Chapter 197 The Xiao family is responsible for beating him to death

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In a remote corner outside the station of the Jincheng Superpower Group, a pair of eyes wrapped in thick cloth were staring at the gate of the station. Seeing the familiar vehicle slowly driving out, he couldn't hide his excitement and was about to rush out to stop the car, but suddenly someone covered his mouth and dragged him back to the corner.

"You've lived enough, haven't you! How long has it been before you dare to come to him?" Seeing that the car was gone, he let go of his hand, pressed the person against the wall behind him, and scolded him in a low voice.

Zhang Shumian broke off those big hands with all his strength, looked desperately in the direction where the car left, and yelled at him angrily: "I blame you! If it weren't for you, why would I be where I am today! Why are you stopping me from looking for Brother Jincheng?"

Chen Younian pried off his head and asked him to look directly at him. His tone was full of coldness: "Ha! You've felt better these past two days, haven't you? Blame me? Don't forget, it was all your initiative? You have to blame You can only blame yourself!"

He had never seen someone who could turn against someone so quickly than he could flip through a book. After being kicked out, in order to make himself feel better, Brother Chen yelled and pestered him to help him save him, but he didn't care about his own injuries. , using his damaged superpower to help him get rid of the cold, he has done his best!

As soon as this situation eased, he sneaked back. Is his memory so bad? They have been driven out by Cai Jincheng!

Hearing this, Zhang Shumian shed tears and shook his head in denial: "No, that's not the case! Brother Jincheng didn't listen to my explanation. As long as he is willing to listen, he will definitely forgive me!"

Chen Younian looked at him speechlessly, too lazy to argue with him anymore, "You'd better think about the current difficulty first! The whole city is looking for you. You should know what you have done. If you don't want to be caught, don't go out again. Got it!"

In the past few days, people from the military department were looking for Zhang Shumian everywhere. Chen Younian asked him what he had done, but Zhang Shumian remained silent. Thinking of the infection cases that the military department was investigating, Chen Younian felt bad and took him to hide around. He is just restless, and he will run out if he is not careful!

I don’t think about whether his brother Jincheng is someone who will turn around easily? It’s just a ridiculous dream!

As soon as this matter was mentioned, Zhang Shumian was speechless. Chen Younian stepped forward and threatened fiercely: "If you don't obey me again, I won't care about you!"

This was what he said from his heart. If he hadn't slept with him and found it to his liking, he wouldn't have been a drag around him!

Turning back and taking a deep look at the base gate, Chen Younian took Zhang Shumian, who was unwilling but helpless, and left quietly!

At the same time, Qiao Yi, who had just finished resting, took his third brother out of the Xiao family's mansion. Today's destination was a coffee shop with the highest quality and good reputation in the inner city. Hu Chihai had been drinking for a few days, so it was just a change. taste!

Because the distance was so close, they didn't have to drive, so they could just walk and shop, experiencing a rare leisure time.

Unfortunately, unfortunately, they were blocked by two women just a few steps out of the door.

"Huaizhou! Yo! Is this Xiao Yi?"

Xu Meihui spoke first when she stopped him. After greeting Xiao Huaizhou, she set her sights on Qiao Yi.

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