakes, and I have met you, I dare say no one will be luckier than me!"

"Well, you are doing well indeed! Little rich man!" Xiao Huaizhou answered his words with a smile, and looked at him tenderly: "I am also very lucky to find you so quickly!"

Qiao Yi realized what he was doing and asked: "Did the third brother come out specifically to see me this time?"

A man rushes to stand up for him in a hurry, even leaving the people under him behind. His third brother, this is so interesting!

"Well, I'm just here to find you!" Xiao Huaizhou nodded calmly, and then continued: "My people found out that the Cai family has established a small base in the industrial park of R city. I guess you have nowhere to go. It's very possible. We were still at Cai’s house, so we rushed all the way there!”

"You went to the industrial park base?" After hearing this, Qiao Yi frowned and asked in confusion: "Then what happened to Cai Jincheng and the others? Why did they appear in the small building? Could it be that the industrial park base also..."

Xiao Huaizhou didn't wait for him to finish, and took over directly: "You are right, the industrial park base has been destroyed!"

"Ah? Destroyed? Zombie wave?" Qiao Yi had thought that the industrial park base could not be safe forever, but he did not expect that it would fall so quickly!

Xiao Huaizhou said: "It's a zombie wave. However, Cai Jincheng is very foresighted and decisive. He started evacuating the survivors a few days ago. They are the last batch to evacuate."

"When I led people to take a detour to the industrial park base, I met many survivors who had evacuated from there. I thought I could block you all the way, but I still missed them."

"Ah? What's going on?" Qiao Yi asked casually.

"It's nothing. I encountered something on the way and was delayed for a while, so I missed it." Xiao Huaizhou responded lightly. In fact, he was still a little upset. It was this little incident that made him almost lose the whereabouts of the Cai family again.

Qiao Yi asked him: "What happened after that? You just arrived at the industrial park base? Did you meet any zombies?"

Xiao Huaizhou continued what he had said before: "By the time we arrived, the base had already fallen, so we could only hurry back and chase them along the evacuation route of those people. After determining the general direction, I rushed ahead. past!"

Qiao Yi nodded: "Oh, that's it! Why did the Cai family suddenly appear? It's not possible if we don't leave! Now it seems that there is no safe base near the R city base that can withstand the zombie wave. Alright?"

"Uh~, that's indeed what happened!" Xiao Huaizhou was also deeply puzzled by this question. He made some mistakes and found that the frequent zombie waves in the past month or so seemed to be centered around R City. These zombies They began to gather from nowhere, moving from north to south, passing through R urban area and the surrounding security bases, and finally disappeared near Qingyu Mountain.

This made him think that there were a lot of zombies hiding in the Qingyu Mountain area, and he also ordered the road to Qingyu Mountain to be blocked. If he hadn't been concerned that there were some small bases around R City, he would have almost organized troops and firepower to directly Blast Qingyu Mountain!

Qiao Yi did not expect that his third brother would almost bomb the Qingyu Peak Underground City where he planned to retire. Instead, he focused on the safety of City B. He asked: "Is everything okay over there in City B?" Well, wouldn’t you say that most of the zombie wave has gone south?”

Xiao Huaizhou said softly: "There is no problem in City B. The general small and medium-sized zombie wave can't attack City B? And City B is guarded by our Xiao family, so how can something happen so easily? Don't worry!"

Hearing this, Qiao Yi smiled and praised: "The Xiao family is so awesome!"

Seeing his stupid look, Xiao Huaizhou couldn't help but curl up his lips and raised his eyebrows and asked him, "What do you think?"

"It doesn't matter what I say, you must be powerful and awesome!" Qiao Yi emphasized arrogantly. His third brother is already so powerful, let alone the other members of the Xiao family. I guarantee that everyone is better than him!

"You'll know when you go back and take a look!" Xiao Huaizhou said softly. Qiao Yi was proud of the Xiao family, which made him feel inexplicably happy. He must make the Xiao family stronger!

However, Qiao Yi couldn't help but frown when thinking about City B. The small and medium-sized zombie wave was no problem, but what about the large zombie wave? If hundreds of thousands or even millions of zombies besiege the city, no matter how strong City B is, can it withstand it? If you can withstand it once or twice, can you guarantee that you can avoid danger every time and live a safe life?

The answer is naturally no!

In the zombie wave encountered by the Ark base, the number of third-level supernatural zombies has increased a lot, and ordinary second-level and third-level zombies account for a large proportion. This shows that the evolution speed of zombies is constantly accelerating. By then, I am afraid, There really is no safe base that can claim to be safe!

Of course, except for my own Qingyu Peak Dungeon!

Thinking of this, Qiao Yi rubbed his hands, thought for a moment, then raised his head, looked at Xiao Huaizhou with burning eyes and said, "Third brother, should the Xiao family consider moving?"

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